Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Mayan Calendar

We have many things in the past that can not be explained by our teachers, professors, and educators. For example, how did the Egyptians build the pyramids with a perfect engineering design with no computers to help them? How did they move tons of stone without large machines to help them? How did they put these stones in place to the milometer? How can they stay in place when today we cannot keep a building standing without regular maintenance?

In other parts of the world such as the ancient Mayan Empire, how can they know about stars that we just discovered in the past 30 years? How can they know about other people in Africa when they had no way of seeing these people? How can they create a calendar that is more perfect than what we use today? Did these ancient people who educators say lived in the Stone and Bronze Age have help or did they have a higher education than us that was lost in time?

Below is a crop circle that someone made in Avebury Manor, England. The Avebury Manor Crop Circles depicts our solar system, with the nine planets orbiting the large Sun in the center. The planets' positions correspond to an actual date, which is December 21, 2012 – the end of the Mayan calendar.

Let’s look at the Mayan Time Line and try to project what we know about the past into the 5,000 year future.

B.C. 3113
Current beginning of the Mayan long count calendar


B.C. 2000 – Farming started in Maya (now Mexico, Guatemala and Yucatán. Mesopotamian cities were created. The creation of Chaldee. This is the country of which Babylon was the capital. This is the time of Abraham.

B.C. 1200 – 1000 In Maya, the Olmec civilization was established. Monoliths have Negroid facial features suggesting that Africans started migrating to Central America. The Greek culture was established. In 1250, Moses’ exodus from Egypt.

B.C. 1800 – 900
Early pre-classic Maya, Greek culture develops the creation of Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, Kings David and Solomon.

B.C. 900 – 300
The Maya Middle pre-classic period, Roman Empire begins, in 750 1st Olympic Games began, in 221 the construction of the Great Wall of China started. In BC 722 we had the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.

B.C. 300 – 250
Late pre-classic Maya, BC 333 starts the time of Alexander the Great, we had the Intertestamental period, the O.T. Apocrypha was written, in BC 4 we had the Birth of Jesus Christ and Early Christianity started.

The destruction of the Pre-Classic Period

B.C. 70 – A.D. 150 A.D. 70 Jerusalem taken and Temple destroyed, Mount Vesuvius erupts, Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” New Testament is written.

CLASSIC PERIODS: Early – A.D. 250 – 600; Late – A.D. 600 – 900

A.D. 250 – 600 Early Classic Period AD 433 Chichén Itzá. A.D. 476 fall Roman Empire A.D. 313 Constantine converts to Christianity, Buddhism founded, A.D. 325 Council of Nicea.

A.D. 600 – 900 Late Classic Period, Building of Mayan cities, AD 640 Alexandria Library destroyed-300,000 mms, AD 622 Muslim period Began by Mohammed, AD 900 Masoretic Hebrew. Bible completed.

A.D. 987
Kulkulkan becomes god & ruler of Mayans. A.D. 988 Vladimir brings Christianity to Russia.


A.D. 1000 – 1100 Ball court, temples and Pyramid at Chichén Itzá, First Crusade, Inca Empire begins in Peru, A.D. 1054 East – West Church schism.


A.D. 1194 Chichén Itzá is destroyed, China invents Gunpowder – fireworks


A.D. 1263 The Itzá builds the city of Mayapán.

A.D. 1283 Mayapán becomes the Capital of the Yucatán The destruction of the Late Post Classic Period

A.D. 1441 – 1461 Mayapán in rebellion, and destroyed. Yucatán divides into Many small groups, A.D. 1456 Guttenburg Bible printed (Latin Vulgate).

A.D. 1460 Itzá Mayans settle at Lake Petén

A.D. 1492 Christopher Columbus and the beginning of chattel slavery in the West.

A.D. 1521 Spaniard Cortés begins Mayan extermination, A.D. 1517 priest Martin Luther revolts against Abuses/Catholic church, 1534 Jesuits founded, A.D. 1536 King Henry VIII breaks with the Church of Rome and forms the “Church of England.”

A.D. 1695 - The Spanish Priest, Father Andrés de Avedaño and his party, lost in the jungle of the Petén, discover the ruins of Tikal.

