Monday, August 22, 2016

The Devil's Graveyard; What is it?

Daniel Tulloch at his Science Fair

Daniel's Grandfather at age 3.

Some of you may remember this blog that my grandson Daniel was in at 8 years old where he explained to his third grade class how the most well known scientist and astronauts were wrong about how gravity worked.  At his age, I never thought of such things nor did I have parents or grandparent who did either. 

If an 8 year old can understand how a part of gravitational physic works then why haven't the rest of us learned this same thing about gravity? 

Daniel's Anti-Gravity Propulsion School Project

It could be because someone may not be able to make as much money from oil and gas as they are now. It could also be because if they told us about this, they may have to tell us about aliens. Then again, they may have to tell us that the Earth is dying!

If such discussions scare you then I suggest that you go no further with this blog.  This blog maybe scary to some especially if you believe that man is in control of everything on Earth.  


Daniel talked about the tip of the "Ice Burg" using gravity for use in transportation. Let's see how the Devil's Graveyard can end the human race on Earth.


The Devil's Graveyard 
(video evidence of shocking phenomenon)

This next video explains in more detail about this Devil's Graveyard


Devils Graveyard w/Dark Secrets 

of the 12 Vortices Exposed: 

Nephilim Portals, Attacks, Disappearance


The MUFON Philly Conference is coming up soon. 

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