Tuesday, January 17, 2012

February is Black History Month

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson is the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History and Visiting Research Scientist and Lecturer at Princeton University.

I am writing this blog in anticipation of Black History Month come February 2012. No matter who you are, you may want to share this information with your children. Over the years I found out that people get Astronomy and Astrology confused.


I took astronomy at Allegheny Community College near Pittsburgh, Pa. in the 1970s. Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe. In particular it is the study of the motions and natures of celestial bodies including, but not limited to, planets, stars, and galaxies.


Astrology literally means "the Science of the Stars", from the Greek astrologia: astron (constellation; star) and logia (study of; ordering principle; utterance). Astrology's purpose is to use the positions of the planets and stars in the sky to gather information on the individual and on humanity. Astrology is a system that enables us to understand the past, present and the future within a universe full of meaning. A very ancient, but still vital discipline, astrology seeks the meaning and application of the influences of the planets, stars and other celestial phenomena in our lives.

Astrology and astronomy have in modern times become separate studies, though for most of human history they were two sides of the same coin.


I do not know any blacks in the Black Community that has not run across someone who challenged their support of the Blacks in the Black Community who they fell should be supported. You have all heard the saying, “He or she is not Black enough.” One of the most famous astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson tells his story. Listen to his lecture and remember it. I back him 100% on this.

In my next blog, I will tell you why I have problems with Dr. Tyson and it has nothing to do with race!

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