A.D. 1697 - The Spanish conquer the Itzá Mayans at the city of Tayasal at Lake Petén, thinking that this is the end of the Mayans. The revolt continues until today in Chiapas, Mexico, and in northern Guatemala.

A.D. 1761 - The Mayans of the Yucatán, led by Jacinto Canek, rebel against the Spanish (called the “whites”).

A.D. 1767 - The Catholic Jesuits are expelled from Mexico.

A.D. 1847 - The Mayans of the Yucatán rebel against the Mexican government. The rebellion is almost a success. It is known as the “War of the Castes”

A.D. 1952 -
King Pacal’s tomb is discovered at Palenque. This was the first Mayan tomb found in a pyramid (temple). Until this find, it was not known that the pyramids contained burial chambers. It was thought that they were used only for rituals.

A.D. 1992 - A Quiché Mayan named Rigoberta Menchú went public in protest against the Guatemalan Army’s “Death Squad”, which seemed to be bent on wiping out numerous villages of indigenous people. She won the Nobel Peace Prize.

A.D. 1994 - The Mayans of Chiapas, Mexico begin a rebellion against the Mexican government.

A.D. 2000 - The struggle of the Mayans against violation of their human rights continue in Mexico and Guatemala. Other indigenous groups have similar problems with the government of Honduras. For many years, the Honduran government has promised them land, and as of yet, have done nothing for the indigenous people of their country.

A Cycle is 25,625 years. A Cycle is divided into 5 ages of 5,125 years each. This age time period began in our year 3113 BC and ends on December 21, 2012 A.D. Some people believe that the end is really December 21, 2011 A.D. because the concept of zero was not realized until the middle ages in Spain. This concept is Islamic and was not accepted into the European Christian world until the 15th century. So the year zero cannot be used. However, we do not know if the Mayans had the concept of zero. I believe that they did. In any event, this is what I see for man on Earth in the next age time period.

2012 – 2050 -- Alien Colony from the stars will arrive and establish itself on Earth. Earth resources will be stretched to the point were it can no longer sustain human world growth. The decline of the Western Nations and the rise of the East will begin.

2050 – 2099 -- Nations will start fighting over the limited world resources especially the last remaining drops of oil.

2100 – 2300 -- The United Nations will gradually take control of a United Earth and create a world government, electing a world manager and giving the world court the final say over all world laws.

2301 – 2500 -- The Star Alien colony will become a nation but will not be accepted into the United Earth. Instead this nation will extend to the moon and Mars with the Earth colony as its capital. They will transport humans to other star systems to colonize other worlds. They will monopolize Earth’s space transportation system.

2501 – 3050 -- The Reptilian and Gray people who live under the oceans, seas, and lakes on Earth will begin to start trying to influence Earth’s Human population. Nations will start to militarize themselves against this new threat to human existence.

3501 – 3790 -- The Reptilian and Grays will secretly back a world leader who will have the same type of influence with the people as Hitler had with Germany in the 20th Century. This Hitler type leader will take control of the 10 common markets controlling Earth’s resources, trade, and commerce. He will politically take over the world and make a pack with the Reptilians and Grays. The humans will have 4 good years under this leader then everyone’s lives will go from bad to terrible. This leader will start to threaten the Star Alien Nation and its space travel monopoly.

3791 - 3799 -- The Star Nation will call for help from the beings living in the Milky Way Galaxy and they will come to Earth and defeat the army backed by the third anti-Christ. The Hitler type leader will be killed along with his followers.

3800 – 4800 -- The Milky Way Galaxy occupation of Earth will begin. They will run the world’s affairs. Nations will have 1,000 years of peace on Earth.

4801 – 7100 -- A new Earth Dictator will take over Earth and its Galaxy domains. Again, Earth will threaten its neighbors in the Galaxy and nearby Galaxies.

7101 – 7136 -- The Galactic Army will again come to Earth and defeat the “evil ones” but this time occupy Earth indefinitely.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Education or Mind Control

Gold trinkets were found in an area covering Central America and coastal areas of South America, estimated to belong to a period between 500 and 800 CE, but since they are made from gold, accurate dating is impossible and based essentially on stratigraphy which may be deceptive. However, we can safely say that these gold objects are more than 1,000 years old.


