Click on the link or on the picture to see the first flight in America.
Wright Brothers – 1903
At this time, most people thought that if man went over 60 miles an hour, strange things happen to them. Many people said if man was meant to fly, God would have given him wings. Most people did not talk to others living 10 miles from their home. People of different races did not intermingle. In fact, in many places, it was illegal to intermarry or live in mix communities. In most places, it was unthinkable that people living in other worlds existed. This was thinking for heretics.
Man's first foot print on the Moon
Click on the link below or the picture to see the first steps by a human on the moon (that we know of).
On July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. Sixty-six years after the first Wright Brother’s flight, Commander Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon. People got accustom to flying in air planes.
However, most people did not see the benefit of man in space. They did not see the benefit of shooting rockets into space. People were to busy fighting the idea of having to work and live with people of other races. Superior Ideology was now the name of the game. It was still unthinkable that people lived in other worlds let alone they live among us. Anyone who would entertain such thoughts must be crazy or had some type of social problem.
At the same time, the governments on Earth were hiding the fact that such alien people exist. In the second decade of the 21st Century, try to make people give up their GPS Systems, Cell Phones or Internet/Email Systems and see what happens. These are all made possible by a network of satellites around the Earth.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell is the third astronaut that I am bringing to you, telling you that we have visitors here from space. Dr. Edgar Mitchell gave a 22 minute speech on his experiences to the 2008 X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He also talked about the future as he sees it for the United States and the world.
Click on the picture or the link to see what Dr. Mitchell has to say about ET.
Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell keynote speech
at the
X-Conference 2008
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Washington DC.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell says that we have evidence that we are not alone in the Universe. He grew up hearing stories about aliens and their flying machines. He does not have first hand experience with aliens. However, Astronaut Gordon Cooper and Buzz Aldrin (born Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.) in earlier blogs discussed openly their UFO experiences.
Below are four (4) interviews that Dr. Mitchell gave to journalist around the world. Notice how his story never changed. Also notice that he no longer cares if people believe him or not. He also hinted that the people who told him about aliens, told him because they wanted people to know the truth. They were too afraid to tell the public the truth themselves. They waited until they were on the edge of death to talk about it.
Click on the link or the video to see what Dr. Mitchell has to say.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Pentagon briefed about alien spaceship
Apollo-astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell: UFO DID crash at Roswell in 1947
This is why after all these years, people involved first hand with UFO are starting to talk. They want us to know the truth. Since death is at there front door, they are no longer afraid of telling the world what has been going on for the past 70 years.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell decided to call on the President for UFO information. He must not know that the President does not have Cosmic Top Secret Clearance. The President could not help him if he wanted to help.
This is a website that claims several conversations with astronauts and X-15 pilots. The site documents these professionals seeing UFOs while on duty. I generally do not take at face value comments without the people making the comment saying such information on video. The false statements of Maurice Chatelain is the reason why. In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a moon crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system -- specifically Titan. Maurice's statement is a lie!
"when James Oberg contacted Chatelain's employers he learned that Chatelain was no longer employed by them when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. If he was no longer an employee of a NASA sub-contractor then he could not have been present in any so-called "secret room" where he could overhear the confidential communications of the astronauts on the lunar surface. He was a low-level engineer who worked for a NASA sub-contractor who built the Apollo communications systems. His status as the "head of communications" (as some UFOlogists have claimed), is entirely false."
Another man who was a former NASA employee, Otto Binder, would come forward with information regarding radio ham operators who had their own VHF receiving equipment that enabled them to hear the actual live uncensored audio feed from NASA to the astronauts and vice versa. Parts of these communications were made public. The International UFO Congress March 08, 2011
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