Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Birth, Death, and Transfiguration

Why would the early church have a painting of two men playing with sputnik?  

Before I begin, you should know that religion is a personal thing. What I believe may not be what you believe.  That is why we have so many religions in this world. We also have people who don’t believe in anything as well as people who attack people who do believe in something. I am going to tell you what I believe in and most of you will not agree with it. My beliefs are based on my 62 years of life, my years of studying bible and church doctrine, the study of scriptures that did not make it into the bible, as well as science.

I have been known to tell a joke about the two people who argue about who is correct about how to worship God. One man takes communion by drinking the wine first and eating the bread last. The other man eats the bread first and drinks the wine last. That is why the second man calls the first man a heretic!

In the Beginning

God created the heavens and the Earth. Last he created man then woman. Adam was born from the Earth or dirt. Most people can trace their origins back to what their mother’s and father’s ate that can be traced back to the Earth or dirt. When we die, our bodies go back to dirt or Earth.

God told Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge. He never told Eve. Adam told Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge. But Eve somehow talked Adam into eating from the tree. So Adam sinned not Eve. This is why sin is carried from generation to generation through the male not the female. 

Another phrase for Jesus is the “last Adam.” Why? Because Jesus is the last person that will try to correct the mistake created by Adam. This sin caused the corruption of the human Earth suit making it degrade over time (now about 50 to 90 years) and die.  It caused humans to create a multitude of sins such as killing, stealing, making fails statements against others, and righteousness.

So Jesus came here to teach humans how to live with one another, how to prepare for life after their Earth suit wares out, and to go rescue the dead from the forces of evil.

Now here comes the part where you are going to start calling me a heretic!

The Birth of Jesus

Jesus had to be born without sin. That means he had to be born innocent of sin. Who carried sin? Man carries sin! That meant that a female had to deliver a baby without a man being part of the transaction.  This is why Mary had a virgin birth. Jesus was born without the aid of sperm from a man. So who was the donor? It had to be someone who was not from this Earth. It had to be someone who is not a spirit because spirits do not carry sperm. This is why it had to be a human who is not from this Earth.

This means that Jesus of Nazareth was half human and half alien.  Most of you don’t think that is true because of your movie image of what an alien looks like and how they act. I can relate to that because when I (a Black man) meet and start talking to a bunch of White people who had no contact with Blacks, they get scared and try to get me away from them. Their idea of a Black man is what is seen in the media and movies. They are either a joke or a brute.  If you notice, Jesus had to stay one step in front of the authorities, the religious nuts, and the forces of evil. Why because he did not think like a Jew or like anyone else.

When Jesus was a child, the wise men came to see him. They followed a star to the place where Jesus was living. Keep in mind; they did not have cars and trains at that time. It took two years for the wise men to get from some place in the east to Nazareth. Both Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel say that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod the Great. Herod was an Idumean and was imposed on Judea by Roman military might. That was one reason why he was very unpopular among the Jews. Keep in mind, Israel and Judea was under Roman occupation at the time of Jesus.

The wise men went to King Herod first to ask where this child was living. The king thought of this child as a threat to his kingdom and wanted the wise men to tell him where he could find him. His motive was murder. But when the wise men left Jesus someone or something told them not to go back to King Herod. At the same time, someone told Joseph to take his family and leave the country to Egypt.

Now let’s stop here for a minute. The wise men came from the east. They followed a star to Nazareth.  Problem, have you ever followed a star before? Stars are not above a city or town. The only star that you can get under is the North Star at the North Pole. As the Earth rotates the stars move in the sky. This star stayed over a point over Nazareth.  Why? Because it is not a star, it is an alien ship standing guard over Jesus. It is the people in this ship that told the wise men not to go back to Herod. It is these people who told Joseph to get out of town. After Jesus left, the king killed every child 2 years old and under. Why, because the king asked the wise men when did they start seeing this star in the sky? The answer, 2 years ago.  After King Herod killed all the children, Herod had a bad accident, falling off his chair and died.       

Why would the early church have a painting about the crucifixion of Jesus with one space ship chasing another space ship across the sky?

