If you live in the Central Pennsylvania area then you heard of Fort Indiantown Gap, National Guard Training Center. You also heard of Letterkenny Army Depot. This story starts in the early 1990s, when I was coming home from work one evening when I saw a star in the sky near my house in Lower Paxton. Knowing the sky, I knew that it was not a star. I parked about a mile from it and watched it for a few hours. It was cold and I was a little scared because I knew that it was not a star, it was something in the sky hovering over some high power transmission lines coming from Three Mile Island. The “star looking” object made an uneven sound, not like an engine but like some kind of machine having problems. After about 2 hours, it slowly moved off in the direction of the Harrisburg International Airport.
I wrote about it in the “Letter to the Editor” section in the Harrisburg Patriot News. Then I got a call from a UFO organization working out of Hershey, Pa. The gentleman told me that people in the area have UFO sightings all the time. Later I learned that these objects probably use high power lines to power up their flying machines. Our power plants are just a convenient means of helping themselves to a free power source. They are not like us who have to pay the power company for electricity.
Hard Times for the Military Industrial Complex
In the late 1990s, the federal government started cutting back on military spending. This was the time before 9/11. The local military installations started losing projects and several of them were in danger of being shut down completely. It just so happened that we had a terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001. Lucky for the Military Industrial Complex and unlucky for the people caught up in this attack; it changed the fortunes for many of the corporations working with the military.
Aurora Top-Secret Hypersonic Spy Plane
In 2005, I was coming home from work at 5:00 AM., when I saw two military jets come down low from the West, making a turn around the City of Harrisburg (probably using the Capital Dome as a reference) and flying out to the West. They were jets that I have never seen before but I have seen drawings of them since. No, they are not flying saucers. It was probably part of the Air Force Aurora Top-Secret Hypersonic Spy Plane Project. Click on the link below to find out more about this project.
One morning, I found the vapor trail of a plane in the sky that looked something like this below. A better picture of the trail that I saw is near the bottom of the blog that you seen above.

In the vapor trail that I saw, the puffs were more uniformed than in this picture but this is the general idea. These trails had to be done by a plane using a Ramjet Engine. The only problem is that a Ramjet Engine was not invented at that time. Funny, I never see this trail anymore. Could this trail have been made by this plane at the top of this blog?
LetterKenny Army Dept.
I started wondering if this strange looking plane was maintained at Letterkenny. I thought that it may have vertical takeoff capabilities like the Harrier Jet. After all, this base went from a place where people could walk through it to a place where people were stopped by armed military guards. I made a visit to LetterKenny in 2006 and discovered that they had a “Hawk” Missile Battery on the hill overlooking the base. I found that very strange. Since I could not get into the main gate, I drove around the back.
At that time, people could walk up to the triple hanger doors around the back of the base. They had a landing pad in the back as well. The doors were never open in the day. Now they have turned the place into a testing track for refurbished armor vehicles. The hanger doors have been taken out. However, they forgot to take down the Aviation Wind Sock. But they have turned the place into an armed camp with fences and wire.
Being Watched!
Recently, I received a call from someone in the Federal Government asking me why I was having communications with a Federal Installation in another state. Then they started filling out a questionnaire on me. I was familiar with the procedure which made me ask what is going on since I have not broken any laws. The person said that they have to make sure that I am not a spy. So now I know that I am one of the many millions of people watching them while they watch us. The procedure is to scare me into telling them what I know. The truth is, I know nothing!
Fort Indiantown Gap
Indiantown Gap is a base where the army stores equipment and trains the army reserve for action in case they are needed anywhere in the world. UFO organizations started talking about strange things happening at Indiantown Gap. I told one MUFON UFO Investigator that nothing happens out at Indiantown Gap. I have been there many times. Just to prove my point, I took a drive to the reservation to check it out again. “Boy was I wrong!”
In September 2010, I ran into a US Air Force Installation at the edge of the Army Reserve Base.
Then in December 2010, some man managed to kill himself near the Air Force Installation. At least that is what the military told the press. Why someone who does not work at Indiantown Gap nor had any connections with the base would want to blow their brains out there is beyond me. Some poor National Guard Soldier going to the riffle range found him dead.
Anyone entering the base has to report to the commander's office first before conducting business. Once in, you had to get permission to get out.
I found myself at the front gate of this top secrets base one day, finding a rare time when the gate was open. It did not take long before two vehicles came out, one parked beside me and the other in back of me. A soldier asked me, “Can I help you?” I said, “Is this a military installation?” He said that I was "at the military installation of Indiantown Gap.” The soldier’s uniform told me that he was not attached to the Pennsylvania National Guard. He was driving a Maryland registered vehicle. I am sure, the people in the car behind me was calling in my plates for identification. By the time I was escorted to the main road, I am sure they had my name, address, personal information, phone number, and picture. I should know, I help put in place the identification system that they are using.
The rumor has it that this installation house dead alien beings. I wonder if it could be a training area for humans who have to interact with these beings, dead or alive.