Picture above shows a reproduction of this model.

It flies, proving that it is Aerodynamic.


As I told you and gave you evidence to support that Aliens have been here since Man-Kind started walking the Earth. They are here now. They are in the air, on the ground, and under the ocean.

The Bible has many passages about aliens. The Book of Ezekiel is filled with them. The Book of Enoch talks about the birth of giants by earth women and alien men. Daniel killed a giants. The Hindu religion talks about the aliens and there flying machines. The Egyptians worked and lived with aliens.

Two Bible Passages

"Thou has seen what Azazyel has done, how he has taught every species of iniquity upon the earth... Samyaza also has taught sorcery... They have gone together to the daughters of men, have lain with them... The women likewise have brought forth giants..."

- Book of Enoch 9:5-8

Picture of a skull found in Peru South America
"And it came to pass,... That the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose. ... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." - Genesis 6:1-4

Ancient Air Planes

This is about the Vimama Crafts

Mahabharata -- is part of Hinduism

Yet, we learned that aliens are a tall tail, told by confused and insane people. With all that I showed you, have you ever thought about why that is the case? This is what we are going to examine. First we have to understand what is education.

Egyptian Picture created over 3,000 years ago.


What is Education?

Open this link and read what education is. Here is why our children do not know anything. That is by design. American leaders want you to be able to do simple Arithmetic. That way you can count money, buy and sell things. Reading and writing comes in handy. This allows you to be able to read information that our leaders want you to know. You can write documents for such things as taxes and things for employers. Outside of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, education becomes very political.

Take for example History; how many of you have been exposed to or learning in public school the history of the ABENAKI, ALABAMA-COUSHATTA, APACHE, CHEROKEE, or the SAPONI? These are Native American Nations before the Europeans came. Did they teach you anything about NUBIA one of the first kingdoms to rise on the Nile? Did they tell you about the largest powers of West Africa before the Europeans came: the Asante Confederacy, the Kingdom of Dahomey, and the Oyo Empire? What have they told you about the African Union? What did they say about Mongolia, Tajikistan, or Kyrgyzstan? Do you know that the Black troops of Germany and the Black troops of France fought each other in Southern Africa in World War I? I think I made my point, little if anything, right?

But they do put American European History down your throat from grades one thru twelve. They give you Roman history and the history of the European Countries. If your ancestry is from Europe, you have no problem with your history classes. If you are not, you are not even motivated to go to class. You grow up with this blank feeling about your past. That makes you feel less human than the rest.

The American Education System is design to train you for the local work force. It is not design to teach you to think independently. As a matter of fact, independent thinkers are a danger to the power structure. They want to tell you what to think. That is why our jobs have been going to other countries since the 1970s and people are just finding out about it in the past 10 years. It was in the best interest of the people to know but the people are continually distracted by other things like pleasure.

You are being educated everyday by TV and other media outlets. The general message is, “Don’t worry, be happy!” Public School has taught you that you live in the best country in the world. But according to Newsweek, the best country is Finland, no. 2 is Switzerland, and third is Sweden. The United States is number 11. International Living has France first, Australia second, and Switzerland as third. At least the United States is number 7 in this ranking. If are friends say this then what is our enemies saying? Communism is bad, but our major companies went to Communist China and are employing the Red Chinese. They sell us stuff and own our debt.

Everyone wants Democracy but under our democratic form of government, we can’t vote for policies just people who we do not know. We can vote them out and put someone else in who carries out the same policies as the people we vote out.

Here is why people do not believe what they read or hear about UFOs and Aliens. We can give all the evidence that we want to give them including people who seen aliens take people. The government says something different. Since people cannot think on their own. The public gets their information from TV and other media who get their information from the government. If the government says don’t believe it, they do not believe it!

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20. Italy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Apollo Astronaut DR. Edgar Mitchell on Alien Contact

Before I get started, I want you young people to know that life is a journey from the cradle to the grave. When you are young, you have little or no conscience. As you move toward that grave, your conscience gets louder and louder until you can’t stand it anymore. That is what you are seeing as these people who had contact with aliens start to age and die. This is why you can’t give Cosmic Top Secret Clearance to Presidents, Senators, and Congressman.

