Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Catholic Church View on Aliens

The above picture our two fallen Angels, the enemy of mankind!

My blog, “WE Had UFOs Before 1947” shocked many of you. The information about Jesus and the Transfiguration was in front of you but you never made the connect between the bible, Jesus, aliens, and UFOs. For almost 2,000 years, the church has punished or killed anyone that talked about this issue. Until recently the church taught that the Earth was the center of the universe and the rest of the stars and planets revolved around us. Anyone who said otherwise was labeled as witches and warlocks.

The Catholic Church has come a long way since the time they tried to stop scientist from teaching modern physics and astronomy to the world. Now they appear to be leading in the issue of alien civilization and alien visitation.
Vatican Astronomers today track the stars with their own observatories.

The Associated Press, according to the Vatican's chief astronomer, believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God. Gandolfo Castle perched above a glistening green lake near Rome has a magical aura. It is the Pope's summer residence, and it is here that Vatican astronomers have for decades studied the heavens. Perched on the roof of this 17th century castle are two domes holding telescopes that Vatican astronomers have been using since the 1930s.

Now they have much more powerful telescopes for their research located in Tucson, Arizona, but it is here at Castel Gandolfo that the astronomers have their headquarters. One would almost expect to find the wizard Gandalf from the "Lord of the Rings" striding through the long hallways in his dark robes, with his wooden staff and flowing beard. But, instead, inside the walls of this Castle an unassuming Jesuit from Argentina leads the Vatican Astronomical research and has recently caused uproar by opening a debate about aliens.


“In a universe so big, huge I would say, as the one where we live with 100 billion of galaxies, each galaxy with a hundred billion stars probably with many of these stars having planets, it could be possible that life could evolve as they way we know on earth." Father Funes says he is not sure if other forms of life would be more or less intelligent than humans, but he is convinced that the existence of Aliens is not a contradiction with the Catholic faith. There has been no word from top Vatican officials about Funes' comments, but some people on the street find them odd.
Richard Charnock was taking a group from the All Hallows Catholic High School on a trip to Italy when he heard about the comments from the Vatican astronomer.


"I think it is preposterous that they are saying that--there is one human that god created --. We can go back to the bible. He didn't create Adam, eve and ET did he, it was Adam and Eve. It goes against what we believe as Christians."

We probably won't be seeing aliens attending mass any time soon, but the Vatican's chief astronomer says that they could be other forms of life outside earth and if they are out there, he says they are God's Creatures. (Castel Gandolfo, of Italy created the video above.)
Vatican Prepares the World For "ALIEN CONTACT"

There is evidence that the Vatican is preparing for Alien Contact. See video above.
Here is an interview by Father Jonathan Morris on the Catholic Church sponsored Alien Life Conference.
Vatican UFO Disclosure 2010 Project Bluebeam

Is the Catholic Church positioning itself to disclose the alleged conspiracy to frame a so called alien attack by visitors on the world? Is this the “Third Secret of Fatima” the fact that the final war between the Military Industrial Complex and Aliens is at our front door?

CNN asked a number of questions about why the Vatican cares? The father being interviewed did not deny that Christianity would be shaken if “ET” is found. I disagree with this idea because “ET” is a creation of God. “ET” may not fall under the same covenant as Christians in my opinion.

I agree with priest Monsignor Corrado Balducci, speaking in the above video.The Vatican claims that it's OK to believe in UFOs. They claim that “ET” are angels. Monsignor Balducci adds, “They are FALLEN angels! Big difference!”
Mary is the mother of Jesus. But who made Mary's egg fertile? No one on Earth did. By definition, Jesus is an alien. Jesus is not a fallen angel. In my opinion, as far as all of them being fallen angels, I am not sure I agree. If he has some evidence to prove this then he is not showing it here.

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