I don’t care what people think of me because I have always been sort of an out cast in society. Many people are afraid of me because I talk about things that other people dare not discuss. For example, how many people do you know talk openly about UFOs? People just don’t do that because they are afraid of what other might think of them.
However, we have many people in this world who have been or think they have been abducted by aliens but are afraid to talk to anyone about it. Here is a website that can help such people.
Take this survey to see if you have been abducted.

Aliens are not going to give you paper work like you receive after your doctor visit. Most of the time, they tell you nothing of your visit. You can take this Alien Abduction Survey. This can be a start to finding out if you indeed have been abducted by alien beings.
So what do these alien being look like? The above video is an elementary start to answering this question for you.
In the 2001 Press Club Disclosure Interview, a x-USA Air force scientist disclosured the final Proof, ALIENS AND UFO'S DO EXIST. They have documented since 1999 57 Alien Species.
Here is an overview of the near Galaxtic Community Aliens that routinely come to Earth or live here on Earth.
The Grays and the Indigenous Reptilian People
The main ALIEN type reported by abductees, witnesses, and government whistleblowers.
Here is a look at the 3 to 5 foot tall Small Gray Alien Being. These people are abductors and they frighten me. They do work for the Indigenous Reptilian people.
Here is a look at the 7 foot tall Indigenous Reptilian Alien Being. These people are from Earth and they think they own the place. They view Humans are hostile.
Here are the 6 to 8 feet tall Gray Alien Beings. They are hostile beings and share the same agenda as the small Grays. They are the people who met with President Eisenhower and signed a treating between them and the United States for cattle mutilation in exchange for technology. These are the people that stand accused of abduction, killing, and mutilating Mr. Todd Sees of Northumberland County Pennsylvania, USA.
The main ALIEN type reported by abductees, witnesses, and government whistleblowers.
Here is a look at the 3 to 5 foot tall Small Gray Alien Being. These people are abductors and they frighten me. They do work for the Indigenous Reptilian people.
Here is a look at the 7 foot tall Indigenous Reptilian Alien Being. These people are from Earth and they think they own the place. They view Humans are hostile.
Here are the 6 to 8 feet tall Gray Alien Beings. They are hostile beings and share the same agenda as the small Grays. They are the people who met with President Eisenhower and signed a treating between them and the United States for cattle mutilation in exchange for technology. These are the people that stand accused of abduction, killing, and mutilating Mr. Todd Sees of Northumberland County Pennsylvania, USA.
The Gray Agenda!
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part one
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part two
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part three
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part four
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part five
This is only one part of the Grays agenda. They are into taking body parts from live humans here on Earth for some reason, only known to them. Here is the reason why I do not like them.
It is apparent to me that the Grays have been traveling in space longer than human beings have been on this planet. By the twentieth century, the Grays were probably from many star systems and cannot point to one planet as their home. Just remember, White Americans are from Europe, Ireland, and Great Britian. But before that they came from Central Asia.
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part one
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part two
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part three
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part four
Story about abduction by Gray Aliens Part five
This is only one part of the Grays agenda. They are into taking body parts from live humans here on Earth for some reason, only known to them. Here is the reason why I do not like them.
It is apparent to me that the Grays have been traveling in space longer than human beings have been on this planet. By the twentieth century, the Grays were probably from many star systems and cannot point to one planet as their home. Just remember, White Americans are from Europe, Ireland, and Great Britian. But before that they came from Central Asia.
Just like humans have mutated to different colors over the centuries, Grey Aliens probably did the same thing over the millions of years in space.
My Experience

Was I smart enough to figure this out by myself or was I influenced by aliens and this conversation with them was hidden in my mind? It could be that they gave me this information and told me that it was my idea. I did go from an “F” student passing on condition in seventh grade to an honor roll student by tenth Grade. By 21 years old, I was a computer programming expert and by 25 years old, a publish author and expert in the Junk Bond field. So in 12 years I went from totally stupid to highly paid expert. Was this me or was it alien influence?
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