Monday, November 16, 2009

What you can do to save Harrisburg

In order to pay for education, street repair, police and fire protection, and other things the public needs, we have to pay taxes to pay for them. Here is why people should not complain about paying taxes. If you want the public services, then you have to pay the taxes. But if you don’t pay the taxes, you can loose your property, your personal property, as well as your money.

I have been talking about property taxes for 5 years. The reason why is because communities all over the country have spent themselves into poverty. They believed that they had money just to find themselves in a financial hole 20 years later. I have seen people loose their homes because they could not pay their taxes. I can remember when I moved to Harrisburg. Everyone said the City has money or the Mayor has money. No one would take a look at the financial facts of the City or the School District. Now they have been forced to look and they don’t like what they see.

You all know that I live at 2402 Magnolia Dr. because you see me say it every time you tune into the City Council Meetings on TV20. What many of you don’t know that it cost $430.47 per month in Property Tax to live there. Because of the 6% increase in School Taxes, it will cost $445.89 per month in Property Tax next year. This is the break down of what I pay per year.

City Tax --------$939.50
School Tax----$3,083.31
County Tax -- $1,009.82

The total comes to $5,165.63. This does not include the mandatory Bellevue Park Association Fee of $133 per year. Bellevue Park is an Association. We collect money to pay for things needed for our common grounds such as the up keep for the community center, the lakes, and up keep of the grounds. Add this on and we pay $ 5, 298.63 this year and $5,483.63 next year. Most people cannot pay as I do. As soon as the bill comes, my non-bank - bank cuts a check and sends it to the taxing authority. That saves me 2% per year. If I had to pay the full amount, we would be talking about $ 5,401.9426 and $5,590.6426 next year.

City Tax Payers live in a perfect storm. Any one of the above taxes can be increased at any time. I have not said anything about garbage collection, sewage or water services. They will go up as well over time. The State needs money, the City needs money, and the school district needs money. The Federal Government with its complicated Income Tax System will increase taxes on you without you knowing about it until it is time to file the forms. All this is happening when employers are decreasing incomes or taking away incomes all together. This perfect storm can cause you to go from having money in the bank to being in the street in a matter of months.

What Can We Do About it?

I have put together a plan to refinance the $1.1 Billion Debt that our City and School District owes over 50 to 75 years. I am asking the Federal Government to loan us this money at a 1% interest rate. Our taxes would go toward paying off the debt over time. Over time, inflation would reduce our debt causing us to pay less on this debt as well. Yes, it will mortgage our children’s future but they will not have a future if they our out in the street because the parents can’t pay their taxes.

If you believe as I do that this is the only way out of our financial crises, write or call Senator Bob Casey, 22 S. Third Street, Suite 6A, Harrisburg, PA 17101, Phone: (717) 231-7540, Toll Free: (866) 461-9159, Fax: (717) 231-7542. You may use his web site;

You may want to write other leaders like;

President Obama, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500; Switchboard: 202-456-1414; FAX: 202-456-2461; Comments: 202-456-1111

Pa. State Senator Jeffrey E. Piccola, Senate District 15, Senate Box 203015, Harrisburg, PA 17120-3015; Phone (717) 787-6801; Email address:

Please tell your friends and neighbors to help!

Sample Letter to Use

Your Name
Phone Number

Dear ___________;

I am writing you concerning the $1.1 billion Debt that City of Harrisburg Tax Payers owe. I support the plan to refinance this debt of $1.1 Billion over 50 to 75 years. Please contact the proper agency in the US Government to make this happen. Thank you for your prompt attention.


Your Name

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