Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Far Side of the Moon

The Launch Assembly Building at Cape Kennedy, Fl. 

At the beginning of 1969, I signed up to go on a three day trip to Niagara Falls, Canada sponsored by a church in Rankin, Pa.  I did not know that NASA was planning to send Apollo 11 to the moon at that time.    I was able to see Apollo 11 take off on July 16th at home before we left for Canada. I was worried that I would not see them land on the moon. We were on our way back home when Apollo 11 was landing on the moon on July 19th. I did not see that landing.

I got home, ran in the house (ran to the bathroom) and turned the TV on in time to see Neil Armstrong walk down the latter and onto the moon surface. On July 20, 1969, at 10:56 p.m. Neil walked on the moon.


Neil Armstrong's foot print on the moon 

As a Black man, I found that for miles around, I was the only Black person that cared about this event. So I really had no one nearby to talk to about this event. My neighbor across the street was still saying that God did not want man to fly planes let alone go into space. In fact, most people that I knew claimed that people had not business on the moon. An Astrophysics Dr. Tyson of New York found out the same thing. I am sure that hatred of technology in the 1960s and 1970s is the reason why few Black people my age is in technical jobs. Here is why Black unemployment is double White unemployment. But this is another story, for a different time.



Neil deGrasse Tyson (/ˈnəl dəˈɡræs ˈtsən/; born October 5, 1958) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator.

It was not until the 21st Century did I think about what I saw on TV. What if NASA did not want the American people to know what was in the background? With people having problems with man flying planes and going into space, what if they landed with a back drop of other people on the moon and their Cities? We could have real problems here on Earth. We may even have a break down in Civilization.

If it was me, I would send back a fuzzy picture as well. 

Look at this picture. You may think as I did at the time that the picture is not good quality. They said that they did not think about the difference between commercial feed and Military feed when transmitting video. Now I am not so sure that this is the case. 

I think it is time you see the video below. Click on the link or on the picture.

Hangar 1 The UFO Files Season 2 Episode 4 Far Side of the Moon

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