You are one of the leaders in a “Shadow Government,” working for the United Nations. You are involved in intergalaxic politics with hundreds of civilizations in the Milky Way. As an American you know that your President and a few congressmen and Senators know what your orders are. But even they do not know the full extent of the alien threat. The Aliens are demanding that humans dismantle their nuclear weapons. They want space demilitarized.
People around the world have problems understanding the people next door and how their local government works. They have a problem with local politics. Villages are fighting other villages over water rights in the Middle East and in Africa. North Korea is shelling South Korea again over a fishing rights dispute. In America, people are in the middle of the second great depression in the last 80 years.
The people on Earth have no idea that you are negotiating with other beings for Earth’s right to travel in space to other worlds. You are about to go into a meeting with the Galactic League to talk about their right to have land and sea bases on Earth. In fact, they have bases all over the Earth and on the Moon. You know that the nations of Earth cannot control their air space. The aliens can roam at will.
You want to stop the abductions and the theft of human eggs and sperm from the average Earthly Citizen. The aliens use them to reproduce hybrid beings. The Cattle Industry in the United States, Canada, and the South American nations want an end to cattle rustling by aliens.
The 57 species in the Galactic League weaponry makes Earth’s military technology look like “Sticks and Stones.” So you can’t negotiate from strength. So how are you going to solve this problem?
The 57 species in the Galactic League weaponry makes Earth’s military technology look like “Sticks and Stones.” So you can’t negotiate from strength. So how are you going to solve this problem?
That is just one problem that faces Earth’s “Shadow Government.” What will happen if one day, the people on Earth become aware of the aliens occupying their planet? Because of the advance camera and internet technology, governments can no longer cover up alien activity. Will humans demand that aliens be removed from the planet? Will they demand that we go to war against them? How would the aliens react to human awareness? Will the fear of such knowledge cause the collapse of civilization as we know it on Earth today?
Remember what happen to Native American Society when the Europeans came to America. From 1492 to today, most were wiped out from war, hate crimes, and desease. The remaining Native Americans were forced to give up their identity and become White or Black and move to the cities. Their land was stollen from them by law. Their children were taught a false history or no history about themselves. They had to give up their own language for English French, Portuguese, German, or Spanish.
Politicians do not like to deal with unknowns. That is why they never talk about aliens or UFOs. Rarely do they allow their media to do so either.
From all of this, you can see why most of the world’s governments deny the existence of UFOs or at most ignore any inquiries about them.
SETI: Earth’s listening Post
SETI: Earth’s listening Post
SETI has listen to many signals from space. Five of these signals cannot be explained.
In our next blog
A group of corporations will take on what they will call the alien threat to the human race. We will see what the US Presidents say especially Five Star General then President Eisenhower about this group of corporations. The true is out there!
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