I attended a UFO convention and listen to John Ventre give
a presentation concerning UFO activity near Erie Pa. John Ventre, the host of
the History Channel's "Hanger 1", and others are convinced the key to
Extra Terrestrial Disclosure may be lake Erie. About half of all UFO sightings
are around bodies of water according to Mr. Ventre.
John feels that Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs) have
base camps under the surface of lakes and oceans.
This is the Michael Lee HillLake Erie case.
Sensational Mass UFO Sighting Over Lake Erie
Michael Lee Hill is an award winning musician,
filmographer, and UFO experiencer. His footage of the Lake Erie UFO's has
created a buzz. In his state of Ohio, Michael has been cataloging videos over
Lake Erie for sometime.
What makes these different than most sightings is
that the phenomena consists almost entirely of "Pulsating orb's of
Light", changing colors, converging, and separating over the lake.
Stories of the
unexplained phenomena date back over 150 years to the indigenous Native
American Tribes of North America.
On July 15, 2014, I had the pleasure of talking to a very
attractive Senior Citizen who had a very interesting story to tell me. I will not give any personal information about
her due to the fact that she does not need the crazies in our society
contacting her.
I noticed when I first looked at her picture that something
was odd about her. That made me want to track her down which I did and finally
got a chance to talk to her on July 15th. When I first contacted her, she did
not want to talk to me. It took 3 days to convince her that I was not going to
do anything negative to her. I just wanted to talk to her. I like the lady and
we hit it off well as soon as she decided to talk to me. She found out that I
understood her and her situation in life. She is a very quite person but once she started
talking to me, I could not get a word in. Her conversation flowed like the
Allegheny River. When she found out that
I am an ET researcher, the lovely lady started telling me things that she has
never told anyone else.
The lady was adopted, given up by her mother when she was
young. The senior citizen grew up as a
Catholic. She went looking for her
mother once she became grown. She met her mother but never met her father. To
this day, she does not know her father. However, she senses that her father knows who
she is and he is looking out for her.
The lovely lady says
that entities come to visit her at night. Beings of light come to see her ,
people that she calls guardian angels. As
a young adult, her guardian angel came to see her and told her that everything
will be OK. Do not worry.The lovely
lady did not know what she was talking about. Then her life as she put it collapsed.The light entity help her through her
She told me that her one daughter has experiences with light
entities as well. I told her that soon her grandchildren will also have the
same experiences.The aliens follow
family lines. They have been doing so for Thousands of years.I do not know why they do this, I told her.
This highly intelligent lady had a job with a contractor,
contracting for the Department of Defense. That was a job that she really
liked. Then she told me something that I long suspected and due to her, I now
have some evidence that I am right about it.One day she was walking down the hall at her company and she brushed up
against an engineer that worked at that location. She got this strange feeling
and suggested that his skin was cold and funny feeling. He looked human but
walked with a hop.The fact that he
walked with a hop was my first clue that he did not belong to the "Family
of Man." She claims that this man was very strange and had very strange habits. I told her that this man is probably an alien,
working with her company under government contract to back engineer alien
I told her that aliens living here is nothing new, a fact
that she already knew. I noticed that this lovely lady has black hair and marsh
mellow looking skin. She made an offhand remark that some aliens mate with
humans.I said that I know while looking
at her marsh mellow type skin. She says that she stays out of the sun because
she will turn red. I made a remark that I like her skin color. She replied, "Aww the unknown side!" I told her that she has the type of skin that can easily
catch skin cancer. Keep in mind that this lady is not white or have an absents
of skin pigmentation.Who knows what she
is. She does not know either so she claims. I did not push this issue because I
wanted to remain friends with her.
After meeting her mother, she became interested in the book of Ezekiel the third of the Major Prophets in the Tanakh and one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament, following the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah. If you read the book, you could understand why she got on this kick.
The Book of Ezekiel
The book of
Ezekiel talks about aliens on Earth. The book opens with a vision of YHWH
(יהוה), one of the Names of God;
moves on to anticipate the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, explains
this as God's punishment, and closes with the promise of a new beginning and a
new Temple.
vision (Ezekiel 1:1–3:27): God approaches Ezekiel as
the divine warrior, riding in his battle chariot. The chariot is drawn by four
living creatures each having four faces (of a man, a lion, an ox, and an
eagle), and four wings. Beside each "living creature" is a
"wheel within a wheel," with "tall and awesome" rims
full of eyes all around. YHWH commissions Ezekiel to be a prophet and a
"watchman" in Israel: "Son of man, I am sending you to the
Israelites." (2:3)
Building a
new city (Ezekiel 33:1–48:35): The Jewish exile will
come to an end, a new city and new Temple will be built, and the
Israelites will be gathered and blessed as never before.