The picture above was taken on Acorn Rd. You can see how far back the Wind Sock is located on the base.
This picture was taken at the corner of Acorn and Bordnersville Rd. When the trees are in bloom, people cannot see the picnic area or the special Air Force Building. At this point, Acorn Rd. is blocked and only tank traffic is allowed in.
This fabricated building on Bordnersville Rd. plays a special part at the base and is away from other buildings of the same type.

They have warning devices on the poles probably in case something gets out of hand.
From Bordnersville Rd. at the back of the base, you can see a training area. The windows are closed.

This is a close up view of the training area.

This is the area where people are brought into the base by helicopter.

I believe that this building house the commander of the base. Everyone who enters the base must go to the main office. They bring buses of people with security clearances to this area. However, I don't believe that they come by bus from other areas of Indiantown Gap or beyond but from the helicopter pad at the secret base to these buildings. Some of this installation maybe underground.

You can see the Wind Sock in the distance.

These two pictures show the secret base from Quartermaster Rd. Here you see basically nothing of the secret base. If you are in the National Guard, you probably will go no further from the Air Base than this road. So you can be in the Pennsylvania National Guard and never know that this secret base is here.
Occurred : 8/2/2002 17:30 (Entered as : 8/2/2002 5:30 Pm)
I will be as brief as possible. A man named Todd Sees was abducted and murdered by aliens on Montour Ridge in Northumberland County near the town of Northumberland, Pa. This is a big sloppy coverup if there ever was one.
Todd Sees, the victim, lived at the foot of Montour Ridge, a mountain stretching over 20 miles east. Todd Sees went up the mountain to look for preseason deer. He told his wife that he would be home by noon. He rode his 4 wheeler up the powerline behind his home at a little after 5:00 in the morning. Noon came and no Todd. His wife and children became concerned. At 2:00 a search party was organized and local police, state police, paramedics, and 200 volunteers helped search for Todd Sees.
The 4 wheeler was found on the top of the mountain near a powerline. Tracking dogs could find nothing to go on around the 4 wheeler. The search went on for 2 days and over 6 miles of mountain were covered from top to bottom. Todd had vanished with out a trace. The 4 wheeler was - keep in mind - 2 miles from his home at the foot of the mountain. A pond a few hundred yards from the house was even searched by skin divers just so they overlooked nothing. Dogs were over the whole area constantly no results. No trace.
Then, in the evening of the 2nd day, something white was spotted in a large brushy area 25 feet from the pond. Police and rescue workers spent 20 minutes cutting and hacking brush and small trees so they could reach what looked like a body. It was Todd Sees. He was wearing his underwear. He was emaciated - not bloated. He was white. He had an expression of horror on his face. When he went up the mountain he was fully-dressed, boots, camo vest, hat, socks, pants.
The FBI showed up with in 30 minutes (of Todd's discovery -ed). They took charge. They would not let his wife look at her dead husband no matter how much she tried. The FBI asked questions around the area...neighbors, mostly farmers.
3 farmers on one farm said they saw a large round bright object just above the powerlines at the time of the disappearance. It was silent, it did not move for about 10 to 15 minutes. It suddenly went up...and suddenly stopped. A light shined down and something, appeared to be a man, head up, waving his arms, was pulled up into the light. The object then went straight up, hesitated again, then went west over the Susquehanna River and out of sight.
A police friend of mine said after 2 autopsies, nothing was found. A toxicology test revealed nothing. No visible cuts or bruises anywhere except from the brush. Now the body is at Allentown, from there it is going to Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. The wife was told she cannot have the body for 6 to 8 weeks. A boot was found a mile from the 4 wheeler a few days ago at the top of a tree. It was his. I notice military copters have been scouring the mountain ever since at least once a day.
They have warning devices on the poles probably in case something gets out of hand.
This is a close up view of the training area.
This is the area where people are brought into the base by helicopter.
I believe that this building house the commander of the base. Everyone who enters the base must go to the main office. They bring buses of people with security clearances to this area. However, I don't believe that they come by bus from other areas of Indiantown Gap or beyond but from the helicopter pad at the secret base to these buildings. Some of this installation maybe underground.
You can see the Wind Sock in the distance.
