Sunday, September 30, 2012

Proof of Ancient Aliens

If he is not human then where did he come from?

The Egyptians have refused to believe that their heritage came from an alien source. That is because for the current Egyptians, it did not. That is not their heritage. The people who occupy Egypt today are Arabs from Turkey, who invaded in the 7th century. The Jews lived in Egypt as well as the Romans and Greeks. They are also the French and British as well as others who invaded this land over the past 3,000 years.

The original Egyptians were Africans from Nubia, an ancient nation south of Egypt and up the Nile River. These people who came from Egypt migrated and now live in the Sudan, South Africa, nations in West Africa, and other locations throughout the continent. Their traditional cultures speak of these aliens. Some talk about their original homeland in a triple star system called Sirius, 8.6 light years away.

The above video shows a body of a perfectly preserved, carefully mummified alien. It was found buried in an ancient pyramid. A mysterious creature from between 150 and 160 centimeters (5-foot-3-inch) was found by an archaeologist near Lahun when exploring a small pyramid near the 12th Dynasty pyramid of Senusret II (1897 BC - 1878 BC).

However, this fact was not revealed immediately. "The mummy of what appears to be an alien dates back to 1880 B.C. and it seems it would be a humanoid" said a source at the Egyptian Antiquities Department, who provided details and photographs of the find but did so under condition of anonymity.

Some online sources said that this is a fur and reptilian species. Their eyes are large and oval shaped. It has no external ears. Inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy showed that the alien was a counsellor to the king. The aliens name was Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects. Archaeological museum managers cannot identify these objects.

According to Egyptian sources, the alien mummy was discovered by Dr. Viktor Lubek, Czechoslovakian citizen and retired professor of the University of Pennsylvania.

Archaeologist located the hidden compartment while conducting an investigation into a small pyramid south of the main pyramid, Senusret II, which contains the queen of the pharaoh. At the site they also found some gold and clay mixtures covering the body. They also found traces of cloth like linen on the skin covering the enigmatic being.

Objects inside the tomb include artifacts made of a synthetic type material that nobody could identify. No one has found similar elements in other Egyptian tombs, so the discovery is very important for current archeology.

The anonymous messenger, who has obtained the information, also said that the discovery has caused great consternation among Egyptian officials, who want to keep it hidden until a plausible explanation for the strange mummy can be found. The government has consulted a number of respected archaeologists, but to date none can explain the finding as something ordinary.

"The truth is, that every expert who has seen the mummy has concluded that it is not of earthly origin," said the unidentified source. "There is a sense that this is an alien who somehow ended up advising an Egyptian king."

But everyone in the Egyptian government is moving away from that conclusion that would support the ideas that the ancient Egyptians had help from aliens in building their extraordinary civilization. "The Egyptians refuse to believe that their heritage came from outer space." As I said before, they don’t have to worry about that because I believe these Egyptians came from Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Minor!

This backs up the New Age idea that the ancient Egyptians had help from space aliens in building their extraordinary civilization. The mummy is slated to be flown to a university in Florida where specialists will examine it more closely.

We are not alone nor were we ever alone!

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