Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 6

The Nazi death camp of Auschwitz
January 1945 Auschwitz death camp (Poland) Photo by V Yudin 
As far as aliens, are you like the people in the 1940s? Some knew about them. Some did not want to know. 

The Dulce Underground Base

The general population have no idea that aliens have underground bases all over the world. Now that you understand dimensions and something about time, we can move on to figuring out why some of these aliens live underground and why they moved from Central and South America to the US. 

At Dulce, they experienced an uprising that cost the lives of 82 people and 132 aliens. The problem was over conditions at Dulce. Dulce is run more like a NAZI death camp than a research lab. Aliens on earth have no rights and they are treated that way. The US operates approx. 26 bases like this around the country. Dulce spies operate in the town of Dulce to look for anyone that might violate their security.    

Read pages 26 thru 35;


1. Aliens live in the underground in the Western US because of magnetic substrata rock and high energy plasma in the area (True or False) 

2. The Dulce Base is a joint US and Russian complex (True or False)

3. Alien are fighting over whose agenda should be followed for earth (True or False)

4. Bechtel is a super-secret international corporation founded in 1898 now working as a Shadow Government and is an arm of the CIA (True or False)

5. Dulce Base is a highly top secret base (True or false).

6. Former Bechtel employee hold key US Government offices (True or False)

7. At Dulce, alien housing is on levels 5 thru 7 (True or False)

8. Research into the human genome is going on at Dulce (True or False)

9. Nightmare Hall is on Level 6 at Dulce. Here they have genetically altered species (True or False)

10. Level 7 has humans in cages (True or False)

11. A resistance group was started in 1978 and an uprising started at Dulce in 1979. Many scientist and military people were killed (True or False)

12. The confrontation between humans and aliens at Dulce cost 82 people there lives and 132 aliens died(True or False)

13. Alien workers were used to make the material used in the Dulce complex (True or False)


1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. True

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 5

Crop Circles Phenomena

We exist in the third dimension. You heard this  before in school; Length, width, and volume.  This is where we live. But we have a fourth dimension called Time. You can be in the past, in the future, and the present if you could control time. But you can be in a parallel universe or multiverse by leaving this dimension. That parallel universe is the fifth dimension. Beings from a Fifth Dimension are making Crop Circles on our planet as a form of communications and trying to find a way to our dimension.

Read pages 23 thru 25;  Crop circles Phenomena


1. People like us live in a three dimensional world (True or False)

2. If you lived in a four dimensional world, you would know the future like God (True or False)

3. People who make crop circles on earth are mostly from the Fifth Dimension (True or False)

4. If station WINK 104 was a dimension, you can go to station WPXI in another dimension (True or False)

5. Creating crop circles started just 50 years ago. (True or False)


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 4

The Antarean Connection

I wrote a blog called, “Birth, Death, and Transfiguration.” You can see it by clicking on this blog;

Read pages 21 and 22, The Antarean Connection. 

Compare what I talk about in my blog and what is talked about in the Antarean Connection. You will find that we are talking about time, space, and dimensions. In my opinion, Jesus exist in more than one dimension. Time really does not exist. It exist because of human consciousness. This is how Jesus knew what will happen before it happened. We live in three dimensions. But the measurement of time in our minds change. 

For example, when you were 8 years old, it seemed like Christmas would never come. At 58 years old, you wonder how Christmas came so fast. The difference between the two is how long you existed in this three dimensional world.  


1. To humans on earth, time is a measurement. (True or False)

2. Is time the same for everyone and in every place (Yes or No)

3. The intelligent energy force that the writers talk about can be God (True or False)  

4. Some UFOs can originate from beyond Time and space (True or False)

5. Some beings have total foreknowledge of human events and even individual lives (True or False)

6. The writer believes that human events occur at the same time (True or False)

7. If a higher Intelligent being communicates with a lower intelligent being, only good things can happen (True or False)

8. Some beings come to earth by way of portals (True or False)

9. The writer believes that observers from the Antares Star System is watching us (True or False)

10. Time is in our minds (True or False)


1. True
2. No
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True


Don't Miss the 

Philadelphia Area

October 4th to  6th

UFO Conference 

Philadelphia Area Conference  


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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 3

Not only have animals been mutilated but so have humans. Some have been reported with evidence of an alien connection.

I talked before about Todd Sees who lived in Point Township, 60 miles up the Susquehanna River from Harrisburg Pa. the capital of Pennsylvania. If you want more information on human mutilation, read my blog,
Me Scared? You Bet Yea

Both the aliens and the US Government are involved in animal mutilations. They both are involved for different reasons. The US Government is doing experiments on lengthening the life of humans. They also use human body parts as leverage to get what they need from aliens. While the Aliens are doing other scientific research on human life. They are trying to figure out how they can have children by breeding with humans.
Read pages 18 thru 20; Cattle Mutilations.


1. Regelians need the cattle’s tissues because they have the same Carron cells as the human beings at the genetic level. (True or False)

2. Black Helicopters flying in the area of mutilations have US or UN markings on them (True or False)

3. Black Helicopters never make any sound (True or False)

4. Black Helicopters are seen before and after mutilations (True or False)

5. Seeing Black Helicopters around mutilations is something that just started about 3 years ago. (True or False)


1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

Monday, September 2, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 2

Ancient Aliens with Ancient Humans on Earth

In part 1, we learned that the Majic's Contingency Plan B written in 1949 code: MAJIC/STR/M 03CCPN24 talked about terrorists entering the US with an atomic bomb. Martial Law would be declared. The media would be placed under government control. Anyone attempting resistance would be arrested or killed.

These notes were published around 1990. But this sounds like what happened in 2001 with 911 and the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act allowed the military to take over and place citizens as well as foreigners under arrest without charges. This was Martial Law and it is still going on today.

The first time I saw an alien face to face, I knew that the alien did not belong here. The alien knew that I knew that they were not human. So the alien tried to quietly intimidate me. And it worked. I ran away. Now I acted like this knowing that aliens are here among us. How do you think that other people will react once they find out and see these beings walking the street? How would you react knowing that you do not know what they are capable of doing to you? This is why the government does not want to tell you that aliens are here and live among us!

Read pages 15 thru 17, Facts About Aliens on Earth (1) -- Code: AMNIDATA. Then answer the questions below.
Blue Planet Project
1. Majic's Contingency Plan B sounds very much like the actions taken after 911. (True or False)
2. We live in a multidimensional world with aliens/entities. Some are friendly and some are hostile. (True or False)
3. Aliens maintain bases on Earth and on the moon. (True or False)
4. Cattle are being killed by aliens and the US Government for different reasons. (True or False)
5. In 1947, 1948, and 1959 UFOs crashed because of a new experimental radar. (True or False)
6. Guest are aliens who have an invitation by the US to stay on Earth.
7.  Aliens that come to earth for unknown reasons are called?
8. Aliens captured by the US or other governments are called?
9. Aliens that come to earth for scientific reasons are called?
10. Aliens that do not respect our society meaning that they are dangerous to us are called?
11. Aliens that observe us but do not interfere with us are called?
12. Aliens that live among us and look like us are called?
13. Aliens that interfere with our history are called?
14. There are three types of Greys (True or False)
15. Give me one of the three names of Aliens that look like White people from Northern Europe or blond hair blue eyed people in the Americas?
16. Aliens that appear to have a grey tint to their skin but look like the people talked about in question number 15. What are they called?
17. Shape shifters that are thought to be peaceful are called what?
18. One and one half and two and one half blue skin aliens seen frequently near Chihuahua, Mexico are called?
19. Orange red hair 4 feet, 35 pound aliens that are neutral to us are called?
20. Aliens that are equal to the US CIA but from another galaxy are called?


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7.  Visitors
8.  Prisoners
9. Researchers
10. Intruders or Malevolents
11. Neutrals
12. Colonizers
13. Integrators
14. True
15. Nordic, Blondes, Swedes
16. Nordic Clones
17. Intra-Dimensional Aliens
18. Short humanoids
19. Hairy Dwarfs
20. Men in Black or MIB