Moving Forward

The Bible (the 4 gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) gives account of Jesus until he turns 12 years old. It gives account of Jesus going into the desert and being tempted by the Devil. But from a young age to about 30 years old, the scriptures nor the Roman records do not account for Jesus where about or activities.
We can assume that Jesus worked as a carpenter because his father Joseph was a carpenter and ran a carpentry business. I suspect that is where the money came from to start his ministry. He probably worked alongside his brothers James, Joseph (Joses), Judas and Simon . They lived with their parents Joseph and Mary until they came of age to leave the home. The Bible said that he had sisters but does not name them. Jesus brothers gained high places in the local government. 
At 30 year old, he rounded up the people to work in his ministry for three to four years, working miracles as he went along. Keep in mind that at this time, his ministry was a radical concept and did not always follow Jewish doctrine or Roman religious doctrine. This is why he had to stay on the move all the time. The people in power did not believe in freedom of religion or expression in the first century A.D.  When Jesus was ready to go to heaven, he went to the capital Jerusalem and turned out the powers to be. This got him crucified in a way that no other person was recorded being crucified before or after his death. Jesus said before he died that he will rise on the third day.

The Transfiguration

We will start with a scripture called “Gospel of Thomas.” You will not find it in the Bible. It is one of the Gnostic Christian Scriptures. The Gospel According to Thomas, commonly shortened to the Gospel of Thomas, is a well preserved early Christian, non-canonical sayings-gospel which many scholars believe provides insight into the Christian Oral Tradition. It was discovered near Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in December 1945, in one of a group of books known as the Nag Hammadi library. The Gospel of Thomas was found among a collection of fifty-two writings that included, in addition to an excerpt from Plato's Republic, gospels claiming to have been written by Jesus's disciple Philip. The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene is also one of the many gnostic Christian scriptures found. This is important because women did not write scripture in this time period. It probably was not picked to be in the Bible because it was written by a woman.

Scholars have speculated that the works were buried in response to a letter from Bishop Athanasius who for the first time declared a strict canon of Christian scripture.

The Coptic language text, the second of seven contained in what modern-day scholars have designated as Codex II, is composed of 114 sayings attributed to Jesus. Almost half of these sayings resemble those found in the Canonical Gospels, while it is speculated that the other sayings were added from Gnostic tradition. Its place of origin may have been Syria, where Thomasine traditions were strong. 

The introduction states: "These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down." Didymus (Greek) and Thomas (Aramaic) both mean "twin". Some critical scholars suspect that this reference to the Apostle Thomas is false, and that therefore the true author is unknown.

As many as 100 Gnostic text was passed around in the first six centuries before the Romans took over Christianity.  From the Bible Gospel texts, it appears that Thomas was more of a scientist than a person that takes things on faith. He wanted to see and feel the holes in the body of Jesus after resurrection.   

The Point of Transfiguration

I believe that this next information was not put in the Roman Bible because this story is too complicated to talk about.  The Gnostic Christian Scriptures give a detailed account of what happened when the stone rolled away from the tomb and three beings walked out. The account came from the Roman guards themselves. The guards were placed on duty knowing that someone may try to steal the body of Jesus and say that he rose from the dead. The guards saw a light in the tomb. They saw the stone roll away by itself from the entrance. They heard a voice say, “Did you preach the gospel to the dead?” One of the figures coming out of the tomb said, “Yes.” Then they flew up into the sky. The guards ran and told their superiors what happen. They were paid to keep this information to themselves.     

 In my opinion, the Shroud of Tourane is probably the burial cloth of Jesus. It and the facial cloth have blood on it and it matches perfectly with one another. The Shroud has a full length front and back of a man on it. This image was not painted on the cloth and the cloth is at least 1,400 years old. I say it is 2,000 years old. 
If you ever had nothing to do at 3:00 AM at work when you are trying to fix a computer system problem, you may have done something stupid? You may do stupid things like taking your pants down and copying your butt on the copy machine. 
The only way that this image of a man could be put on the Shroud of Tourane is to copy the image of the body onto the cloth like it was going through the light of a copying machine. This technology did not exist one hundred years ago let along 2,000 years ago. So the Shroud of Tourane could not be a fake. If it is not a fake then you must consider the possibility that the shroud has the image of the crucified Jesus on it at the point of resurrection.
Mary Magdalene, was she a disciples, a converted prostitute, or the wife of Jesus and the mother of his child?
First Contact

Mary Magdalene was walking to the tomb to oil the body of Jesus. On the way she met a man that said, “Why do you search for the living among the dead?” She did not know him and did not answer him. When she arrived at the tomb she found it empty. She ran back to the disciples and reported that the body of Jesus was stolen. The disciples went to the tomb and found the burial cloth of Jesus as it was when he was inside of it. It still had the closed ties on it just like it was three days earlier. At that point they knew that Jesus was resurrected from the dead.  

