Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 8

Some Kinds of Alien Lifeforms We Know About

It is said that 7 alien races started the human race on earth. They are the White Race (Altair), Black Race (Qizan Qal’at), Yellow Race (Tutakai Tikopai), Blue Race (Kasimar), Green Race (K’ushui K’hotal), Red Race (Ahzdar), and Golden race (caspan Jassan Paegan). Some of these people we can see and some we cannot. Humans can only see in a narrow visual spectrum. Other species can see more visual spectrums than we can.

Here is the reason why hunters wear orange jackets when they go hunting for deer. People see the orange so hopefully, the hunters will not shoot one another. The deer cannot see the orange so they cannot avoid the hunters by using sight. The earth has been colonized by many groups of aliens. See page 40 of the Blue Planet Project. 

Some aliens do not have bodies. They are intelligent life forms but are pure energy. 

In the New King James Bible, the New Testament details a close relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus during his earthly life and ministry. The Gospels of Luke and Matthew and the Nicene Creed state that Jesus was "conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary". The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as a Dove during his Baptism, and in his Farewell Discourse after the Last Supper. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples after his departure. Jesus said that he had to leave because if he did not, the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) would not come. The Holy Spirit is one of these pure energy life forms.

If you believe in what is written in the Bible, here is proof that Jesus is half alien, the Holy Spirit is a full alien and the father of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is also a shape changer going from Spirit to a Dove.The Holy Spirit’s mission is to help mankind until Jesus (another life form with the ability to travel between dimensions) returns to Earth to take control of all events on this planet (read the last book of the Bible, Revelation).

Start with page 37 thru 53; we will study the 7 ancestral Alien races that started our civilization.


1. The writer of these notes believe that 7 alien races started the human race on earth (True or False)

2. Humans can see only in a narrow visual band (True or False)

3. We cannot see Grays because they are outside of our visual spectrum (True or False)

4. The Ultrons are an entity composed of primary mental energy but can be seen by humans (true or False)

5. The Ultrons perceive dimension and objects in terms of electromagnetic energy. This is how they can avoid flying into an object (True or False)
6. Reptloids and Insectoids  live below the Earth (True or False)

7. Reptiloids are found to flourish in warm tropical cave areas (True or False)

8. Insectoid auditory capacities are highly developed with a wider range of audio frequencies than humans (True or False)

9. These people live in the inner earth; Green People, Golden Race, Eternals, Blue Race, Deviants (True or False)

10. Eternals have a genetic problem that gives them a short life of about 10 years (True or False)


1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. False

1 comment:

Gil said...

Are aliens involved in high tech and genetic experiments with the US Government? All I know is I found a lot of very credible Dulce Base information and pictures at: