Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Do You Know About USO?

This is a UFO/USO Survey. Take this survey and see where you stand among the public in the UFO/USO Issue.

Here is the well known story of Shag Harbor Canada. This happened in 1967. It involved the Canadian and US Governments.

Here is the USS Midway in 1989. They had an incident in the Gulf of Oman near the Indian Ocean. The USS John F. Kennedy in the Atlantic Ocean had a UFO over the ship in 1971. The USS Constellation Aircraft Carrier had an incident in 1994. In 1965, in the Gulf of Mexico, a UFO played with the USS Lexington Aircraft Carrier.

You can read more about Dr. Von Zuko’s work by looking at his link above.

If you need to read some more about the US Navy and USO hunts, look at the blog above. This is about a U-boat in World War II that had a cloaking device or force field.

In later years after World War II; to avoid any possibility of an international incident, Argentina requested 26 nations including the US, USSR, Britain, France and West Germany to admit that the submarine was theirs. All answered in the negative.

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