Not all ships seen in the sky are from other worlds. Some air craft maybe from this world operated by the US Air Force. The military operates what is called Black Box Projects. These projects are funded by Congress without public hearings. Instead they are given funding by the House or Senate without question.
The ship above is estimated to be 600 feet long and 300 feet wide, with a height of 40 feet, the Black Triangle could weigh as much as 100 tons. This picture is courtesy of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).
You may think that “lighter than air” transportation systems went out with the destruction of the Hindenburg. According to NIDS, the Air Force is still using a very advance version of this old work horse. Leonard David says in his article “Investigation Casts Light on the Mysterious Flying Black Triangle” that they are big, black, and triangular lighter-than-air, blimp-style craft of the U.S. military. He claims that they are likely powered by "electrokinetic" drive. The lifting body-shaped airships have been in use from as early as 1980 to 1984.
On January 5, 2000, a large, silent, low-flying black triangular shaped craft was seen flying on a southwesterly direction between Highland, Illinois and Dupo, located less than 30 miles (48 kilometers) from St. Louis, Missouri. Citizens in Nevada got up in arms when many people witnessed such a craft in there skies. A small number of the sightings that NIDS has are on file coming from Canada and Europe. In the late 1980s, a craft fitting the above description was seen in the skies over Steelton, Pa.
People who witness seeing this craft say that they make no noise. A hybrid lighter-than-air craft would rely on electrokinetic/field drives, or airborne nuclear power units, lift gas, like a balloon. No helicopter-like downwash would be produced. Except for a slight humming from high-voltage control equipment -- a Big Black Delta makes no noise.
They are so large that they can carry massive payloads at low altitudes, cruising at speeds three to five times as fast as surface ships. These craft also fly at extreme altitudes, high above conventional aircraft and the pulsing of ground-based traffic control radar. This air craft has capabilities starting with silent running, diminished drag, elimination of sonic shockwaves, to operation at ground level, to operating in a full vacuum.
This is still a top secret military project. A lot of these sightings are at night. NIDS claims that they spend a long time aloft, weeks at a time. They can be thought of as ocean-going ships, rather than aircraft," NIDS says.
The ship above is estimated to be 600 feet long and 300 feet wide, with a height of 40 feet, the Black Triangle could weigh as much as 100 tons. This picture is courtesy of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).
You may think that “lighter than air” transportation systems went out with the destruction of the Hindenburg. According to NIDS, the Air Force is still using a very advance version of this old work horse. Leonard David says in his article “Investigation Casts Light on the Mysterious Flying Black Triangle” that they are big, black, and triangular lighter-than-air, blimp-style craft of the U.S. military. He claims that they are likely powered by "electrokinetic" drive. The lifting body-shaped airships have been in use from as early as 1980 to 1984.
On January 5, 2000, a large, silent, low-flying black triangular shaped craft was seen flying on a southwesterly direction between Highland, Illinois and Dupo, located less than 30 miles (48 kilometers) from St. Louis, Missouri. Citizens in Nevada got up in arms when many people witnessed such a craft in there skies. A small number of the sightings that NIDS has are on file coming from Canada and Europe. In the late 1980s, a craft fitting the above description was seen in the skies over Steelton, Pa.
People who witness seeing this craft say that they make no noise. A hybrid lighter-than-air craft would rely on electrokinetic/field drives, or airborne nuclear power units, lift gas, like a balloon. No helicopter-like downwash would be produced. Except for a slight humming from high-voltage control equipment -- a Big Black Delta makes no noise.
They are so large that they can carry massive payloads at low altitudes, cruising at speeds three to five times as fast as surface ships. These craft also fly at extreme altitudes, high above conventional aircraft and the pulsing of ground-based traffic control radar. This air craft has capabilities starting with silent running, diminished drag, elimination of sonic shockwaves, to operation at ground level, to operating in a full vacuum.
This is still a top secret military project. A lot of these sightings are at night. NIDS claims that they spend a long time aloft, weeks at a time. They can be thought of as ocean-going ships, rather than aircraft," NIDS says.
Heavy Lifting Stealth Blimp
L. Scott Miller, professor of Aerospace Engineering at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas, said the idea of a large, still-classified airship floating about is on the mark. But he does not think such a ship could be built. He claims that large airships are of benefit to the military. They are capable of carrying extremely large and heavy payloads at a reasonable speed, for which there is a real mission need, Miller said to Leonard David.
Miller suggests that an airship that could carry a large number of tanks, troops, and supplies into a region overnight would be fantastic. Careful shaping, the systems used, and carefully orchestrating operational procedures would make the airship stealthy. Low altitude flights, at night, and an awareness of enemy capabilities would be critical. Indeed, slow flight at the right time can render enemy radar useless. A 'stealth blimp' would be feasible in this respect!
Between the world wars, the US Government would not sell Germany Helium to place in its blimps because the US feared that Germany would use blimps as a weapon against other nations. This is why the Hindenburg filled with Hydrogen burned so quickly. The Hindenburg burst into flames in 1937, killing 35 of the 97 people on board and one member of the ground crew.
The reason why the United States took this attitude was because of the Zeppelin raids in World War 1. These airship raids were approved by the Kaiser of Germany on January 19, 1915. In December 1915 new Q-class airships were delivered to both the German Army and Navy as well as additional P-class Zeppelins. The Q-class simply added two more gas cells to the P-class, lengthening the craft to 585 feet (178 m), adding 100,000 cubic feet (2,800 m3) of gas, and improving both ceiling and bomb-load.
The first raid of 1916 was organized by the German Navy. Nine Zeppelins were sent to Liverpool, England over the night of January 31 – February 1. A raid was launched on September 2–3, twelve Navy craft and four Zeppelins from the Army took part. The next raid came on October 1, 1916. Eleven Zeppelins were launched at targets in the Midlands and at London. On November 27–28, the Zeppelins avoided London for targets in the Midlands. There were 23 airship raids in 1916 in which 125 tons of ordnance were dropped, killing 293 people and injuring 691.
In World War 1, over 60 Zeppelins were lost, roughly evenly divided between accident and enemy action. 51 raids had been undertaken, in which 5,806 bombs were dropped, killing 557 people and injuring 1,358 while causing damages estimated at £1.5 million. It has been argued the raids were effective far beyond material damage in diverting and hampering wartime production. One estimate was that due to the 1915-16 raids, one sixth of the total normal output of munitions was entirely lost. England diverted 12 fighter squadrons and over 10,000 personnel to the nation’s Air Defenses.
Now What If……..
In our age of terrorism, what if a group of rich terrorist financed the building of this new type of blimp like the one in the picture at the top of this blog. With the high amount of worldwide scientist/technician unemployed, these terrorist could build three blimps and about 100 smart high explosive and fire bombs with the aid of rogue nations. They send these three blimps to a position of 120,000 feet above Washington, DC., the docks of New Jersey, and San Diego harbor. At a selected time, they take out the White House, the Capital, and the Pentagon. That would take out US leadership in a matter of seconds.
At the same time, oil and LNG storage areas can be taken out as well as the NYSE and other stock and bond exchanges. On the west coast, several of our “top of the line” naval ships can be destroyed all in a matter of minutes.
The blimps can stay in the sky for weeks without detection. The public and the government would be in a state of confusion for months.
1 comment:
Darnell, back in 1988 friends and I saw a huge craft above Pease AFB in Newington, NH -- large black cigar. It was hovering over the base, the lights of the compound reflecting softly on the belly. It just moved slowly out of site.
I believe this was probably one of these lighter-than-air craft. There had been rash of "ufo" sightings in that vicinity which I believe were just AF secret craft.
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