Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Is this the Real Reason John F Kennedy was Assassinated [FULL VIDEO]



Is this the Real Reason John F Kennedy was Assassinated [FULL VIDEO]

Published on Aug 17, 2017


Was President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination in Dallas somehow related to UFOs? The suggestion seemed “nutty” even to the most ardent conspiracy theorists … until the recent discovery of previously secret CIA documents that show JFK, ten days before his death, wrote to the head of the CIA demanding to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs. The president’s interest in UFOs shortly before his death is likely to fuel conspiracy theories about his assassination, according to AOL News. Alien researchers say the latest documents, released to Mr Lester by the CIA, add weight to the suggestion that the president could have been shot to stop him discovering the truth about UFOs. Conspiracy theorists said the document adds interest to a disputed file, nicknamed the ‘burned memo’, which a UFO investigator claims he received in the 1990s.The document, which has scorch marks, is claimed to have been mailed to UFO hunter Timothy Cooper in 1999 by an unknown CIA leak, but has never been verified.



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