Jesus appeared before Mary Magdalene again and revealed himself to her. She wanted to touch him but he said, “Touch me not because he has not returned to his father.” That is like me saying to you “Don’t touch me because I have not gone to the store to buy myself some fruit.” As you can see, one has nothing to do with the other. 
The real reason why Jesus may not want to be touched is because he was not yet fully in the “Holy Dimension.” At the time after the resurrection, he could travel between time and space to other dimensions. This fact may have caused a problem for Mary. For some reason, Jesus was not ready to be touched safely. 

In my opinion, Jesus was not in front of Mary. She was looking at an image. Jesus was in another place. At that point he had the ability to pass through time and space, affecting many places at the same time. Jesus did not want to be touched because if Mary would have tried, her hands would have passed through him. This would have hurt Mary’s faith in Jesus and defeated his future plans for the disciples.

Mary went back and reported this to the other disciples. They did not believe her for two reasons. She was a woman and women at that time did not have the same social status as men. Second, from their point of view, Jesus would have talked to them before talking to her. After all, they are more important than Mary Magdalene.

Second Contact

Jesus walked through the walls of the place where they were meeting. All the disciples except Thomas were present. They talked to him before he departed. When Thomas came, they told Thomas that Jesus was with them. He did not believe it. To this day, we call people who do not believe something, “A Doubting Thomas!” Later Jesus returned when Thomas was present. Thomas (a true scientist), wanted to see and feel the damage to his body done by the crucifixion. Jesus had him put his hands into his side. Then Thomas believed that it was Jesus.

Third Contact

Jesus was walking down the road and met three of his followers. They talked and then they invited Jesus to stay the night. They did not know it was Jesus until they sat down to eat. Jesus blessed the food and broke the bread. The only person that ever broke bread like that was Jesus. Jesus dropped the bread onto the plate. By the time the bread hit the plate, Jesus was gone.  


For 40 days, Jesus walked the Earth. At the end of the 40 days, Jesus said good-bye and ascended into the sky. In my opinion, his objective was to show that he did return from the dead and to again tell his followers, whoever believes in him will go to heaven as his guest. He also told his disciples to spread the word of his teachings around the world. Since his disciples lost their fear of death due to Jesus return, they could now carry out the message of Jesus. 

This story explains many things besides the message of Jesus. If you read the Gospel of Thomas, it suggests that Heaven overlays Earth and they both exist in time and space together. We and Heaven are in different dimensions occupying the same place. In my opinion, Jesus exists in both dimensions. Jesus is the future ruler of this world and only through prayer in his name can people enter into the dimension of Heaven. By believing that Jesus was here to deliver us to Heaven, you will have a place on the future remake of Earth in this dimension.
As for the aliens, they are here occupying this dimension and other dimensions. Some are here to help Jesus carry out his plans and some are here to mess things up. Yet some are here and have a separate covenant. They have nothing to do with our salvation. They may be under a separate God and “Son of God.” We will find out who is correct about the hereafter, when you and I die!         

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A reader writes;

"I often have wondered how the things of the resurrection could actually happen to a human. What you say does make sense and I can understand what you say. When I asked about some of these things that are written about the birth and the transfiguration I was always told it is GOD who is in control and however he does it is a miracle and a way that is above ours. In other words, they didn’t know how to explain it and just accepted it as an act of God."

Darnell's view;

Ministers may want to take this opportunity to use this information to answer the questions that your church members have about this event. It may go further in stopping the fear and shock when the people of America are finally told that Aliens are here and living among us. The Russian people have already been told that aliens are here and living among us. An ex-Canadian head of state has been telling Canadians about it for almost 10 years.