Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Societal Transformation Through Extraterrestrial Contact

We do have people who believe that anyone from out of town has all the answers. It does not matter if they come from the next town over or the next galaxy over, they have the answers. This is what I hear Ed Komarek saying in this editorial. This is something that I reject. I bet these aliens have as many problems as we do. If they didn't, they would have taken over human society a long time ago.

Let just wait until the hybrid Jesus gets back because one of these aliens maybe the anti-christ!

Societal Transformation Through Extraterrestrial Contact

Posted: 17:45 October 6, 2007

In my article Fighting The UFO/ET Information War I made my case as to why it is so important to both the individual and society to have UFO/ET disclosure. I believe that open contact with advanced ethical extraterrestrial civilizations will give humanity an opportunity to transform and raise humanities consciousness much more rapidly that if we were to go it alone. We won't have to reinvent the wheel so to speak.

As I stated in the Information War article, if humanity sees that there is a better way to live and run its affairs, this in itself can rapidly accelerate our evolution. I believe that because American elites already have some limited degree of contact and access to crashed craft they have been able to to accelerate technological development here in the United States and around the world. Col Philip Corso in his book the Day After Roswell articulates this process well.

Unfortunately elite control of extraterrestrial affairs has thrown human evolution on this planet off balance because those having and controlling contact have a lust for power and dominion over the rest of society. The controlling elite have chosen selective technological development that favors their continued control over society rather than ethical and moral transformation. As a result, our technological development is far outstripping our ethical development, and this is fueling powerful destructive trends causing societal and environmental degradation around the globe.

These destructive imbalances are turning back on those responsible,causing a breakdown of the established order. Many realize that the established order is rapidly losing the support of the public worldwide as it falls under its own corrupt weight. Because of this weakening of the established order there is hope that a better world can rise from the ashes of the old.

I have given a considerable amount of thought as to how advanced ethical civilizations might be organized. I would like to remind those that I do not believe all stellar civilizations to be ethical or friendly. We can learn from those that are unethical because we can see our future if we are not able to turn things around. I believe we can learn far more from the ethical stellar civilizations and this is the area I concentrate my attention.

If we consider today's developments in advanced communication and the Internet along with how nature organizes individual cellular organisms into bodies we might just be able to vaguely understand how a advanced stellar civilization might be organized. Eureka! Advanced stellar civilizations are organized and function the same way our bodies do!!!!!!

For a number of years now I have been thinking that as civilization on earth develops it seems to be copying natural processes. The first cells were independent organisms in their own right that floated or swam about in the ancient oceans and still do today. Then these cells got together into structures like sponges and shared a common physical infrastructure. I compare this to small independent farmers who's sons and daughters move to the city and live in work in apartments and skyscrapers.

The next evolutionary step in nature is for cells to begin to form advanced communication networks amongst themselves so as to work together as one organism. I compare this to the development of first telephone lines and telecommunications systems. When in nature a central control brain and nervous system develops in natural organisms I compare that to the now rapidly evolving Internet.

It is a know fact that when new life is created in an advanced organism as in a human, that life starts as a single cell that then divides into many cells and finally develops brain, nervous system, skeletal system etc. following the evolutionary patterns of life itself on this planet over billions of years. In humans the fetus grows gills, tail etc. following the evolutionary processes of life. In time the gills and tail get dropped and we have a fetus that looks human.

I have to ask myself, is this process starting all over again with individual humans getting organized into cities, into structures with all the infrastructure to sustain life in each office and apartment? Are we just starting along the path that will one day result in huge space-time faring artificial environments supporting thousands perhaps millions and more people?

With the advent of the Internet expanding amongst the autocratic planetary organizational regimes it seems to me that a new form of more advanced civilization on the horizon? Are we witnessing a new structure that equally distributes resources throughout the whole civilization or body of individuals. Are we becoming a civilization that only restricts and prioritizes resources in emergencies like when the brain shuts off blood flow to all but the must vital organs in an emergency, recognizing that losing a limb does not kill the whole organism but losing a brain will?

