Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Aliens Need Power Too!

Photo: Pyramids in the desert

A civilization needs some major things. They need a place for people to live. Civilized beings need a place to put their trash. They need a stable food supply. People need organizations to keep the common interest going like maintaining roads, bridges, and utilities.

Washingtonville Power Plant

Alien civilizations are no different.  The aliens on Earth run a transportation system in plain view of us humans.  

 Ancient air craft that was found in South America. It has been proven that they fly.

 I have shown you pictures that I have taken of strange crafts. I have shown you pictures that others have taken of these crafts.  In central Pennsylvania, I have talked to several people who claim that they have seen strange things in the sky. Some of these strange things stopped their cars while ships floated by making no sound. One woman in Washingtonville, Pa. took and sent pictures to me of a craft going to the Washingtonville Power Plant in December 2012. It made no sound.

These aliens have built and used their own power plants here on Earth thousands of years ago. These power plants still exist. We know of them but have not made the connection that they are alien power plants and they ran an electrical power grid that covered the planet Earth and possibly beyond.   

Click the link above to view the "Alien Power Plants."

Ancient Alien Power Plant Found 

This is why we have ancient nuclear waste dumps here on Earth. This is why we have maps of the world made in ancient times that is just as good as the maps we have today. Here is the reason why we have ancient buildings that could not be duplicated today.

 Negritic African
Recent discoveries in the field of linguistics and other methods have shown without a doubt, that the ancient Olmecs of Mexico, known as the Xi People, came originally from West Africa and were of the Mende African ethnic stock.  They entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago.

Here is the reason why we have ancient Black heads carved out of stone found in Mexico. They were carved thousands of years ago.

We have ancient stone works; thousands of years old that Stone Age man could not have created.  All this is evidence that we are not alone and alien beings are living among us. They always have and may have lived here before humans inhabited the Earth.    

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