Philadelphia Area Conference 10th Anniv. Oct 27-28, 2017
Meet 4 members of the “Hangar 1” cast
Private dinner and cocktail hour with speakers
Dinner music provided by Doug and Eileen Flor
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FRI 430- Weber/Medleycott
530 Saluga
645 Cocktail hr
8 Moss/Angiola/Ray
Sat 9am-Arnold
1030 Mera
1215 Lunch
115 Col Halt
3 Walton
5 Dinner
7 Carey
Stephen Mera- The Phenomena Project.
Honorary Advisor and Partner of Zohar Entertainment Group www.zoharstargate.com
UK Consultant for PSI Applications U.S. Phenomena Magazine: CEO – http://www.phenomenamagazine.co.uk
Author of: A-Z of the Unknown / Strange Happenings / Paranormal Insight & Co-Author of The Rochdale Poltergeist: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+rochdale+poltergeist and The House of Fire and Whispers: https://www.amazon.co.uk/House-Fire-Whispers-Investigating-Seattle/dp/1536989436/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1495366171&sr=1-1&keywords=the+house+of+fire+and+whispers Founder of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology (Est 1996). Chairman of MAPIT – Manchester’s Association of Paranormal Investigation & Training (Est 1974): http://www.mapit.kk5.org
Associative Member: Unifaculty of London Member: Office of Metaphysical Parapsychology International TV & Radio Host, Freelance Journalist, International Lecturer & Head Tutor of the British Investigators
Official Spokesman for Fox TV series ‘Outcast’: http://www.foxtv.co.uk/shows/fox/outcast , Onwinges Productions ‘TRAVIS’ http://traviswaltonthemovie.com/, Hammer Productions ‘The Quiet Ones’: http://www.hammerfilms.com/project/the-quiet-ones/ , The Other Land of the Gods documentary: http://lesavoirdesanciens.shop/en/ and the Erich Von Daniken Legacy Night – Bafta 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6dO91N0ZbQ&t=124s
Executive Producer: The Erich Von Daniken Legacy Night.
Host: Phenomena Project: http://www.phenomenaproject.tv
Ben Moss and Tony Angiola- Socorro: An Investigation from the Inside out. Ben Moss is Mufon’s Chief Field Investigator in Virginia. He and Tony were co-hosts on The History Channels Hangar 1 show. Ben, along with Tony Angiola, will be speaking about the Socorro case using new evidence, official internal Air Force Blue Book files, and files copied directly from the National Archives. Ben and Tony have spent 100’s of hours meeting Ray Stanford, the original NICAP investigator allowed on the Socorro site just after this 1964 incident and a friend of the late Dr. J Allen Hynek, Project Blue Books UFO expert.
Larry Arnold, Spontaneous Human Combustion, This is a difficult topic for most of us to deal with. It is so easy to judge these reports on face value as impossible and not true. Yet after looking at the
Travis Walton- Fire in the Sky.
Driving home after a day of clearing brush in the forest, Travis and six other lumberjacks come upon a 40 foot disk hovering silently over the crest of a ridge. As if spellbound, Travis Walton jumps from the passenger side, running towards it for a closer look. That decision November 5, 1975 would change him and these loggers for the rest of their lives. The 21 year-old logger from Snowflake Arizona disappeared for five days, igniting a firestorm of controversy aimed at the logging crew who were the last to see him in the forest. Travis will present an in-depth
Colonel Charles I. Halt- Rendlesham.
Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt was deputy base commander at a joint British/American airbase, RAF Bentwaters, in 1980. Halt saw a disc-shaped UFO directing beam of light down to the ground near him. The Rendlesham Forest incident of late December 1980 occurred shortly afterwards, and he was an important witness to events on the second night of sightings. Col. Charles Halt, who, in December 1980, was the deputy base commander at joint British/American airbases, Bentwaters and Woodbridge, in the Rendlesham Forest in England. Over the course of several nights, UFO activity was high at the base, including reports of unidentified objects near the nuclear weapons storage area. Donald Moreland, the British Liason Officer, pressured Halt to report the UFO incident to Britainâ’s Ministry Of Defence. Eventually, on the 13th January 1981, Charles Halt typed a memorandum and sent it to the MOD with a covering letter from Moreland. The memorandum first surfaced in June 1983, after a Freedom of Information request from CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy who were only aware of Larry Warrens story at the time. When the document was finally released, CAUS forwarded a copy to one of their investigators, Robert Todd, who we assume began circulating the document. The Ministry of Defense never replied to Halt’s memorandum.
Tom Carey– Roswell at 70
Thomas J. Carey, a native Philadelphian, holds degrees from Temple University (B.S. in Business Administration) and California State University, Sacramento (M.A. in Anthropology), and also attended the University of Toronto’s Ph.D. Program in Anthropology. An Air Force veteran who held a TOP SECRET/CRYPTO clearance, Tom is now a retired Philadelphia area businessman. He has been a Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania from 1986 to 2001, a Special Investigator for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) from 1991 to 2001, and a member of the CUFOS board of directors from 1997 to 2001. Tom began investigating aspects of the Roswell Incident in 1991.
“Roswell at 70: The Best Evidence” will present the salient physical, witness, and documents evidence amassed by Tom over the past 26 years of research into the 1947 Roswell Incident. His research has included interviewing over 600 first and second-hand witnesses, two archaeological “digs” at the main crash site, and the search for surviving documents referencing the crash.
Dan Medleycott & Bill Weber, former CI and State Director for MUFON PA will present:
MUFON Case 47,000.. a mid-air collision ??
This presentation is an actual ongoing MUFON case which started off as reported object(s) in the sky and turned out to almost result in a mid-air collision. This
Fred Saluga is the Pa and WV MUFON State Dir. and will lecture on Conspiracies. Fred is a former Police Chief in SW Pa.
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