If I am reading
this book right, the "Family of Man" will be changed in the end.
Technology is clearly talked about here. Is ET sowing the seeds of a new race
of people on this Earth that will over take today's present human race?
Here is a videos that tells the story about scientist
and engineers who work alongside aliens.
This man talked about the 57 alien species and a craft displayed at an air show.
This next video tells the viewer about the different type of aliens known to the United States Government.
In the early 1950s, a fleet of UFOs buzzed Washington DC, letting everyone including political, military, and foreign diplomats know that aliens exist and are here among us. The media covered this story for months while the government denied what was going on and President Truman took that position that he knew nothing about it.
Meeting between the US Military and the Greys. This is when the crimes against humanity began.
A high level business meeting with top Multinational Corporate
Leaders recently met in Saudi Arabia to discuss a common business strategy in
relation to doing business with aliens. The debate that aliens exist and are
here is over. We have to much evidence to say that they are here living among
Why don't the government want you or anyone else to know
that the aliens are here?
1.The Military
Industrial Complex wants to keep advance technology for themselves.
2. The US does not want other governments to get advance
technology because it would be a threat to this country.
3.Politically, it is
unpredictable how the American people would react to Aliens living among us.
This Democratic/Republic can only be controlled if the elite can predict who
would be elected and what would be done once elected. Politician are fine as
long as they don't go too far to the right or too far to the left. They most
certainly can go radical like Hitler did in Germany.
4. The elite can't allow the average person to make
agreements with Aliens without Government approval. Why? This is how the
Indians lost America.This is how humans
can lose the world.
5. From President Eisenhower to the present, high level US
officials have made or approved treaties with ETs against the safety and
security of the American people. In other words, many of them including
President Eisenhower has committed treason and crimes against the people.
Startling new videos from NASA, real
alien secrets the government won't tell us.
Just to get you in the mood, I want you to look at this
video. It does not tell you much but it does tell you that the world's
Governments and Multinational Corporations have been holding secrets from the
world. Over time, these secrets are starting to become common knowledge. As you
probably know if one person knowssomething, it is a secret. Once two people know something, it is a media
Here is where many of the secret plans are made and the high level people who carry these plans out. They are the world managers who plan, organize, give incentives to perform their wishes, and control events.
Looking at technical events!
The Laser Weapon System (LaWS) temporarily installed aboard the
guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey (DDG 105) in San Diego is a very advanced
system.It uses light to shoot down
One reason why the US will not admit that aliens are here working
with the US Government is that they do not want other governmentgetting a hold of alien technology. The US can shoot down a plane using a laser beam. But the Iranian can capture a US drone in tacked.
Engineers originally
said they downed the drone by exploiting
a GPS hack that forced the aircraft to land in Iran rather than on a US
base in Afghanistan.
But now there is another
explanation of of how the drone was downed. Hint - get your tin foil hats
According to an engineer named Mehran Tavakoli Kese, the drone was brought
down using "advanced space technology," which he naturally claims to
have created.
Keshe insists the RQ-170
was snagged using a futuristic tractor beam deployed by a classified Iranian
"The craft has been
air-picked-up and been put down on its belly through the use of field
forces," Keshe wrote on the forums of the Eponymous Foundation
website in a post cited by Danger Room.
"The Iran
spaceship program has the capability of jamming and blocking any incoming
radar... As we have explained month ago on this forum, and now we see the
practical use of the technology."
Keshe went on to claim
that the Iranian drone uses "a fusion reaction that manipulates dark
matter, regular matter, and antimatter."
The engineer said he
hoped the futuristic tech would help usher in a new era of international peace
and intergalactic exploration.
"We invite the US
government and other nations to enter into negotiation with the Foundation and
The Iranian government for disclosure of the full space technology to all
nations simultaneously.
"[This way, there]
shall be no more war race, but a space race to join and conquer the space and
not each others little peace of lands so called nations, this offer stands and
is extended to all nations irrespective of their color, race and
In response, Pentagon
spokesman George Little told Danger
Room, "We have no comment on this individual's claims, but
tell him the [Defense] Secretary would like his lightsaber back."