Click on the link or on the picture to see the first flight in America.

Wright Brothers – 1903

At this time, most people thought that if man went over 60 miles an hour, strange things happen to them. Many people said if man was meant to fly, God would have given him wings. Most people did not talk to others living 10 miles from their home. People of different races did not intermingle. In fact, in many places, it was illegal to intermarry or live in mix communities. In most places, it was unthinkable that people living in other worlds existed. This was thinking for heretics.

Man's first foot print on the Moon

Click on the link below or the picture to see the first steps by a human on the moon (that we know of).


On July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon. Sixty-six years after the first Wright Brother’s flight, Commander Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon. People got accustom to flying in air planes.

However, most people did not see the benefit of man in space. They did not see the benefit of shooting rockets into space. People were to busy fighting the idea of having to work and live with people of other races. Superior Ideology was now the name of the game. It was still unthinkable that people lived in other worlds let alone they live among us. Anyone who would entertain such thoughts must be crazy or had some type of social problem.

At the same time, the governments on Earth were hiding the fact that such alien people exist. In the second decade of the 21st Century, try to make people give up their GPS Systems, Cell Phones or Internet/Email Systems and see what happens. These are all made possible by a network of satellites around the Earth.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell is the third astronaut that I am bringing to you, telling you that we have visitors here from space. Dr. Edgar Mitchell gave a 22 minute speech on his experiences to the 2008 X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He also talked about the future as he sees it for the United States and the world.

Click on the picture or the link to see what Dr. Mitchell has to say about ET.

Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell keynote speech

at the

X-Conference 2008


Gaithersburg, Maryland


Washington DC.


Dr. Edgar Mitchell says that we have evidence that we are not alone in the Universe. He grew up hearing stories about aliens and their flying machines. He does not have first hand experience with aliens. However, Astronaut Gordon Cooper and Buzz Aldrin (born Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr.) in earlier blogs discussed openly their UFO experiences.

Below are four (4) interviews that Dr. Mitchell gave to journalist around the world. Notice how his story never changed. Also notice that he no longer cares if people believe him or not. He also hinted that the people who told him about aliens, told him because they wanted people to know the truth. They were too afraid to tell the public the truth themselves. They waited until they were on the edge of death to talk about it.

Click on the link or the video to see what Dr. Mitchell has to say.

 Edgar Mitchell on FoxNews - July 25th,2008  


Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Pentagon briefed about alien spaceship


 Former Astronaut Ed Mitchell: We Have Been Visited By Aliens


Apollo-astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell: UFO DID crash at Roswell in 1947
This is why after all these years, people involved first hand with UFO are starting to talk. They want us to know the truth. Since death is at there front door, they are no longer afraid of telling the world what has been going on for the past 70 years.


Dr. Edgar Mitchell decided to call on the President for UFO information. He must not know that the President does not have Cosmic Top Secret Clearance. The President could not help him if he wanted to help. The X-15 Rocket Plane


This is a website that claims several conversations with astronauts and X-15 pilots. The site documents these professionals seeing UFOs while on duty. I generally do not take at face value comments without the people making the comment saying such information on video. The false statements of Maurice Chatelain is the reason why. In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a moon crater. Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from our own solar system -- specifically Titan. Maurice's statement is a lie!

"when James Oberg contacted Chatelain's employers he learned that Chatelain was no longer employed by them when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. If he was no longer an employee of a NASA sub-contractor then he could not have been present in any so-called "secret room" where he could overhear the confidential communications of the astronauts on the lunar surface. He was a low-level engineer who worked for a NASA sub-contractor who built the Apollo communications systems. His status as the "head of communications" (as some UFOlogists have claimed), is entirely false."

Another man who was a former NASA employee, Otto Binder, would come forward with information regarding radio ham operators who had their own VHF receiving equipment that enabled them to hear the actual live uncensored audio feed from NASA to the astronauts and vice versa. Parts of these communications were made public.

http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/68821/The_International_UFO_Congress_March_08__2011/ The International UFO Congress March 08, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Moses, the Space Alien

The book called “Exodus” in the bible is the story of Moses taking the Isrielites out of Egypt and to the land that we call Palistine today. Once the Isrielites found Canaan, present day Palistine, they had to scout out the place to see who lived there and what resources the land had. Then they had to put together a military plan to take the place from the people living in the land. Last, they had to carry out their plan and establish a government.

