Sunday, May 15, 2011

The History of Extraterrestrial Life on Earth

Below are 6 episodes published by the History Channel, “Ancient Aliens Season 1.” This series is designed to teach people that our history on Earth maybe more complicated than what they learned in Public School or College.

I tell people that Jesus was an alien. That is met by laughter and disbelief. What these people do not understand is that Jesus said that he must return to his father who does not live on this Earth. We also know that Jesus was born by using Mary’s egg but not Joseph’s sperm. The sperm did not come from anyone on Earth. So by definition, Jesus is an Alien.

This 9 hour series may give you some idea of life around the universe and may open your eyes to the fact that these aliens have been around longer than man has been on this Earth.

Double Click on the links below.
Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 1

The Catholic Church is starting to prepare its membership for public contact. Why? Because people around the world are starting to talk about what they are seeing and what they are hearing. They are starting to talk about things that they are reading in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. This episode looks at the conversations and activity between God and man.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 2

Who built the buildings in Egypt? We cannot build these buildings today. Who built the models of flying machines found in the Egyptian buildings? These models found were built over 1,000 years before Jesus was born. Who built the flying model found in the buildings of the Mayan people in Central America? What flying machines did the Asian Indians talk about in their ancient text? Why did the people from India talk about the weapons kept on these flying machines? This all happened before the time of Jesus.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 3

Who are these visitors that people are meeting that do not live on this planet? The reason why the governments around the world do not want you to know about aliens is because all the things that you have been taught will be questioned. You would no longer believe that we are the most intelligent beings in the Universe. You would know that there are people that are wiser, smarter, and more technically advanced than we are. That poses a problem for your political and economic leaders.

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 4

Given that the Universe is 14 billion years old, do you really think that people on Earth who are only 50 million years old at the most are the smartest beings ever made by God? Do you really think that we are the only beings capable of space travel? What is the mission of these aliens on Earth? We just started using Genetic Engineering. But these people from other worlds have been doing this for millions of years. Why are they killing our live stock and taking and killing are people? Why does the Book of Genesis in the Holy Bible talk about people (Angels) who came down from heaven and mated with people? Native Americans tell the same stories. How can Angels have sex?

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 5

President Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, and crusaders in the middle ages all believed in aliens from outer space. The first nuclear blast happened in 1945 and the first attack was on Japan by the United State. If that is the case then why do we have Indian evidence of a nuclear attack that destroyed three cities? Did the Bible describe a nuclear blast that destroyed two cities? Did aliens have advance weapons that caused the Great Flood?

Ancient Aliens Season 1 Episode 6

What if aliens publicly came to Earth tomorrow, what will be the reaction of the common man and woman on Earth? Do these aliens come from other dimensions, other worlds, or other time periods? Humans have started looking for these aliens by looking for them and listening for them by telescopes. We have sent them a message on at least two of our unman space ships. How many civilizations are there in the Universe? How many civilizations do we have coming and leaving the Earth?

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