Thursday, July 13, 2017

They came to Harrisburg, Pa. as Tourist.

Special Post for South Central Pennsylvania

My Daughter Stephanie Williams who lives in Lower Paxton. This is not Stephanie Wilkereson.

This happened in the evening of July 10th.

Stephanie said, "I Think I saw a UFO in my front yard. It was a bright light that was standing still then it dimmed and went away."


Hattie, Stephanie was standing in her front yard last night and saw the same thing that we saw in the early 1990s over the High power lines. As I told you before, they are UFOs that stop to refuel using these High Power Lines.

I still remember see that, said Hattie!



They came to Harrisburg, Pa. as Tourist. So these people do not exist?

Aug 28, 2014; 11:52 AM ET


Black Woman near Harrisburg films UFO

The media still has to play these sightings down so that the public would not know that they exist. 

Stephanie Wilkerson says she was relaxing on her porch in Lower Paxton Township, Pa., Monday night when she spotted an object in the night sky.

So you Think people in Pennsylvania are making things up? Look at this list from the National UFO Reporting Center.  
Copy and paste in browser

National UFO Reporting Center
State Report Index For PA


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