Tuesday, January 15, 2013

From the Aliens; Zombieism

You know that December 21, 2012 has past. You are still here. I hope you did not think you would just die did you? Man has only been on Earth no more than 200,000 years. The Earth and the sun is no more than 4.5 Billion years old. The Galaxy is about 14 Billion years old. The Universe maybe over 20 Billion years old. Life did not begin with Earth. Life was going on far before Earth was created. We have already found that viruses and bacteria can survive for years in space. Stars blow up and take their planets with them. These parts of planets make up new star systems that include its sun, planets, meteors, comets, and asteroids. Life that started on the dead planets may survive to become life on new planets.

Some of these primitive life forms may have fallen to Earth in the past that caused the Black Death in Europe, some of the plagues found in the Bible and other ancient text around the world. Aids and Yellow Fever may have been the most resent diseases caused by these aliens.     

What if in the near future a disease started by a virus hidden in a meteor causing Zombieism in humans? Zombieism may spread from person to person like Aids had done starting in the 1970s.

Oh, you don't think this can happen? Well a homeless person in Miami caught a new disease called Zombieism and he ate another homeless person alive. The police when called stopped him by pumping him with lead. He was very hard to stop. This is how it starts, with one person that infects other people who infects other people. You may not know about the new disease for years or decades until one day you hear about it on TV or the internet. The multiplier affect will spread this infection from one person to another until it is spread all over the Earth. The disease could over whelm the governments of the world and reduce human population to a small fraction of what it is today.

What is a zombie? Here is a video that can tell you.

History Channel: Zombies Attacks Are A Real Possibilty. This is what would happen if in a real ZOMBIE plague!

Today, this is what Zombieism is all about.

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