This is a picture of the fourth planet in the Solar System.
Growing up, I always felt that there is life on Mars. I would go to the public library and read as much as I could about the planets. My Six Grade Teacher admitted that I knew more about the Solar System than she did. In 1976, NASA’s Viking Space Craft landed on Mars. It carried three experiments. These experiments were to see if something in the soil was breathing, eating, and exhaling (farting after eating). After the Space Craft gave the soil something to eat, all three experiments gave positive conclusions. Walter Cronkite came on the CBS Evening News, saying that “There may be life on Mars! No Kidding!” The next day, he said it was a false alarm; the experiments did not take into consideration, the minerals in the soil. The moment he said that on TV, I knew that the “fix was in.”
This video shows the fossilized image of a bacterium from Mars. It is the long shaped object in the middle of the picture.
This video explains the history about the Martian Rock.
The government did not want us to know that we are not alone. So this information has been stored away in the highest levels of our government. Since then, several Space Craft have visited Mars and its moons. Now it is harder to hide this secret information from the public. This is why the governments of Earth are starting to prepare the world for contract.
The link above shows two faces on Mars, some say that it is evident that people live or once lived on Mars.
Mars Civilization: Evidence by European Space Agency
On Page 21 Crater Hale, they say shows evidence of a civilization on Mars.
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