Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Civilization Integration Part 2

As I said many times before, we can’t look at aliens as having one objective, coming from one place, or having the same type of history. They are not all Greys or Humans. We have to entertain the thought that at least one of these alien races is in serious trouble of surviving for one reason or another. It may be that they screwed up their planet environmentally by using nuclear material the wrong way. It could be by doing heavy industrial manufacturing for thousands of years on their planet that they made the atmosphere change where they can no longer live in it. Or maybe their sun or orbit around the sun changed causing their environment to change drastically.

A civilization integration program may be in the works that started thousands of years ago by one of the alien races. What if aliens are testing us to see if we can tell the difference between humans on Earth and genetically altered aliens from other worlds? I may have been the subject of a test by aliens when I came face to face with one of them at a food store in December 2010. I ran meaning that the alien did not look enough like us to pass as one of us.

What if they are having sex with us or changing our DNA by Vitro Fertilization without our knowledge? This is what this video examines along with hypnosis to see if people are really having alien contacts.

Thomas E. Bullard PH. D. Folklorist, Indiana University believes that Aliens do this to people. He claims that there is a pattern when using hypnosis.

1. The aliens give an examination.

2. The aliens implant or remove an implant.

3. Body fluids are removed.

4. Mental or emotional test are given to humans.

Many others say that people are influenced to say these things and they are not being abducted. Some professionals have a view in between the two polarized opinions.

People live in a point in time in relation to the age of the Universe. My father lived from 1919 to 1976. That is insignificant compared to the age of the Universe. Our civilization is about 30,000 years old. What if we were influenced by a civilization that is one billion years old? Aliens can be influencing the human race over hundreds of thousands of years. This is why we do not notice what they are doing. The many cases of abduction and how these people felt about it are examined in the UFOTV Presentation below.

In the UFOTV presentation below, they discuss the hypnotic test done by professionals in their field. The video “UFOs -- The Secret History 2 –Contact Has Begun” is 2 hours, 25 minutes long. I suggest you watch it over several sessions.

UFOTV Presents...: UFOs The Secret History 2 - Contact Has Begun - Feature Length HD

This video explains the history of capturing humans by aliens.

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