Above, you will find a US Astronaut
who started talking about what he knows about the government and aliens. This
is how the public and other governments find out what is going on in the
alien/human community. Some people or governments may take advantage of the
alien situation. The US is worried that some aliens may put one nation against another
and supply technology to both sides, in return for something that they want or
need. We know that in the United States, we have 30,000 people who our law
enforcement people cannot account for each year. Did aliens take them?
This is how the slave trade started
between the Western powers in Europe and the African kingdoms. Is history
repeating itself.
Claim: Tractor beam downed US drone over Iran
Posted by Shane McGlaun
As you may recall, Iran managed to capture a US RQ-170 stealth drone (aka the Beast of Kandahar) back in December of 2011.
Engineers originally said they downed the drone by exploiting a GPS hack that forced the aircraft to land in Iran rather than on a US base in Afghanistan. But now there is another explanation of of how the drone was downed. Hint - get your tin foil hats ready. According to an engineer named Mehran Tavakoli Kese, the drone was brought down using "advanced space technology," which he naturally claims to have created.
Keshe insists the RQ-170 was snagged using a futuristic tractor beam deployed by a classified Iranian drone.
"The craft has been air-picked-up and been put down on its belly through the use of field forces," Keshe wrote on the forums of the Eponymous Foundation website in a post cited by Danger Room.
"The Iran spaceship program has the capability of jamming and blocking any incoming radar... As we have explained month ago on this forum, and now we see the practical use of the technology."
Keshe went on to claim that the Iranian drone uses "a fusion reaction that manipulates dark matter, regular matter, and antimatter." The engineer said he hoped the futuristic tech would help usher in a new era of international peace and intergalactic exploration.
"We invite the US government and other nations to enter into negotiation with the Foundation and The Iranian government for disclosure of the full space technology to all nations simultaneously.
"[This way, there] shall be no more war race, but a space race to join and conquer the space and not each others little peace of lands so called nations, this offer stands and is extended to all nations irrespective of their color, race and religion."
In response, Pentagon spokesman George Little told Danger Room, "We have no comment on this individual's claims, but tell him the [Defense] Secretary would like his lightsaber back."
The Foreign Press has something to say about this!
Above is Australian TV -- airs
interview with Charles Hall ,who claims to have worked with ET's inside of
Dream Land, AKA Area 51 (or S4). He is one of many high ranking scientist,
working for the military industrial complex who are now talking about work done
with aliens.
US Government ADMITS UFOs - Alien contact
disclosed in ...
Here are some military people that worked
for the US military. They came into contact with Alien technology and is now
talking about it.
Here is a former CIA Agent who describes how the Military
Industrial Complex has concealed the presence of aliens here in the U.S. This
man worked to help cover up alien activities for the United States.
You still not convinced that aliens are here, working,
and walking among us?Above is the
Canadian Minister of Defense disclosing information on UFO's and Aliens in May
If our friends are saying this, what is our enemies saying?
If our friends are saying this then what are our enemies
saying about our alien activities?
Aliens are in our world politics.
An Independent Iranian News Agency said that Snowden
claims that the US Govt. is working with Extraterrestrials. Fox also claims
that if you believe Snowden you are a "Hardliner" Iranian
Since World War II, alien technology if not aliens have been seen around the world. They have been here before Christ over 2,000 years ago. I don't care what you think or believe, they are not going away and will be used in world politics in the future for the good of the human race or for bad!
Electron micrograph of martian meteorite ALH84001 showing structures that some scientists think could be fossilized bacteria-like life forms.
I am not like most people in the world. I know that ET exist. I seen ET and their machines. So believing that they are here is meaningless to me because I have seen them. But many people are still not sure that they are here, even when evidence of ET is all around us.
Independently, in 1996, structures resembling nanobacteria were reportedly discovered in a meteorite, ALH84001, thought to be formed of rock ejected from Mars. You can see a picture of it above.
There is some limited evidence that microbial life might possibly exist (or have existed) on Mars.An experiment on the Viking Mars lander reported gas emissions from heated Martian soil that some argue are consistent with the presence of microbes. However, the lack of corroborating evidence from other experiments on the Viking lander indicates that a non-biological reaction is a more likely hypothesis.To me, this controversy shows that the government and the scientific community is in denial of what they have found. Even as a small child, I thought that life was on Mars. My mother told friends and family that I am from Mars.
