Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Civilization Integration Part 1

Alien Hybrid living on Earth

For thousands of years an Alien presence here on Earth has made itself known through miraculous signs and wonders. Alien visitors and their spacecraft have been depicted in stone age cave paintings and recorded in the sacred writings of virtually every ancient culture in human history. We have ancient buildings around the world that would be hard to duplicate today.

The Holly Bible, Koran, and other ancient text talks about things that have happened on Earth that we would called miracles today.

This amazing feature length program presented below shows the evidence of alien visitations that shaped the ancient world and still continue to affect our lives today. This video includes the true story of the world famous UFO Contactee and author George Adamski and many others who made UFO history in the 1950s and 60s as the first people to speak in public and show proof of their experiences with UFOs and aliens from another worlds.

In previous blogs, I showed you that the Catholic Church has changed its thinking when it comes to Aliens. They now say that it is OK to believe in Aliens. They also say that if they come to mass they will try to convert them to Christianity. Two hundred years ago, a person saying such things would be at the very least thrown out of the church and at best killed by the church.

George Adamski was the first worldwide ambassador since World War II that worked as a go between for one of the alien human species and the people of Earth. He visited the Pope in the 1950s and delivered a package to him from the aliens before the Popes death. Adamski had alien secret service agents assign to him while he went form one nation to another doing Alien/Earth Relations.

Howard Menger was a contactee that went to the moon in 1956. Howard Menger claims to have built a propulsion unit that uses free energy. He explains why we cannot use such systems here on Earth today.

UFOTV Presents...: UFO Secret - Alien Contacts - Feature Length

This video includes 40 original film clips of alien UFO spacecraft in flight and an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses, and experiencers.

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