Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Fred Saluga Vs. Butch Witkowski and Peter Davenport

Fed Saluga the head of West Virginia MUFON
says that Todd Sees was not killed by Alien.

This is a video from "UFOS over Pittsburgh" that you saw in a previous show.  This is what Fred said in his own words. Click on the link.

John Ventre discusses Human Abduction with West Virginia Mufon investigator Fred Saluga

We heard from Fred Saluga now let's hear from Butch Witkowski. Fred says not so fast. They have no evidence that Aliens or the FBI was involved in this. 

Butch Witkowski, an Alien/UFO Investigator

Click on the link or on the picture


#1 Homicide Detective Butch Witkowski UFOs And Human Mutilations Todd Sees 2002

Butch is right, if you come face to face with an alien, run as fast as you can. You have no idea what they want or is after.

You heard from Fred Saluga and Butch Witkowski now let's see what Peter Davenport has to say about Aliens in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.

Click on the link below.

Possible ET Abduction And 
Death Of PA Man Reported
From Peter Davenport
Director - National UFO Reporting Center

Click on the link above to read Peter's report on Todd Sees.

I leave it up to you. What happen to Todd Sees, a man in Central Pennsylvania, living in Northumberland County, spotting for deer! 

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