According to the scientists,
"...low H2/CH4 ratios (less than approximately 40)
indicate that life is likely present and active." Other scientists have
recently reported methods of detecting hydrogen and methane in extraterrestrial atmospheres. On
December 9, 2013, NASA reported that, based on evidence from Curiosity
studying Aeolis Palus, Gale
Crater contained an ancient freshwater lake that could have
been a hospitable environment for microbial
Carl Sagan and others in the
1960s and 1970s computed conditions for hypothetical amino acid-based
life in the atmosphere of Jupiter, based on observed
conditions of this atmosphere. However, the conditions do not appear to permit
the type of encapsulation thought necessary for molecular biochemistry, so life
is thought to be unlikely.
However, some of Jupiter's moons
may have habitats capable of sustaining life. Scientists have suggested that
heated subsurface oceans of water may exist deep under the crusts of the three
outer Galilean moons—Europa, Ganymede,
and Callisto. The EJSM/Laplace
mission is planned to determine the habitability of these environments.
However, Europa is seen as the main target for the discovery of life.
Jupiter's moon Europa has been
subject to speculation about the existence of life due to the strong
possibility of liquid water beneath an ice layer. Hydrothermal
vents on the bottom of the ocean, if they exist, may warm the ice and could
be capable of supporting multicellular microorganisms.
It is also possible that Europa could support aerobic macrofauna using oxygen
created by cosmic rays impacting its surface ice.
The case for life on Europa was
greatly enhanced in 2011 when it was discovered that vast lakes exist within
Europa's thick, icy shell. Scientists found that ice shelves surrounding the
lakes appear to be collapsing into them, thereby providing a mechanism through
which life-forming chemicals created in sunlit areas on Europa's surface could
be transferred to its interior.
On December 11, 2013, NASA
reported the detection of "clay-like
minerals" (specifically, phyllosilicates),
often associated with organic materials, on the icy crust of Europa,
a moon of Jupiter.
The presence of the minerals may have been the result of a collision with an asteroid or comet according to
the scientists.
Although astronomers consider
Saturn inhospitable to life, its natural satellites Titan and Enceladus have
been speculated to possess possible habitats for life. As a child, I wrote NASA
telling them that in my opinion, Titan harbors life. I never heard from them on
the largest moon of Saturn, is the only known moon with a
significant atmosphere. Data from the Cassini–Huygens mission refuted the hypothesis of a
global hydrocarbon
ocean, but later demonstrated the existence of liquid
hydrocarbon lakes in the polar regions—the first stable bodies of surface
liquid discovered outside Earth. Analysis of data from the mission has
uncovered aspects of atmospheric chemistry near the surface which are consistent
with—but do not prove—the hypothesis thatorganisms
there are consuming hydrogen, acetylene and ethane, and producing methane.
An alternate explanation for the
hypothetical existence of microbial life on Titan
has already been formally proposed—hypothesizing that microorganisms could have
left Earth when it suffered a massive asteroid or cometimpact
(such as the impact that created Chicxulub
crater only 66 mya), and survived a journey through space to land on
Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has some of
the conditions for life including geothermal activity and water vapor as well
as possible under-ice oceans heated by tidal effects. The Cassini probe
detected carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen—all key elements for supporting
living organisms—during a fly-by through one of Enceladus's geysers spewing ice
and gas in 2005. The temperature and density of the plumes indicate a warmer,
watery source beneath the surface. However, no life has been detected.
What Humans
have been saying about aliens!
Africans and Native Americans believe
that humans came from other star systems.
We read in the Quran several verses where God's creatures of various kinds are mentioned. Here is one verse which means
{Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the living creatures that He has scattered through them: and He has power to gather them together when He wills.} (Ash-Shura 42:29)
Based on the above verse, among others, some of our scholars of the Quran permit the belief in the existence of life on other planets or anywhere other than the earth according to one's judgment.
Note the expression in the above verse "living creatures He has scattered through them." There is a reference here to creatures on planets other than earth.
What about the so called Western World?
But in the White world, the 13th Century
high officials in the Catholic Church said that God could have created
more than one world (given His omnipotence). Taking a further step, and arguing
that aliens actually existed, remained rare. Notably, Cardinal Nicholas
of Kues speculated about aliens on the Moon and Sun. William
Vorilong also speculated about the existence of humans on alien worlds, but
he came to the conclusion that God, although empowered to create them, would
choose to not do so.
There was a dramatic shift in
thinking initiated by the invention of the telescope and
the Copernican assault on geocentric cosmology.
