Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Aliens, Humans, and Politics in Review

I have been telling you every week for over one year about aliens visiting this planet. I also told you about the reaction of our political leaders to their presence. We looked at the reaction of the people on the street. We also looked at the reaction of the Christian Church.

The Christian Church

This church is made up of many religious groups. They all believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The largest and oldest of this group is the Catholic Church with its one billion members around the world. Since it has become evident that people are seeing something and many military people are interacting with these aliens by way of missile shut downs, missile shoot downs, and alien visitations to nuclear bases around the world, the church must say something.

They can no longer ignore the fact that aliens are here. So they must prepare their membership for contact.

 The Catholic Church Investigates Existence of Aliens

Vatican joins NASA, and admits Alien life. But wait, Aliens or UFO´s are not demons!?

The big “hang fire” here is that God had to have Jesus born without the sperm from a human from Earth and the mother had to have a virgin body. It is obvious that God used alien sperm because the person chosen never sinned. Jesus had to be born innocent of sin. Sin is passed down by way of the male. This is why Joseph could not father Mary’s first child. This is a concept that most Christians cannot handle. That is why the Catholic Church is going to have to break this fact to the faithful very easily and over time.

The Astronauts

Several astronauts have spoken out, telling the public that aliens are here. We have rumors that the reason why the US has not gone back to the moon is because the moon is full of aliens. They have warned us that people from Earth are not welcome on the moon. It has been rumored that NASA has evidence that aliens are on the moon, Mars, and other planets. One astronaut said publicly that we should go to one of the moons of Mars to visit the monolith that was placed there by some civilization.

Astronauts speak on UFO sightings and alien visitation

Click on and read the story below;

Apollo 14 astronaut claims aliens HAVE made contact

The US Government

The US Government is run by a bureaucracy. That bureaucracy is run by US Corporations. These captains of business, banking, and industry exchange places going from the Federal and State bureaucracies to private business, banking, and industry and back. The bureaucracy stays in power over the lifetime of many US Administrations. They are the real power behind every Administration, Congress, and the court system.

Before the Great Depression (1930-1940), the Feds knew about alien activities in the United States but they had their hands full with the depression, Germany, Italy, and Japan. It was after World War II was over that the Federal government could get involved with this issue.

The captured German scientist already had contact with these beings. The Germans introduced the aliens to our military leaders. This is when President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a treaty with one of the species. The treaty allowed the aliens to capture and take US Citizens in return for alien technology. The President signed this treaty and the bureaucracy carried it out. This also is called “High Treason” against the American people. Here lies the reason why the US Government can never admit that they know about aliens on Earth. Once they admit that then it is a slippery “sliding board” down the path of admitting that they have interacted with these beings and that they gave them permission to take many Americans away against their will. Once that happens, we can see some real live hangings on TV.

Problem 2 for the government is that they rather have peopled under US control use this advance technology rather than other nations. We are a “war crazy” species and we like to have an advantage against other tribes that take up residence on this Earth.

Problem 3 for the government is if the people find out about off worlders and take these aliens as a threat to the world, they may stop their allegiance to the United States and owe their allegiance to the Earth.
Problem 4 for the government is if the people find out that we are only a “Civilization 0” culture and we are visited by a “Civilization 2” culture, our civilization may disintegrate just like the Aztecs, Mayans, and Plains Indians. Higher civilizations have always taken over lower civilizations. So this may be the case between aliens and humans.

It is best that the government deny the existence of these creatures and hope that the issue does not affect business or the government. When they do make themselves known by landing on the street and start shopping as tourist, our government would say nothing and tax them like everyone else.

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