Sunday, June 4, 2017

Aliens and Contacts with Them

Uploaded on Dec 15, 2010

Aliens respond on the 14th August 2001 to binary signals sent by radio telescope into space in 1974 by NASA. Look at the following video.


We have been told over and over again that aliens do not exist but if that is the cases, why do we continued to receive messages from outer space? Look at the following video for an explanation of aliens that visited or are on Earth now.


Alien Species from A-Z: "The Second Edition"

Published on Jul 19, 2014

The following documentary are based on information,
from the "web".

This is the second edition.

If you do not want to know about the different alien species, do not look at this blog. Some of these aliens live among us and you don't know it.


Alien Races A-Z: Third Edition

Published on Nov 22, 2014



largest UFO Conference In The World Set For this Week

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