These two pictures show the secret base from Quartermaster Rd. Here you see basically nothing of the secret base. If you are in the National Guard, you probably will go no further from the Air Base than this road. So you can be in the Pennsylvania National Guard and never know that this secret base is here.
You may ask, why do I care about this secret base? This case below will answer that question.
Possible ET Abduction and Death Of Pennsylvania Man Reported
From Peter Davenport
Director - National UFO Reporting Center
Occurred : 8/2/2002 17:30 (Entered as : 8/2/2002 5:30 Pm)
Reported : 8/29/2002 2:56:17 PM 14:56
Posted : 9/6/2002
Location : Northumberland, PA
Shape : Disk (NUFORC Note: We have contacted a local newspaper in Northumberland County, and to the police officer who served as investigator of the case. The newspaper confirms that the incident occurred, although the police officer stated that the decedant's remains had been returned to the family, contrary to the claims made by some regarding this case. The official report will be released in late September, according to the police officer, and we will attempt to obtain a copy of it. --PD)
I will be as brief as possible. A man named Todd Sees was abducted and murdered by aliens on Montour Ridge in Northumberland County near the town of Northumberland, Pa. This is a big sloppy coverup if there ever was one.
Todd Sees, the victim, lived at the foot of Montour Ridge, a mountain stretching over 20 miles east. Todd Sees went up the mountain to look for preseason deer. He told his wife that he would be home by noon. He rode his 4 wheeler up the powerline behind his home at a little after 5:00 in the morning. Noon came and no Todd. His wife and children became concerned. At 2:00 a search party was organized and local police, state police, paramedics, and 200 volunteers helped search for Todd Sees.
The 4 wheeler was found on the top of the mountain near a powerline. Tracking dogs could find nothing to go on around the 4 wheeler. The search went on for 2 days and over 6 miles of mountain were covered from top to bottom. Todd had vanished with out a trace. The 4 wheeler was - keep in mind - 2 miles from his home at the foot of the mountain. A pond a few hundred yards from the house was even searched by skin divers just so they overlooked nothing. Dogs were over the whole area constantly no results. No trace.
Then, in the evening of the 2nd day, something white was spotted in a large brushy area 25 feet from the pond. Police and rescue workers spent 20 minutes cutting and hacking brush and small trees so they could reach what looked like a body. It was Todd Sees. He was wearing his underwear. He was emaciated - not bloated. He was white. He had an expression of horror on his face. When he went up the mountain he was fully-dressed, boots, camo vest, hat, socks, pants.
The FBI showed up with in 30 minutes (of Todd's discovery -ed). They took charge. They would not let his wife look at her dead husband no matter how much she tried. The FBI asked questions around the area...neighbors, mostly farmers.
3 farmers on one farm said they saw a large round bright object just above the powerlines at the time of the disappearance. It was silent, it did not move for about 10 to 15 minutes. It suddenly went up...and suddenly stopped. A light shined down and something, appeared to be a man, head up, waving his arms, was pulled up into the light. The object then went straight up, hesitated again, then went west over the Susquehanna River and out of sight.
A police friend of mine said after 2 autopsies, nothing was found. A toxicology test revealed nothing. No visible cuts or bruises anywhere except from the brush. Now the body is at Allentown, from there it is going to Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa. The wife was told she cannot have the body for 6 to 8 weeks. A boot was found a mile from the 4 wheeler a few days ago at the top of a tree. It was his. I notice military copters have been scouring the mountain ever since at least once a day.
Ft. Indiantown Gap os HQ of 28th Infantry Division. The 28th encompasses Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, and New Jersey, so that would explain the vehicles with Maryland tags. Furthermore the "Air force" base is actually Muir Army Airfield which houses the Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site (EAATS). So its a Pennsylvania Air National Gaurd base, and evidently not designated classified or secret. Ive seen the hovering lights however. Always in western part of night sky. Star like light that hovers below the cloud level for couple hours, then slowly disapears. First seen it as a child growing up in Hazleton. Last seen it two nights ago. I fooled a friend into thinking it was the north star lol.
So Phillip Williams, you must be a debunker. I did not say that the tags on the vehicle were Maryland tags. They were US Government tags. I said that the patches on the Uniforms were Maryland tags.
I lived in the area so telling people about the sky really has no meaning. Central Pa has a very active MUFON organization. I personally seen aliens and ships in Central Pa. So you can debunk all you want. I hope that you are getting paid well doing this.
