Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Testimony of Colonel Phillip Corso on ET

President Eisenhower
When I talk to people about ET, I usually get a laugh or someone claims that they are an agnostic on the subject. I just smile and think to myself, "You poor ignorant fool! You don't see an opportunity when it is about to nock you over. All you see is a bunch of idiots on TV wearing tin foil hats but you can't see what the camera man is hiding in the background."  
Montour Ridge, Pa. where Todd Sees was killed by ET.
My grandchildren are going to have to work with ET and my children and I are preparing them now for their future. Now if you want your descendents to fall behind and not be able to make a good living, that is on you!


One Year old David working a Smart Phone
This video that you are about to see will tell you that ET exist. Colonel Phillip Corso, Sr. was an Army intelligence officer who served on Eisenhower's National Security Council. After his 21 year military career he served as a military analyst. Colonel Corso personally saw deceased extraterrestrials from the Roswell crash in 1947 and a UFO craft at an airbase. He had also seen UFOs travel at 4,000 miles an hour on radar. When he worked in R&D, he was given fragments of extraterrestrial technologies from various crashes and his job was to seed industry with these technologies telling them they were from earthly foreign sources.
This video is 20 Minutes long.
Roswell Revisited -- Colonel Phillip J. Corso

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