If what I have to say here is true then we can expect advanced stellar civilizations to function as whole individuals rather than disorganized collections of cells organized in less advanced ways as in master-slave competitive relationships. In an advanced stellar civilization basic resources for individual survival and happiness might be allocated equally with all additional resources prioritized to different institutions within society. Extra resources would be allocated according to the overall benefit to the whole of society as in the vital organs of the body and applied selectively as to whatever task is at hand like to the muscle cells during a marathon run.

In a nutshell I see an advanced civilization coming to a consensus amongst its individuals in real time, moment to moment, using artificial nervous networks and an advanced Internet connected to intelligent computers. If a finger is injured or starved, that information is relayed through our central nervous system and actions are taken by the body as a whole to remedy the situation. I believe that exactly the same thing is happening with a stellar civilization. (organism)
The individuals in such a system give up a certain amount of independence, but are returned many times over by enhanced quality of life, individual happiness and a higher level of consciousness that no one individual or group of individuals could possibly imagine.

Eureka!!! Wow that?s it!!!! It?s so simple !!!!!!

If civilizations for some reason fail to evolve then we can expect powerful destructive devolutionary effects. A civilization devolving might still be very powerful and dangerous until it finally collapses from the destructive effects of ever more sophisticated predatory internal and external interrelationships. Not a very pleasant prospect for the future of earth's humanity should we choose to go that route.

One Exopolitical Persons Opinion

Some people think that I am nuts for talking about UFOs because in their minds, aliens do not exist. After all, people on Earth are the only people God made. I have given you evidence that Aliens are killing people, setting up a colony between China and India, and traveling in our skies, in space, and in our oceans. Yet many don’t see that this single issue will change the lives of our descendents.

I thought that I would give you an opinion of Exopolitician Ed Komarek on the issue of colonization of Earth by alien beings.

Are We Covertly Being Colonized By Aliens?

Posted: 12:15 April 9, 2008

Those of us involved in the emerging field of exopolitics attempt to make sense out of the huge body of evidence available to us involving extraterrestrial reality. I believe the stakes are very high for all of humanity that we collectively understand our situation relative to UFO/ET reality. Developing this situational awareness involves understanding the real reasons for 60 year old UFO/ET cover up even while we struggle to end it.

The pattern I see emerging which I think is reasonably accurate is that we can define two categories of extraterrestrials, colonizers and liberators, interacting with humanity that are the most important for us to understand. I have written previously that there are two very basic evolutionary strategies in nature competition and cooperation, and because we are part of nature our society is driven by these evolutionary forces.

Just as with the laws of physics I see no reason why these evolutionary laws do not apply to the whole of the universe. This logic is confirmed by the facts available to me involving extraterrestrial reality. Of course this is not a new idea but one that runs though religious texts from around the world.What the religious texts seem to indicate is that there has been a longstanding attempt by less ethical predatory colonizing extraterrestrials to take over this planet that are being resisted and thwarted by more ethical cooperative extraterrestrial races. All I am trying to do is bring the public up to speed on modern developments in what seems to be an end game scenario resulting in extraterrestrial colonization if we don’t get smart fast.

Those that demand absolute proof and are waiting for our government to announce the truth that extraterrestrials exist should think long and hard about what I now have to say. What are you going to do, where will you stand, should the President of the United States or the head of the UN make the following speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen I have something of great importance to relate to the whole of humanity. We are not alone in the universe. Over the past sixty years governments have been covertly investigating alien activity on and about our planet and have developed secret contact with several extraterrestrial races. I would like to relate to you that we have formed alliances with some of these races which we feel are necessary for national and global security in a universe that is both full of promise and great danger.

The leaders of all nations have decided that these alliances are essential for human survival even if though some may question the effect of these alliances on civil liberties and global sovereignty. In order to mitigate any possible societal shock and disruption world leaders have decided to declare a temporary worldwide state of emergency. People should not be distressed at the temporary institution of martial law and suspension of civil liberties as these are necessary steps to ensure order in time of crisis.”