One thing that you stayed away from is the fact that we have a restricted US Air Force Base inside the Pa. National Guard Base. You did not explain why I was escorted all the way to the highway outside the National Guard Base once I started taking pictures of the secret base. Pa. National Guard at Indiantown Gap is a public Base. Explain why they changed the fence so that people can no longer see what I have already taken pictures of? Explain the new construction going on at the base?
All I can say is Carl Rowe is the most dangerous man in the States. He has more women men and children killed than anyone has globaly. Wake up America arm yourself physically get to know the officials elected in office know were there kin is and located make sure u can get to them in the event of a catalispic event takes place like Marshal law. Your government is gonna allow orchestrate and commit to a chemical war on us, but remember u can determine when if u watch the elected officials children and family, and have a communications device to alert each other on anything out norm if this happens on a large scale say clientans kids are not going to be around Tom, and same with bush and Obama that would mean one thing to me the time had come have your self ready to head to a remote area look at continental divide the jet stream think chemical pollution and strategically place yourself to survive so u can execute at a later date. Amen
Listen Americans, when they placed inheritance tax on next a kin, could anyone give me there name as to who voted for that, to raise property tax on fixed income Americans that built this country, to offer aid to seniors for there house, bail out the banks and wall street while Americans loose there jobs,houses,life as if the elite cares. When they bought up nextels radio waves and took the UHF antenna TV away that's a tall tail sign for me, the federal government has suffisticated trains, gas chambers in federal prisons to date, and always remember this the higher the ranking official the bigger the sleeze, why? The uper echeline like scumballs, why? One reason, scumballs have to do what there told u can program them like a computer because if they disobey well the scumballs have dirt smeared all over there face long before they were selected to carry out and evil America, once scum ball is exposed tuff love America won't believe what the scum ball says, the district attorney's the judges the lawyers is a joke to people yet we allow it to continue we have grown numb, we are the stupidest nation on earth. I love America I hate what it's become, when I grew up it was be all u can be, my kids they get to here how bad it is how governing authority does bad stuff but we don't hold them accountable, so what's legislature do pass laws they know these kids will grow up with the f u mentality and the government figured out how to make money on it, prison! Don't smoke in the bar but u can drink, don't smoke marijuana but here is hand full of zanees, prozacks ah ha ha. We must wear seatbelt in a car but u can ride motor cycle without helmot, u can ride a school bus without seat belt, u can legally be 600 pounds and freely walk into a buffet, but smoke joint u will do jail time, get probation and never get off for life. When is dumb ass America gonna wake up, or is this blog used to find the ones that know? Ah ha ha either way cone ready I am promise.
All I can say is Carl Rowe is the most dangerous man in the States. He has more women men and children killed than anyone has globaly. Wake up America arm yourself physically get to know the officials elected in office know were there kin is and located make sure u can get to them in the event of a catalispic event takes place like Marshal law. Your government is gonna allow orchestrate and commit to a chemical war on us, but remember u can determine when if u watch the elected officials children and family, and have a communications device to alert each other on anything out norm if this happens on a large scale say clientans kids are not going to be around Tom, and same with bush and Obama that would mean one thing to me the time had come have your self ready to head to a remote area look at continental divide the jet stream think chemical pollution and strategically place yourself to survive so u can execute at a later date. Amen
i was born & raised in N-hampton before i departed for training in Naval Intelligence... i served time at the base working on the TR3B ( this is a classified modified stealth bomber with platinum jet turbines that runs øff liquid lithium noted by its RED burn.
to clarify the reality of our nation. when a xeti craft crashed in 1942 it was pieced out to multiply manufacturing states ( tri-state area ) fort indian town gap received a small piece of the craft dealing with trinial time con-sorption, "they" \\\ we - never figured out much about it, as the technology was light years ahead of tesla coil "type" magnetism & explosion propulsion technology that is colloquially found in PA ...
but to verify... everything your saying is correct... except "they" didn't run any of your information... infact... most of the time "we" pretend we have greater technology then we are capable of deploying
good talk
yes aliens are real
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