In 1492 Columbus sailed to America. His first stop was near Puerto Rico. This was the first recorded encounter with UFOs and USO. explained the situation in their blog.
Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passing gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained."
The island of Puerto Rico is said to be near an alien base and UFOs are seen in that area all the time. There are some very interesting UFO reports/accounts/testimonies coming from in and around the Island of Puerto Rico. reports on these encounters all the time.
Felix Rivera is a diver with an underwater salvage company based near the American Naval Air Station which adjoins El Yunque, one of many U.S. bases on the island. He confirmed to me that UFOs and USOs have frequently been observed often by American military personnel.
'Navy Seals - America's elite special forces - have seen USOs here,' he revealed. 'Some have told me that these things will often come up close to boats, then shoot off. They move too fast underwater to be ours.'
Written by Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure
Puerto Rico USO incident involving fleet of US Submarines:
In March 1963,American submarines were involved in exercises with a fleet of surface ships one hundred miles off Puerto Rico.
One of the submarines broke off from its assigned course and began pursuing an unidentified object which their instruments told them was travelling in excess of 150 knots at a depth of 20,000 feet.
Optical physicist and ufologist Bruce Maccabee had investigated the incident and stated that such speeds and depths were, and still are, impossible for today’s submersibles (with the crush depth for submarines being about 7,000 feet).
MUFON Report Censored:
We were invited to participate as lecturer in the MUFON UFO Symposium held on the days 2, 3 and 4 of July of 1993, in Richmond, Virginia, USA In our lecture we informed on the UFO / alien situation in Puerto Rico, but we also lectured, on certain facts pertaining to the UFO situation in El Yunque, a series of encounters with alien beings and our suspicion, due to certain facts, of the possibility that the U.S. Government kept flying saucer type crafts there, we also expressed ourselves on the possibility of there being official U.S. / alien contact in a site close to the rain forest: Roosevelt Roads U.S. Naval Station.
Right after we sent our paper on all this to Mr. Walt Andrus, general director of MUFON, for it to be published in the Symposium's Proceedings Book ,a strange set of events started happening. Apparently, the content of the paper touched a sensitive nerve somewhere and "someone" seemed to be very alarmed by it.
UFO Crash:
In the night of February 19, 1984, a UFO allegedly crashed in a slope in one of the mountains of the National Caribbean Rain Forest, also known to our people as 'El Yunque' [after the name of the best known mountain there]. According to many sources we have interviewed on the issue, a flying saucer type craft DID CRASH there that night, and the whole situation was covered up by the U.S. Government. The craft and several alien corpses were allegedly taken to the U.S. by military personnel working out from Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, as well as intelligence / security personnel from several federal agencies in Puerto Rico.

Huge Triangle shaped UFO in Cabo Rojo makes two U.S. Jet fighters disappear:
The situation continued going on and " in crescendo" until the night in which two U. S. Navy jet fighters were apparently abducted in mid air by a huge triangular shaped UFO and disappeared in front of more than 115 witnesses that have surfaced up to this moment. This event happened in the night of Dec. 28, 1988, at 7:45 P.M.
According to most witnesses, there seemed to be three jet fighters involved with the incident, two of them disappeared in mid air as they intercepted and closed in on the huge triangular UFO, and the third one fled the area flying to the north, being chased by several big red balls of light that came out from the UFO. After this, the UFO split into two separate triangular objects in a silent flash of light, after which one of the objects or sections flew off very fast to the north and the other one flew to the east, disappearing. As readers must realize, this incident has profound implications to all of us, and is one of the most important UFO incidents reported in the recent years in Puerto Rico and abroad.
From Puerto Rico comes an astounding account of two Navy F-14 ‘Tomcat’ fighters that engaged a gigantic triangular shaped UFO in the Cabo Rojo area. This encounter took place December 28, 1988. Eyewitnesses alleged the ‘Tomcats’ intercepted the object and then were somehow ‘trapped’ or taken aboard this huge craft.
Quoting Timothy Good from his book Alien Liaison:
“Although the FAA denied this incident had occurred, investigator Jorge Martin subsequently obtained confirmation from a U.S. Navy source who said there were radar-tapes showing what had happened which were immediately classified and sent to Washington D. C.”