Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Always Knew That Life Is On Mars

The Planet Mars

When I was 5 years old, I was taking out books on the planets from the  library.  The only memory that I have of going to the public library with my sister was to take out books on Mars and other planets. When I was in Elementary school, I took out books about the planets. By the time I was in 6 grade, I knew more about the planets than my teacher.

Two places in the sky was of special interest to me, Mars and Titan, a moon of Saturn.  Why? Because as far as I can remember, I always thought that these two places have life.  Like with many of my beliefs, relatives, teachers, and other children thought that I am crazy.

In 1976 the Viking Landers landed on the red planet. I was in my 20s, ready to hear that they found life.  On the 6:30 News, Walter Cronkite said that they found life on Mars. Then the next day he said that they did not.  At that point, I knew that the cover up was in. Why? Because the experiments worked.  Now they are trying to say that the experiments  were detecting the soil.  I knew better.

The 1976 discovery of life on Mars

In 2014, we have rovers rolling around the red planet. This is after  the Catholic church got its arms around explaining life outside Earth. This is after several nations around the world told their people that extraterrestrial life exist.  Then NASA  says  that they found evidence of life on Mars.  No shit Sherlock!     

The 2014 discovery of life on Mars

The World's Plan!

The church and governments around the world is scrambling to secretly educate the masses on ET. They must get us to the point where we know the reality that ET exist without shocking us. This is one step in that direction.

If you notice the public is not alarmed concerning life from someplace else like Mars. Now the next step is to find life outside our solar system and reporting that to the public. The third step is to introduce life that came to Earth years ago.

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