I am going to tell you a little story about my trip back from Pittsburgh, Pa. at mid-day on June 24, 2012. I left Pittsburgh the morning of June 24, 2012 for Harrisburg, Pa. I did not take the Pennsylvania Turnpike for two reasons. One, I paid over $15.00 to travel about 200 miles on the turnpike and I thought that was ridiculous. Second, I know from experience that the turnpike would be backed up like a parking lot from Summerset to Breezewood, Pa. Many people moved from Pittsburgh because of the economic collapse in the 1980s and 1990s. When people traveled back home to Pittsburgh for the weekend, they tend to leave the area at the same time to go back to their homes in the Washington DC area. This causes a traffic jam on the turnpike every Sunday.
I like windmills and I take pictures of windmills every chance I get. I stopped the car and took some pictures of them but found that I was too far away to really see the windmills in the picture. So, I started driving east on Rt. 22 taking pictures as I drove. I emailed my pictures to my PC at home while still in the Allegheny Mountains. The trip was uneventful and I got home on time.
Now since I set the background to my story, I want you to look at the two pictures that I took of an active windmill farm on Allegheny Summit, on Rt. 22 East. A friend came over to look at my pictures of the windmills. I downloaded two pictures in my AOL Email System to my picture folder on my PC. Then we started reviewing the pictures. She asked me, “What is that dot in the sky on this picture?” I said, “It is probably some dirt on my windshield. Maybe some bug that committed suicide trying to cross the highway.” Then we went on to the next picture and that picture showed the same dirt on the windshield. The difference is that the dirt moved across the windshield to another place. Suddenly I realized that it is not the remains of a suicidal bug.

We went back to the first picture and enlarged the picture by 400 and 800 times. That is when the shape of an alien ship came in near focus. We went back to the second picture and that picture appeared to be the same ship in near focus. The two pictures were taken about 3 to 5 minutes apart. So the ship was not moving that fast. The windmills in the picture were not that big but the UFO seems bigger, telling me that this ship was huge.
I know something about UFOs but I am not an expert. I sent my pictures to Butch Witkowski, FFSc for analysis. Butch is the Director of UFORCOP. He is a member of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania. He is a consultant for ParaNexus Group, Institute of Frontier Science, FFSc. Mr. Witkowski is a member of the Institute of Frontier Science. He is the former Chief Investigator for PA MUFON and the former MUFON Star Team Investigator. This investigator has over 27 years in the murder investigation field. Butch is the one that did the investigation into the Todd Sees alien murder.
Darnell’s Speculation
I am going to give you my opinion based on my limited knowledge of alien technology. Blow the first picture up to 800 times its size. You see the green around the bottom of the ship? You see things hanging down from the bottom of the ship? You are looking at the anti-gravity engines at work. The green is a distortion of space around the engines. The picture is distorted somewhat by the increase in the size of the picture but not to the point where you can’t see what it is.
You may want to know why I did not see something that big when I was taking the pictures. That is a very good question. The US Military is working on a system to hide equipment like ships, tanks, and planes while in combat. It works by bending light around the object. Aliens, a long time ago have perfected this technology. Light is made up of particles that our eyes interpret as carrying an image. If the light curves around an item, you will see what is behind the item. However, if you take a picture of the item while the light is bending around the item, you will see a distortion of that item because light is made up of particles and you can see in a still picture between light particles. This is why I can see the UFO in the picture but not with my eyes.
Butch Witkowski Conclusion
Butch emailed me on June 27, 2012, "Well myself and a couple of others think you got an
unknown and it is definitely there. No question about it. I’d like to post it in
our June Newsletter if OK with you." I told him that I would be honored to have my pictures published in his June Newsletter.
My Paranoia is Acting Up.
I am getting just a little paranoid about this UFO stuff. My friend that came over to look at these pictures pointed out the UFOs to me. I would not have known about it if she did not bring it to my attention. In fact, over the years she has brought UFOs, aliens, and alien activity to my attention frequently.
Thanksgiving evening 2011, she wanted to know what was in the sky near Point Township, Northumberland County. I thought it was Venus but in fact it turned out to be two triangle UFOs according to Butch Witkowski, FFSc. We chased the UFOs to a place just west of Selinsgrove, Pa. when she got my attention again while driving and told me to look to my left. It was a UFO that flew just a few hundred feet above the car.
December 8, 2010, my friend and I went food shopping when she made me aware of this skinny lady with a bad blond wig. It was a puppet moving woman with “deer looking” eyes that did not appreciate me looking at her. I ran.
My friend was born and raised about 10 miles north from where Todd Sees was killed by aliens in Point Township. She has a brother-in-law that wanted the aliens to take him away in Washingtonville, Pa. My friend's sister was with him at the PPL Plant when a UFO flew over the car. The influence of the alien ship’s engine turned off the electrical system to the car engine at the Washingtonville, PPL Power Plant. After the UFO left the area, the car was running again. In the late 1960s, my friend and members of her family saw a UFO over the PPL cooling towers. It stayed for a few minutes than moved on. My friend and her family grew up less than 3 miles from the plant.
My friend's niece and the nieces father had a UFO hover over their car for several minutes. They heard no sound from the ship. The car stopped functioning normally and they saw a bright light. The niece's father got out of the car and turned on his lighter to signal the aliens. At that point the alien ship disappeared.
I wrote about this before, alien craft use power plant electrical systems to power up their ships. The closer they can come to the power source such as the power plant, the higher the power in the lines, the more efficient the refueling process will be for the aliens. Our power systems are very important to aliens. Todd Sees was killed near or on a power line “right of way” path. I took these UFO pictures near an active Windmill Farm.
A Picture of an active Windmill Farm
The biggest event that she told me about is that one of her relatives became missing under very odd conditions. In the 1980s, a two year old boy was in the hands of a baby sitter in New Columbia, Pa. with all doors and windows locked. The mother went to the store and upon return; the two year old was missing. The baby sitter did not see or hear anything. Everyone including relatives was questioned. Some were threatened. To this day, there has been no trace of the child.This case was featured in the local newspaper in Danville, Pa. and was on the Montel Williams TV Show.
It seems like my German American country friend and her family knows more about UFO activity than they let on to know. Central Pennsylvania is like a UFO highway for aliens to transport goods and alien people from the East to the West. People in the UFO business know that Pennsylvania is the third most active state for UFO activity.