Sunday, August 28, 2016

Then We Get Into Mutilations!

Todd Sees in Point Township in Pennsylvania.

Politics is where you find two humans or more people. This includes UFOLOGY!

Most UFOLOGIST talk about aliens as if they are here to help, teach and protect humans. They point to people like Jesus and the many prophets in societies around the world. They do not like the UFOLOGIST that talk about aliens that abduct people and take their body parts.  

In this blog, we will look at things that MUFON does not like to talk about. MUTILATIONS!


Human Mutilations Cases

Published on Dec 26, 2013

After coming under increasing public pressure, Federal authorities launched a comprehensive investigation of the mutilation phenomenon.

In May 1979, the case was passed on to the FBI, which granted jurisdiction under Title 18 (codes 1152 and 1153). The investigation was dubbed "Operation Animal Mutilation."

The investigation was funded by a US$ 44,170 grant from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and was headed by FBI agent Kenneth Rommel. It had five key objectives: To determine the reliability of the information on which the grant was based, which entailed gathering as much information as possible about the cases reported in New Mexico prior to May 1979 To determine the cause of as many mutilations as possible, especially those reported in New Mexico To determine if livestock mutilations as described constitute a major law enforcement problem If these mutilations do constitute a major law enforcement problem, to determine the scope of the problem and to offer recommendations on how to deal with it If it is shown that the mutilation phenomenon is not a law enforcement problem, to recommend that no further law enforcement investigations be funded.

Rommel's final report was 297 pages long and cost approximately US$45,000. It concluded that mutilations were predominantly the result of natural predation, but that some contained anomalies that could not be accounted for by conventional wisdom. The FBI was unable to identify any individuals responsible for the mutilations. Details of the investigation are now available under the Freedom of Information Act.



Look up your MUFON Organization in your state.

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