The President or UN leader might go on to say, “The public should be aware that there are other extraterrestrial races that have failed to contact and collaborate with world governments. We have not always been successful in keeping these other races out of our airspace and off the planet. Citizens should not have contact with these races that may appear friendly but in fact could be dangerous. These uncooperative races are considered a very serious national security threat and any attempts by citizens to contact or interact with them will simply not be allowed.”

“Some misguided individuals harboring false ideas of freedom and liberty will try to contact these subversive infiltrating races but if they do they will be severely punished. We regret that we will have to take such actions but it is necessary for the security of our nation. We in authority are completely on top of things and because we have a better overall understanding of the situation, citizens should and must allow us to do our job and trust our judgment. We are counting on all patriotic Americans to report any citizens having extraterrestrial contact on their own and without government permission to the authorities.”

I believe such a scenario would be a recipe for open civil war between autocrats and democrats worldwide. If this scenario came to pass will those of you that have blindly believed in your government and demanded absolute proof of extraterrestrial life now just as blindly support colonization and martial law? If we have to fight a revolutionary war all over again where will you stand?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The History of Extraterrestrial Life on Earth

Below are 6 episodes published by the History Channel, “Ancient Aliens Season 1.” This series is designed to teach people that our history on Earth maybe more complicated than what they learned in Public School or College.

I tell people that Jesus was an alien. That is met by laughter and disbelief. What these people do not understand is that Jesus said that he must return to his father who does not live on this Earth. We also know that Jesus was born by using Mary’s egg but not Joseph’s sperm. The sperm did not come from anyone on Earth. So by definition, Jesus is an Alien.

This 9 hour series may give you some idea of life around the universe and may open your eyes to the fact that these aliens have been around longer than man has been on this Earth.

Double Click on the links below.
Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 1

The Catholic Church is starting to prepare its membership for public contact. Why? Because people around the world are starting to talk about what they are seeing and what they are hearing. They are starting to talk about things that they are reading in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. This episode looks at the conversations and activity between God and man.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 2

Who built the buildings in Egypt? We cannot build these buildings today. Who built the models of flying machines found in the Egyptian buildings? These models found were built over 1,000 years before Jesus was born. Who built the flying model found in the buildings of the Mayan people in Central America? What flying machines did the Asian Indians talk about in their ancient text? Why did the people from India talk about the weapons kept on these flying machines? This all happened before the time of Jesus.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 3

Who are these visitors that people are meeting that do not live on this planet? The reason why the governments around the world do not want you to know about aliens is because all the things that you have been taught will be questioned. You would no longer believe that we are the most intelligent beings in the Universe. You would know that there are people that are wiser, smarter, and more technically advanced than we are. That poses a problem for your political and economic leaders.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 4

Given that the Universe is 14 billion years old, do you really think that people on Earth who are only 50 million years old at the most are the smartest beings ever made by God? Do you really think that we are the only beings capable of space travel? What is the mission of these aliens on Earth? We just started using Genetic Engineering. But these people from other worlds have been doing this for millions of years. Why are they killing our live stock and taking and killing are people? Why does the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible talk about people (Angels) who came down from heaven and mated with people? Native Americans tell the same stories. How can Angels have sex?

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 5

President Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, and crusaders in the middle ages all believed in aliens from outer space. The first nuclear blast happened in 1945 and the first attack was on Japan by the United State. If that is the case then why do we have Indian evidence of a nuclear attack that destroyed three cities? Did the Bible describe a nuclear blast that destroyed two cities? Did aliens have advance weapons that caused the Great Flood?

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 6

What if aliens publicly came to Earth tomorrow, what will be the reaction of the common man and woman on Earth? Do these aliens come from other dimensions, other worlds, or other time periods? Humans have started looking for these aliens by looking for them and listening for them by telescopes. We have sent them a message on at least two of our unman space ships. How many civilizations are there in the Universe? How many civilizations do we have coming and leaving the Earth?