Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Blue Plant Project: Part 13

Alien Abductions

When I was 21years old, I was on a date on Tuesday evening. I was dating a girl in Crafton on the west end of Pittsburgh, Pa. I was not happy because I did not get any. At about 1:30 AM I took her home and started up the hill on the main street in Crafton, to the left was the Crafton Projects but I saw a new highway lit up going toward the Ohio River. I turned down a side street to get onto this highway that I never seen before. I just knew if I got on this highway, in 5 minutes I could get off at the river, turn right, go up the river and onto the Parkway and home. I thought, this should cut off at least 10 minutes on my trip.

I got on the road and drove. About 10 minutes later, I thought that I should have seen the Ohio river by now. To the left of me in the sky was a full moon. But come to think of it, it sure looked funny. I found a place to turn around and 10 minutes later I was back in Crafton, up the hill going home.

That next Saturday morning, I got up and drove back to Crafton because I wanted to see where that road went. That is when I found out that there was no road. What I turned into off the main street in Crafton was a dead end. So where was I for 20 minutes on this road? To this day, I still can’t figure it out. Could it be that I was being examined by aliens?            

Read starting with page 86 thru 103; Alien Abductions


1. The Greys (EBEs) started taking a large number of humans for experiments(True or False)

2. By the 1970s the government started finding out that the aliens have lied to them about the number of abductions (True or False)

3. By the 1980s, the government started preparing the public for  alien contact (True or False)

4. The Greys and the Reptilians are friends (True or False)

5. The Greys and the Nordics are friends (True or False)

6. The Reptilians and the Reptoids are the same race (True or False)

7. Collaborators in the US Government want to make the public aware of what is going on with the alien societies (True or False)

8. When public awareness of aliens comes, it could transform human consciousness of the universe (True or False)

9. Grey and some Nordics abducted millions of people in the historic past against their will. They are using earth as a gigantic breeding ground for human medical probing (True or False).

10. Many alien races want to do humans harm (True or false)

11. Many aliens research the human race because some aliens have a reproduction problem (True or False)

12. Some aliens learned how to put a “Religious Trip” on people to get them to do what they want (True or False)

13. Some abducted women have memories of technological rape at the hands of their alien abductors and a feeling of seeing their baby (True or False)

14. One lady like a “Human Battery Charge” because they were asked to hold new born children(True or False)

15. Some abducted women become pregnant without being with a man then they are not pregnant (True or False)

16. Aliens are perfect in everything that they do (True or False)

17. Some families are abducted starting with parents then the abductions start with the children (True or False)

18. Pink Eye maybe a symptom of alien abduction and eye examination(True or False)

19. Aliens have taken blood, oocytes from females and spermatozoa from males (True or False)

20. If you wake up and you feel like you been hit by a Mack Truck, you may have been abducted and examined(True or False)

21. Some alien hybrid females have sex with human males for the purpose of sperm retrieval (True or False)

22. The US Government uses the abductees doctor to obtain their medical records with or without the doctors permission (True or False)

23. Aliens will remove the baby from the woman in approximately 8 to 10 weeks (True or False)

24. By detecting RH O Blood is proof of hybridization (True or False)

25. Children are abducted between the ages of 5 and 20 years old. An implant is inserted to track this individual for family research (True or False)

26. Greys do experiments on human metagenes to understand how it works in their own race.
The author claims that the aliens are here to control Earthlings before we dominate them (True or False)

27. All abductees know that they have been abducted (True or False)

28. Aliens can withdraw experience and memory from a human and place it into another body or container (True or False)  


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. True
13. True
14. True
15. True
16. False
17. True
18. True
19. True
20. True
21. True
22. True
23. True
24. True
25. True
26. True
27. False
28. True

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