Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blue Planet Project: Part 4

The Antarean Connection

I wrote a blog called, “Birth, Death, and Transfiguration.” You can see it by clicking on this blog;

Read pages 21 and 22, The Antarean Connection. 

Compare what I talk about in my blog and what is talked about in the Antarean Connection. You will find that we are talking about time, space, and dimensions. In my opinion, Jesus exist in more than one dimension. Time really does not exist. It exist because of human consciousness. This is how Jesus knew what will happen before it happened. We live in three dimensions. But the measurement of time in our minds change. 

For example, when you were 8 years old, it seemed like Christmas would never come. At 58 years old, you wonder how Christmas came so fast. The difference between the two is how long you existed in this three dimensional world.  


1. To humans on earth, time is a measurement. (True or False)

2. Is time the same for everyone and in every place (Yes or No)

3. The intelligent energy force that the writers talk about can be God (True or False)  

4. Some UFOs can originate from beyond Time and space (True or False)

5. Some beings have total foreknowledge of human events and even individual lives (True or False)

6. The writer believes that human events occur at the same time (True or False)

7. If a higher Intelligent being communicates with a lower intelligent being, only good things can happen (True or False)

8. Some beings come to earth by way of portals (True or False)

9. The writer believes that observers from the Antares Star System is watching us (True or False)

10. Time is in our minds (True or False)


1. True
2. No
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True


Don't Miss the 

Philadelphia Area

October 4th to  6th

UFO Conference 

Philadelphia Area Conference  


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