So far, I have given my readers a group of stories about alien encounters from around the world. We looked at professional witnesses talking about different alien species, alien shoot down of US Missles, escorts of US space craft to the moon, alien abductions, and much more. If you had an assignment from your world government to figure out what all these different stories meant, you may come out with the following conclusion.

Many alien species have come and gone from Earth over the past million years. Some call this planet their home. The human race may have come from another world and have been genetically changed by other beings from space with the approval of our God Jehovah (my God) or from the God that you worship. Some of us may have already been here and was genetically changed by some aliens with the approval of your God. Then they all intermarried over time. As time went on, these aliens helped the humans on Earth build a civilization.

Some of these aliens are still friendly today, some are hostile, yet some can care less about us. We may have a few aliens among us that use us as nothing more than storage areas for body parts. They have a client that needs a part of our body and they deliver it. Some may kidnap our children to use as civilization experiments in other parts of the Universe.

But we may have a group of aliens that is about to arrive that may need a new home. This may be a “Space Exodus” and the United States may have found out about it just after the “1952 Alien Fly-By” of Washington DC. When the Isrielites approached Palistine, they had their military arm in front, their administration arm behind them, and last their civilization. First came the spy missions into Palistine, forty years later came the military move into Palistine. Last the government set up their settlements and the local governments. Jerusalem became the capital of all of the nation. History does not always play itself out the same way in future years. In this version of Exodus, the aliens can come here and can be welcome in peace while given a place to live on Earth.

How So?

As for the military arm, the aliens must confirm that the Earthlings are no military threat to them. As evidence, they shot down a US Missle and shut down part of our nuclear military defense system. They flew over parts of the world at will and no military threat confronted them. It was said that a treaty was created between the US Military and a group of aliens. On the Earthlings side we have the following arguments. It was said that the United States went along with creating the United Nations so that the resources of the world could be managed and that we could speak with one voice if alien beings would land here. We have already read that the Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world’s first alien embassy. If one country is doing it, you can bet that other countries have similar plans. The US Military has cataloged 57 different alien species. So we know the difference between one alien civilization and another. This treaty may have been ratified by the United Nations Security Council in recent years. This treaty may have given the “Exodus” aliens a home (base, colony, or reservation) in Aksai Chin, the Chinese controlled part of Kashmir. In exchange, Earthlings may have gotten technology. The bases extend from India's Ladack to China's Aksai Chin. The main UFO base is in Soda Plain and they may be using Aksai Chin's largest river, the Karakosh. The region is almost uninhabited, it has no permanent settlements, and receives little precipitation as the Himalayas and the Karakoram block the rains from the Indian monsoon season. Aksai Chin is largely a vast high-altitude desert including some salt lakes from 4,800 meters (15,700 ft) to 5,500 meters (18,000 ft) above sea level. It covers an area of 37,250 square kilometers (14,380 sq mi).

The aliens may be preparing for the alien civilization to land in their new home. Click on and read the “Indian Daily Report” below.


The Chinese and Indian Military do not occupy this “no man’s land.”

Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas. It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This is the area where Indian and Chinese armies fought a major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed areas in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol this part of the border.

According to the few local people living in the area on the Indian and Chinese sides, this is where the UFOs are seen coming out of the ground. China National Highway 219 runs through Aksai Chin connecting Lazi and Xinjiang in the Tibet Autonomous Region. According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Governments know this very well.

Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. The local guides while in the Chinese territory told them that this was nothing new and is a normal phenomenon from the Kongka Pass area - the tense border region between India and China. This strange lighted triangular silent crafts (we talked about such transportation craft before) show up from underground and moves almost vertically up. Some of the adventurous pilgrims wanted to look into the site. They were first turned back by the Chinese guard posts as they were refused entry from the Chinese side. When they tried to approach the site from the Indian side. The Indian border patrol also turned them down in spite of their permit to travel between the two countries.

The pilgrims at that stage started quizzing the Indian border security personnel. The security personnel told them that they are ordered not to allow any one near the area of interest. They said that it is true that strange objects come out from under the ground with amplified and modulated lights.

