I was invited to "Derr Land" for Thanksgiving Dinner. If I am not staying in "Derr Land" over night, I like to leave before dark. That is because the UFOs seem to come out in Central Pennsylvania when the sun goes up and down. Passing through East Chillisquaque Township, I noticed that the first star came out while the sun was about to go down. No commercial, military, or private planes were in the sky. But as I got closer to Montour Ridge where the Alien’s killed Todd Sees, I noticed that it was not a star, it was a UFO.
The UFO was a long lighted ship in the sky, across the Susquehanna River toward Bucknell University. The light on the UFO was slowly pulsating. My UFO partner and I pulled over on the side of the road to take pictures of this ship. It seems to stay stationary in the sky. It resembled a UFO that we seen over the west shore of the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pa. only two weeks ago. We decided to drive after it.
We crossed the river at Point Township, Pa. and drove into Selinsgrove. We can see the ship more clearly in Selinsgrove. The sun was setting and we can see the lights on the side of the ship. A blue light was on what I believe to be the tail end of the ship. It must be traveling slowly because it seemed to be moving south going 10 miles in about 15 minutes. We drove west of Selinsgrove hopping to catch up with it.
As we moved about 12 mile west of Selinsgrove, the sun completely set and the UFO started traveling below the mountain summits. I thought that I still had the ship ahead of me when my partner said to look to my left. I thought that I was looking at a low flying airplane. But a plane would not be flying about 1,000 to 2,000 feet off the ground. It would have wings with lights on the ends. It would have head lights flying in total darkness. The lights on the side of the ship could be clearly seen. The ship crossed over the car with no affect on my car. The road was busy with cars and I was already driving very slow to the point that cars passed me.
I don’t trust these aliens and I was not about to pull the car over with a UFO no more than 3,000 feet away. These people could be as much as a billion years more advanced than we are and who knows what they are capable of doing. I came home.
From an intelligence point of view, these people must have information telling them when the skies would be free of military, commercial, or private air craft. If so, who could be sending them information on military, commercial, and private air craft traffic in a given area around the United States?
The aliens know to hover about 5 to 10 thousand feet above and near the area that they are interested in. When the sun goes down and it is dark, they come down to 1,000 feet or below and go into a block search pattern. Since they were spotted both times in areas that are not considered cities, I speculate that they are looking for something or someone that traditionally stay in rural or suburban areas.
These people are showing up locally and around the world more frequently. We should be asking why?
A UFO Shuts Down a Chinese Airport.
This happened at an airport in Mongolia China. It was shut down on Sept 11, 2010, similar to a June airport UFO sighting.
UFO Intelligence
The Federal Government does not tell the public about aliens and UFOs saying that they know nothing about it. Since the media cannot do their own investigation because they rely on the Government giving them a license to operate, very little information about UFOs comes out of them. So it is up to UFO organizations and people like me to do the investigation and intelligence work. I look at the investigation results that others create and then try to put together a pattern suggesting what the aliens are doing and what they want from Earth and its people.
Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer spoke at the International UFO Conference. This is what he said.He said that decades ago Aliens told us where we were headed as a species and offered to help change our situation. Instead some people in control interpreted their offer as a threat. So we went to shooting at them. The military want to use the technology obtain from the aliens to fight them instead of disarming the world of Nuclear Weapons.
We have 57 different alien species living here on Earth. Nuclear weapons are a threat to them just as much as they are to humans from Earth. I believe that they are developing defenses that will stop military organizations from using their nuclear missiles and bombers.
If we got into a war with aliens, do we have a defense against them? We no longer have to ask if they exist. We know that but we do not know their intent or our intent. What will happen to us in case of a war between Earth and Aliens?
This is what aliens can do!
Aliens can deactivate nuclear missiles in the U.S. and UK.
Aliens can shoots down nuclear missiles and deactivate nuclear warheads.
A former US Air Force Official claims that the US government is covering up an attack by a UFO on US Nuclear Installations.