Once it became clear that the Earth was merely one planet amongst countless
bodies in the universe, the theory of extraterrestrial life started to become a
topic in the scientific community. The best known early-modern proponent of
such ideas was the Italian philosopher Giordano
Bruno, who argued in the 16th century for an infinite Universe in which
every star is surrounded by its own planetary
system. Bruno wrote that other worlds "have no less virtue nor a
nature different to that of our earth" and, like Earth, "contain
animals and inhabitants".
The possibility of
extraterrestrials remained a widespread speculation as scientific discovery
accelerated. William Herschel, the discoverer of Uranus, was one of
many 18th–19th-century astronomers convinced that the Solar
System, and perhaps others, would be well populated by alien life. Other
luminaries of the period who championed "cosmic pluralism" included Immanuel
Kant and Benjamin Franklin. At the height of the Enlightenment, even the Sun and Moon were
considered candidates for extraterrestrial inhabitants. Since the 1830s, Latter
Day Saints have believed that God has created and will create many
Earth-like planets on which humans live. They believe that all of these people
are children of God.
Speculation about life on Mars
increased in the late 19th century, following telescopic observation by some
observers of apparent Martian canals — which were however soon found
to be optical illusions. Despite this, in 1895, American astronomer Percival
Lowell published his book Mars, followed by Mars and its Canals
in 1906, proposing that the canals were the work of a long-gone civilization.
This idea led British writer H. G. Wells to write The War of the Worlds in 1897,
telling of an invasion by aliens from Mars who were fleeing the planet's
analysis of Mars' atmosphere began in earnest in 1894, when U.S. astronomer William Wallace Campbell showed that
neither water nor oxygen was present in the Martian atmosphere. By 1909 better telescopes and
the best scientific studies of Mars since 1877 conclusively put an end to the
canal hypothesis.
In the wake of the Roswell UFO incident in 1947, conspiracy theories on the presence of
extraterrestrials became a widespread phenomenon in the United
States during the 1940s and the beginning Space Age
during the 1950s, accompanied by a surge of UFO reports. The term UFO itself was
coined in 1952 in the context of the enormous popularity of the concept of
saucers" in the wake of the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting in 1947. UFOs
buzzed Washington DC and was reported all around the world. The Majestic 12
documents published in 1982 suggest that there was genuine interest in UFO
conspiracy theories in the US government during the 1940s.
In the 21st Century, the possible
existence of primitive (microbial) life outside Earth is much less
controversial to mainstream scientists, although, at present, they claim that no
direct evidence of such life has been found. Indirect evidence has been offered
for the current existence of primitive life on Mars, including the 1976 Viking
experiment. However, the conclusions that should be drawn from such evidence
remain in debate. In my opinion they are in denial.
The Catholic
Church has not made a formal ruling on the existence of extraterrestrials.
However, writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father José Gabriel Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, said in 2008
that intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.
In September 2010, it was
reported that the U.N. General Assembly had appointed Mazlan
Othman as their official extraterrestrial liaison by the UK paper The
Sunday Times. This claim was later refuted.
Theoretical physicist Stephen
Hawking in 2010 warned that humans should not try to contact alien life
forms. He warned that aliens might pillage Earth for resources. "If aliens
visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which
didn't turn out well for the Native Americans", he said.
Diamond has expressed similar concerns. Scientists at NASA and Penn State University published a paper in
April 2011 addressing the question "Would contact with extraterrestrials
benefit or harm humanity?" The paper describes positive, negative and
neutral scenarios. In my opinion, ET is already mutilating people and animals.
In 2011, Richard Hoover, an
astrobiologist at the U.S. Space Flight Center in Alabama, claimed that
filaments and other structures in rare meteorites appear to be microscopic
fossils of extraterrestrial beings that resemble cyanobacteria—a phylum of
photosynthetic bacteria.
On April 17, 2014, the discovery
of the Earth-size exoplanet Kepler-186f, far 500 light years from Earth, was publicly
announced; it is the first Earth-size planet to be discovered in the habitable
zone and it has been hypothesized that there may be presence of water in
its surface.
But all they have to do is interview
our own humans on Earth to find out if other life exist in the universe.
Henry W. McElroy Jr. discusses openly the interaction between humans and off world astronauts in the USA. The testimony forces Ufologists to conclude and accept the inevitable conclusion that an organization style MG12 must exist in order to arrange a briefing between the president of the USA and off world Astronauts.
By translating this testimony I hope to encourage Ufologists worldwide to take this testimony serious and face the consequences of the information of this important whistleblower. Click on the link below to see a 5:07 video on the Greata Treaty.