People think that the picture above is their community. But what they do not understand is……….
This is their community.
Soon society will change as soon as the 195 nations on Earth admit the existence and interaction with alien people. The most obvious part of the economy that will be affected will be transportation. But this interaction will also come at a cost. I for one will want the human and animal mutilations to stop. Will the alien societies dominate Earth societies like the Europeans did the Native Americans, Asian, and African societies? If so, that could affect ownership in relation to property.
If you have been reading my blogs on Aliens and UFOs, you should have some idea that Aliens and UFOs do exist. If you have been reading and still don’t believe that they exist then you just don’t want to believe. Some people read my blogs but really don’t care one way or another.
When I was younger, I did not believe in speed limits. I could go from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg in less than 3 hours. That resulted in 5 speeding tickets. After paying high fines, I thought maybe there was something to these speed limits. When I was hired by the state police some 30 years later, they did an investigation on me, called me in and asked me why I was speeding on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. I had no answer but now I am a believer in speed signs.
Some people who ignore the subject do so because by confronting it, they may have to do something about it. The City of Harrisburg at the turn of the 21st Century had a debt problem. The Mayor knew it and City Council did not want to know it. The debt grew and everyone just ignored it. By 2010, they had a new Mayor and a few new members of City Council. They found that they could not pay the bills. They could no longer ignore the problem. So now, they fight over what to do about the problem. The people in the area just want to fight over the Mayor's character or council's in action but don't want to fight to get the problem solved. The Problem continues to grow and the problem will not go away.
The same can be said about what is going on with the 195 governments on Earth. The United States and other governments around the world have been misleading people for so long that it is not possible to tell the public the truth.
How can the government tell the people about aliens when they have been saying that UFO sightings where swamp gas, jet planes, people not being credible, or just people making stuff up? The governments believe that by keeping aliens and UFOs secret, they will have the advantage against other nations. Governments believe that these aliens will give them technology that will give them an advantage over other nations.

This sounds like the African strategy against the Europeans in the African Slave Trade and the Native American land takeover by the Europeans. The Africans had no idea what was going on in America and the Native Americans had no idea of the intent of the Europeans. The Europeans just wanted slaves to produce the products in America. They had no intentions of giving the Western Africans technology such as ships and knowledge of the Native Americans and East Asians. That would help the Africans increase their wealth and prestige around the world. The Europeans wanted to control knowledge, technology, and events.
We have the same situation with the aliens. The aliens do not want competition in space or on this Earth. So why do our 195 nations think that the aliens will give us a great wealth of technology?
If the US Government says that UFOs are real then the next question is; can the US control their air space? Is what they say about human and animal mutilations true? If so, why haven’t they stopped the aliens from committing these crimes? Why don’t the aliens obey our laws? The US and any other government on Earth can’t answer these questions. So the best thing to do is say nothing at all and hope the issue goes away.

Government follow events, they do not act ahead of events. For example, the United States gives 1.5 Billion to the Egypt’s government knowing that the people of Egypt are very unhappy with their government. They know that the Egyptian government is a police state, not a democracy. But yet, because Egypt does what the US Government wants done on the world stage, they ignore the wishes of the people. Now that the people themselves is about to over throw the Egyptian Government, the US Government wants to look like they support the Egyptian people and want the leaders of the Egyptian Government to step down. The US Government can do nothing about the situation except await events and go with whatever happens in Egypt. The US ignored the situation until it became a crisis then act as if they have control of the situation.
By the way, the $1.5 Billion in aid does not go toward spending on the Egyptian people. It goes for military aid. They use it to purchase tanks, planes, and other military hardware in exchange for contracts with members of the US Military Industrial Complex that maintains this equipment. It is a way; US Corporations can make money off of Egypt. This same Military Industrial Complex is what is trying to get the technology from the aliens so that they can make better weapons.
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