Remember my blog: Moses, the Space Alien? It was published on March 7, 2011.
I told my readers many times that aliens have
a base on the Chinese/Indian boarder. Many
people who don’t care to know the truth about what is going on around the world
think that I just drop off the deep end.
Now these aliens are starting too acted up. They are acting up so much
that the Indian Government is starting to become concerned. The Chinese are not talking but that is
nothing new.
Keep in mind, President Obama recently toured
the Far East. It was a trade mission. I am willing to bet that it had more to
do than just trade. The United States does not need Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
as well as the President of the United States to negotiate American food for far eastern goods. Isn't it funny how the old middle east war flares up just as interplanetary issues need attention. It is like having the American people pay attention to something other than the real threat to its people. After the missiles fly and the troops are at Israel's border does Mrs. Clinton leave the President's side in the Far East to play diplomacy in the Middle East.
as well as the President of the United States to negotiate American food for far eastern goods. Isn't it funny how the old middle east war flares up just as interplanetary issues need attention. It is like having the American people pay attention to something other than the real threat to its people. After the missiles fly and the troops are at Israel's border does Mrs. Clinton leave the President's side in the Far East to play diplomacy in the Middle East.
Read this article published in the establishment
online newspaper, “India Today.” The
days are ticking to December 21, 2012.
“India Today”
says, “Top security brass of the Indian government is battling a
"mysterious" threat from the Chinese side these days: tennis
ball-sized UFOs.”
“Hundreds of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted inside the Indian Territory bordering China in recent months, raising security concerns. The issue, initially dubbed a minor one, has turned serious as India prepares to raise it at the diplomatic level with China.”
“Sources said a meeting of the boundary coordination mechanism - a high-level official mechanism set up by the two sides to ensure that the boundary incidents between their armed forces do not escalate - is being scheduled later this month where the issue of "luminous objects" will be at the centre of the discussion.”
“The Indian delegation will be led by Gautam Bambawale, the head of the China desk in the external affairs ministry, while China will be represented by its director general, department of boundary and oceanic affairs. Security officials from both sides will also participate in the meeting.”
“Hundreds of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted inside the Indian Territory bordering China in recent months, raising security concerns. The issue, initially dubbed a minor one, has turned serious as India prepares to raise it at the diplomatic level with China.”
“Sources said a meeting of the boundary coordination mechanism - a high-level official mechanism set up by the two sides to ensure that the boundary incidents between their armed forces do not escalate - is being scheduled later this month where the issue of "luminous objects" will be at the centre of the discussion.”
“The Indian delegation will be led by Gautam Bambawale, the head of the China desk in the external affairs ministry, while China will be represented by its director general, department of boundary and oceanic affairs. Security officials from both sides will also participate in the meeting.”
What is the United
State government telling you about this? Answer: next to nothing. Why? Does
this sound like a border dispute or trade negotiations to you?
This is the highly publicized buzzing of the Nations Capital by UFOs in 1952. President Truman as well as thousands of military and civilians saw them. The Washington Post took pictures of them (seen above). The Air Force tried to intercept them. To this day, the government never told the public about alien contact. We will see what the aliens will do on the Chinese/Indian border.
This was a picture taken by Kathy Derr on Rt. 15 North in Southern Tioga County Pennsylvania taken on November 17, 2012 at noon. Look to the right over the trees and you will see a dot in the sky. If you blow up the picture it will look like a World War I Army Hat in the sky.
The public is not aware of such activities going on around the world. Waking up one day and finding out that you and your species is just one of hundreds in the Milky Way can be a shock to you. This is why the activities relating to exopolitics is censored from you.