Friday, April 22, 2011

Unidentified Submerged Objects

The picture above was taken by ANTONELLA LAZZERI, for the SUN Newspaper Company. It is a picture of a UFO, spotted above a ship in Cornwall, England, on December 29, 2007.

This is a link to the Sun Newspaper.

You be surprises what goes on in our air, on the ground, and in our seas. In the air, we have UFOs or Undentified Flying Object but very few people know about USOs or Unidentifed Submerged Objects. It has been said that people have been living in our oceans since man walked the Earth. The City of Atlantis is suppose to be some place in the western Atlantic near the United States.

According to the History Channel, the sightings of UFOs traversing the ocean are not new. On June 18, 1845 according to the Malta Times (Malta is a group of islands in the Mediterranean south of Sicily. It was a British colony until 1964.) when the "Brigantine Victoria" was some 900 miles east of Adalia, her crew saw three luminous bodies emerge from the sea into the air. They were visible for ten minutes, flying a half mile from the ship. There were other witnesses who saw this same UFO phenomena from Adalia, Syria, and Malta. The luminous bodies each displayed an apparent diameter larger than the size of the full moon.

On March 22, 1870, in the equatorial waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the sailors of the English "Corvette Lady of the Lake" saw a lenticular cloud with a long tail advancing against the wind. This form was visible for an hour, wrote Captain F.W. Banner in the ship's log. The drawing by Banner in his log looked extraordinarily like a flying saucer.

This picture shows a flying machine leaving the ocean.

There are thousands of these reported sightings, many with pictures. In addition there are reports of bases off the coast of different countries and continents, such as northern South America; Puerto Rico; Russia; under the North Sea; Scotland; Patagonia Coast, Argentina; Azores Islands, Portugal; Spain; Canaries; Canada; Japan; USA; Dominican Republic; Spitzbergen, Norway; Newfoundland, among others.

The History Channel presented this video information about USO below. I am sure you will get an education.

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 1 of 6

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 2 of 6

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 3 of 6

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 4 of 6

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 5 of 6

USO -- Deep Sea UFOs Part 6 of 6

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