Giant Supermarket in Susquehanna Twp, Pa.
Back on December 8, 2010, Kathy Derr and I was shopping at
Giant Supermarket near Harrisburg, Pa. when Kathy said, "Look at that lady
over there. She sure is skinny!" I could have cared less about some skinny
lady over by the pharmacy. She was not doing anything for me but I glanced up
When I did, she started moving around. I said moving around
not walking around. She started skipping
like she was in a place that her motor skills was not supported by gravity. Now she has my attention. I can tell when someone is shopping or if
they are loitering. This woman (maybe because I am assuming) was loitering. She picked up items then put them down. At that time,
I watched her for about 15 seconds.
Then she must have become aware of someone watching her and slowly
turned around.
She look at me with eyes that appear to be stolen from a
deer, no whites in her eyes. Her head was a triangle not like our oval
heads. Her skin had an ashy look. Maybe that is why they call her kind
"Greys." She had on the worst Halloween wig you ever want to see. We had a staring contest for about 6 seconds. Then she tried to intimidate
me and it worked.
She crossed her arms and tapped her toes and made faces at
me. I turned around and ran. The alien
vanished. Kathy saw me running and ran
after me. Now before you start laughing
at me, tell me how you would have reacted, knowing that 60 miles up the
Susquehanna River, it was reported that ET mutilated a local man, Todd Sees. You have no idea what these people are
capable of doing to you. To me, my
actions were justified because of what I have been through in the past 10
First, we had 911 seeing people by the thousands killed and
buildings destroyed. Then a Jamaican airliner came down in New York City killing
people on the plane and on the ground. Next, someone put poison in the US Postal
System killing more people. And we had 2
mobile killers, 1 of them Jamaican roaming around Washington DC and Baltimore
shooting and killing anyone for fun. So
you say, what did that have to do with aliens and Jamaicans?
While all that was going on, my daughter comes home with
this Jamaican man telling me that this is who she is going to marry. At that point,
all I knew about Jamaica was that they filmed a James Bond movie there and they
were killing people in the movie! Now just like my "son in law" who I never heard of, who knew that these aliens are here
and what are they going to do to me?

On March 10, 2015, I am in Wal-mart in Aberdeen, Md. with
Myrtice Rhodes. Since she does not
drive, I agreed to take her to Wal-mart to buy medicine. We were in the Pharmacy section of the store
when I saw an alien walk into the store and go into the Pharmacy section. Because of my last experience, I did not "freak
out." I tried not to make myself obvious when spying on him (sex is an
assumption). I said to Myrtice, "This is an alien in front of us. Look at
his neck." Then I put my hand on her neck. "You notice that your neck
is in the back of your head so that it can support your head as it moves up,
down, and moves from side to side. His neck is in the center of his head. His
head moved from side to side. When he moves his neck to look down his body moves.
The same when he looks up. Walk down the aisle behind him. I will run down the next
aisle and we will meet at the end of the aisle.
Myrtice followed him paying attention to what he was doing.
She discovered that he was not shopping but loitering. As I rounded the corner,
I caught his eyes. This ET had all white eyes with no pupils. We followed him around the pharmacy area for a
while as he pretended to shop. Then he
just disappeared. I think he got suspicious and lost us. We don't know what happened to him.
So question for you. What do these people want and why do
they loiter in a pharmacy? Being a programmer and taught to think logically, I found differences between these ETs and people, I found a few things that is not the same as when people shop.
1. Both aliens that I found was loitering in a pharmacy. People do not do that.
2. Both aliens were found near a military base; Harrisburg is near Indiantown Gap. With in Indiantown gap is a base within a base, run by the US Air Force. Wal-mart is near Aberdeen Proving Grounds. That seems strange.
3. You will find them by themselves, walking around stores near the pharmacy open or closed. People loiter around the TV and computer section. Sometimes around the clothing section. Never around the Band-Aids and vitamins.
4. They will be loitering, never buying anything.
5. They will not look like us.
This you tube video will tell you little known facts about the several species of ETs living and visiting this planet. Click on the picture but if that does not work, click on the link.
The Alien Agenda - What THEY don't want you to know... [Simon Parkes New Horizons 2014] Time to watch this video is 2 hours, 5 Minutes.
Published on Feb 11, 2014
Simon Parkes is an elected local politician for the Labour party, what the average person would consider a member of the establishment. As such presents a serious challenge to controlling elements who wish to lie and falsify information to the public in the name of national security.
In this presentation to New Horizons Saint Annes, Simon goes into detail regarding the UFO situation and its close connection to elite bodies. Simon details some of his own experiences, including what most would consider an horrific situation of being a child abductee, although Simon prefers the term 'Experiencer'. Simon also seeks to assist the audience to get a fresh perspective on a subject that is extremely complex and which he believes is intricately linked with the 'Powers That Be'.
My opinion to my readers; Go to the Mufon PA conferences this year and meet the people who study and investigate UFO and ET activity. Here is this years schedule.
For more information about John and his books visit:
For more information about MUFON visit:
1. Erie- Sat May 16 2015- $29 or $42 w/lunch. Attendees receive the world’s only UFO Map.
9am-Bill Konkolesky- Witness to High Strangeness
1030-John Ventre- UFOs in Art and History
Noon- Lunch
115-Peter Robbins- Deception: “Encounter in Rendlesham”
245-Don Schmitt- Aftermath of Roswell
415-Tom Wertman- Media and UFO Investigations
530- Phyllis Budinger- Analyzing “Alien” Trash
2. Philly-Oct 9 and 10, 2015- Fri 2 speakers w/cocktail Hr $36. Sat 5 speakers $41, Q&A Sat dinner buffet $40. Full Pkg for only $105.
Fri 6pm- Jen Stein- Gobekli Tepe
715- cocktail party
830- Tadd Buffington- NASA & UFOs
Sat 9am- Richard Dolan- UFOs for the 21st Century Mind
10:30-John Ventre- The Case for UFOs
Noon- Lunch
115- Paola Harris- Back to the Future: Legacy of Giant Rock
300-Michael Bara- Ancient Aliens, the ET Question
445- Dr David Jacobs- Abductions
700-Q&A Dinner
3. Pittsburgh-Sat Nov 14 2015 -$31 includes lunch and $28 for Q&A dinner buffet. Full pkg for only $55.
9am-Stan Gordon- Kecksburg- 50 years later.
1030-John Ventre- UFOs and the Media
Noon- Lunch
100- Pat Liptak- Fallen Angels and the Nephilim
145- Sheila Forester- UFOs and their Spiritual Mission
230- Loren Coleman- Cryptozoology
430- Phyllis Galde- Fate Magazine- Ghosts