Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My God Jehovah and Other Civilizations

The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature, and prevalence of life in the universe. They believe they are conducting the most profound search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence in human history. They claim that they want to know our beginnings and our place among the stars. I think that they are wasting their time and money.

The problem is I think aliens are already here on Earth. SETI ignores all the sightings of machines and people that see these machines. These machines obviously don’t transmit data or voice information.

But the biggest problem is the idea of alien transmission intercepted from space. These intercepts depends on some civilizations evolved like our civilization. These transmissions must pass Earth when we are listening. So if the civilization 100,000 light years from us started transmitting in our direction 100,000 years ago, we will be lucky to pick up these transmissions now. We must be listening at the right frequency and we must know that what we are hearing is an intelligent message from aliens. But what if they don’t use radio or TV transmissions? Then we are probably out of luck.

A Soviet Russian Astronomer Nikolai Semenovich Kardashev created the Kardashev scale. This scale is a method of measuring how advanced a civilization could be. It relies on energy consumption of the whole civilization and then applies it to the universe.

The Earth humans are in Civilization Zero. That is because from a 13 billion years stand point, we just discovered fire, stone tools, and got started in the industrial revolution. We are currently playing with nuclear power. It also uses a fission power source supplying energy on another planet or on the moon. It provides for a very cheap way to get from the Earth to space. We are still in the early stages of Civilization Zero. We still use coal, natural gas, oil, and other natural resources that will soon run out.

Civilization One are people who controls the energy of an entire planet. This civilization can control the weather, can prevent earthquakes. However, a Civilization One civilization still faces danger of extinction by natural disasters such as comet impacts. These people are starting space industries and are creating space colonies throughout the entire Star System. They have started asteroid mining and mining for fuels and energy on other planets. They started their first interstellar space travel. They have a one world government on their planet.

Civilization Two has the ability to directly mine a star. This civilization will have completely explored its own star system and will have established a number of colonies in neighboring star systems.

Civilization Three can manipulate space-time and possesses almost godlike powers. It would be threatened with extinction only by the death of the universe itself. They have a cheap and convenient way to go from one end of the galaxy to the other.

Civilization Four is extra-dimensional beings but not Gods. If you ever watched Star Trek and seen the character “Q” then this is what it would be like to live in a civilization classified as four.

Civilization Five approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding. They can make their own physical laws in this Universe.

Civilization Six has power over multiple universes, an energy power level that is technically infinite. This civilization may have gained the ability to alter physical laws across multiple universes. These civilizations can escape a dying universe, and thereby become eternal.

Civilization Seven would be Gods or deities, able to create universes at will, using them as an energy source, and a large one at that. We are talking about my God Jehovah here. This civilization is well beyond the stage of understanding of humans.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Civilization Integration Part 2

As I said many times before, we can’t look at aliens as having one objective, coming from one place, or having the same type of history. They are not all Greys or Humans. We have to entertain the thought that at least one of these alien races is in serious trouble of surviving for one reason or another. It may be that they screwed up their planet environmentally by using nuclear material the wrong way. It could be by doing heavy industrial manufacturing for thousands of years on their planet that they made the atmosphere change where they can no longer live in it. Or maybe their sun or orbit around the sun changed causing their environment to change drastically.

A civilization integration program may be in the works that started thousands of years ago by one of the alien races. What if aliens are testing us to see if we can tell the difference between humans on Earth and genetically altered aliens from other worlds? I may have been the subject of a test by aliens when I came face to face with one of them at a food store in December 2010. I ran meaning that the alien did not look enough like us to pass as one of us.

What if they are having sex with us or changing our DNA by Vitro Fertilization without our knowledge? This is what this video examines along with hypnosis to see if people are really having alien contacts.

Thomas E. Bullard PH. D. Folklorist, Indiana University believes that Aliens do this to people. He claims that there is a pattern when using hypnosis.

1. The aliens give an examination.

2. The aliens implant or remove an implant.

3. Body fluids are removed.

4. Mental or emotional test are given to humans.

Many others say that people are influenced to say these things and they are not being abducted. Some professionals have a view in between the two polarized opinions.

People live in a point in time in relation to the age of the Universe. My father lived from 1919 to 1976. That is insignificant compared to the age of the Universe. Our civilization is about 30,000 years old. What if we were influenced by a civilization that is one billion years old? Aliens can be influencing the human race over hundreds of thousands of years. This is why we do not notice what they are doing. The many cases of abduction and how these people felt about it are examined in the UFOTV Presentation below.

In the UFOTV presentation below, they discuss the hypnotic test done by professionals in their field. The video “UFOs -- The Secret History 2 –Contact Has Begun” is 2 hours, 25 minutes long. I suggest you watch it over several sessions.

UFOTV Presents...: UFOs The Secret History 2 - Contact Has Begun - Feature Length HD

This video explains the history of capturing humans by aliens.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Civilization Integration Part 1

Alien Hybrid living on Earth

For thousands of years an Alien presence here on Earth has made itself known through miraculous signs and wonders. Alien visitors and their spacecraft have been depicted in stone age cave paintings and recorded in the sacred writings of virtually every ancient culture in human history. We have ancient buildings around the world that would be hard to duplicate today.

The Holly Bible, Koran, and other ancient text talks about things that have happened on Earth that we would called miracles today.

This amazing feature length program presented below shows the evidence of alien visitations that shaped the ancient world and still continue to affect our lives today. This video includes the true story of the world famous UFO Contactee and author George Adamski and many others who made UFO history in the 1950s and 60s as the first people to speak in public and show proof of their experiences with UFOs and aliens from another worlds.

In previous blogs, I showed you that the Catholic Church has changed its thinking when it comes to Aliens. They now say that it is OK to believe in Aliens. They also say that if they come to mass they will try to convert them to Christianity. Two hundred years ago, a person saying such things would be at the very least thrown out of the church and at best killed by the church.

George Adamski was the first worldwide ambassador since World War II that worked as a go between for one of the alien human species and the people of Earth. He visited the Pope in the 1950s and delivered a package to him from the aliens before the Popes death. Adamski had alien secret service agents assign to him while he went form one nation to another doing Alien/Earth Relations.

Howard Menger was a contactee that went to the moon in 1956. Howard Menger claims to have built a propulsion unit that uses free energy. He explains why we cannot use such systems here on Earth today.

UFOTV Presents...: UFO Secret - Alien Contacts - Feature Length

This video includes 40 original film clips of alien UFO spacecraft in flight and an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses, and experiencers.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The American Cover Up

The USSR and the US controlled the information on UFOs the same way. They told the public that anyone who talked about UFOs was crazy or had something wrong with them. The Russians put people in jail for telling people about what they saw. But so does the American Government. In this 1 hour 16 minute presentation, the presenter showed how the American government covered up UFO activities and painted itself into a corner. Now the Government can’t tell the truth even if they want too.
This video covers in detail the famous 1947 crash in New Mexico. I speculate that most governments around the world are keeping information about aliens and UFOs away from the public. Some governments have no idea what is going on. Why because they hope to back engineer these captured machines so that they can get leverage on all the other governments around the world. 

Debunkers have an interest in denying that UFOs exist. Many of them are paid to do so.