India’s Special Operations Forces and the intelligence agencies are in charge of that area.


You can read the full story as reported by the India Daily.


A Buried Extraterrestrial Base/Spacecraft along the Indo-Chinese Border?

Earth’s Interstellar Embassy

The Earth Alien Embassy

Below is an article -- CNET: Kazakhstan: “Government to build UFO base and alien embassy”: written by EdHannigan on April 30, 2009.

“The Republic of Kazakhstan in Central Asia is in the process of building the world’s first alien embassy according to some local media reports. If these reports are to be believed, the authorities have already allocated a large plot of land in the City of Almaty for this ambitious project. Facilities to be built within the complex will include a guesthouse, theatre, and translation services.” I believe Ed is saying in his article that an all purpose UFO landing pad and checkpoint will be attached to the embassy.

“Kazakhstan’s government believes open contact with aliens is imminent and by being the first nation to specifically create such facilities, they are convinced they will reap enormous financial and economic rewards. The Kazakhstan Government also see this as a chance to demonstrate their nations forward thinking policies.

Currently it is generally accepted that aliens are making use of an underwater UFO base in the Caspian Sea which Kazakhstan borders. Fuad Gasimov, the head of neighboring Azerbaijan’s National Aerospace Agency has confirmed this to be the case and has gone on record stating the old USSR constantly monitored alien spaceships regularly entering the water but kept this a military secret. Gasimov himself was involved in this secret monitoring of UFOs when he was a department head at the USSR’s science academy.”

Despite Ed Hannigan’s spelling, grammer, and typing mistakes, the content of his blog may be a historical fact. Underwater UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) should be called Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in this story. The US Navy has many stories about such USO encounters. Canada has the Shag Harbor incident. Here is a link to the Shag Harbor, Canada story;

Alien Mistaken Identity

I can see human’s making a big mistake from the very beginning of alien human contact. When Richard Nixon started his run for President of the United States, the race riots broke out across the country. In Baltimore, Mayor Spiro Agnew held a press conference to show the people of Maryland what he was going to do about the civil unrest in his city. The Middle Class Black leaders were invited to the conference. Middle Class Blacks owned the stores in the city. Many were City, State, and Federal workers making good money. They went to the conference because they thought that Mayor Agnew was going to tell them how he was going to protect their property.

Did these Black people get a big surprise, as soon as the TV cameras started rolling. Agnew blasted these Black people, accusing them of starting the riots and supplying their troops in the City with guns and other weapons. These Middle Class Black people had nothing to do with starting the riots and wanted nothing more than protection from the City Police. Instead they became the “Skate Goat” for the Mayor. The people of America bought this staged political theater and at the Republican Convention, Spiro Agnew was chosen to run with Nixon for Vice President of the United States. After all, he stood up to the militant Blacks in Baltimore.


In the case of Aliens, don’t think every one from outer space is the same, with the same objectives and values. If you do, you can turn away a new found friend or accept a friend who wants nothing more than your body parts to give to some other beings.

An Alien Embassy may be a good idea but one embassy for all aliens may be as practical as one embassy for all of the Asian, African, and European Nations in Washington DC.

Friday, March 4, 2011

UFOs, Grenada, and the British

We already discussed Astronaut Cooper and his UFO encounters. We also discussed his lobbying effort at the United Nations on the UFO Issue. He was working with Sir Eric Gairy, Grenada’s Prime Minister. According to the British press, Sir Eric was convinced that the objects he thought he was seeing were hostile alien aircraft from outer space. Eric said, “persons from outer space are studying us, or perhaps living among us as earthlings.”

According to the British press, one British government official said, that this attempt was a ridiculous proposal that will only bring the United Nations into disrepute if this campaign to persuade the United Nations to form an agency to investigate U.F.O.’s were to succeed. While the Grenada Prime Minister was campaigning for his UFO passion, the British Government was secretly keeping their UFO information quiet.

On Thursday March 2, 2011, the British Government declassified secret UFO information. According to the British press, the files contain a trove of observations from British citizens about unexplained phenomena they observed in the sky and reported to the Ministry of Defense, including peculiarly flashing lights, oddly shaped or strangely behaving aircraft or things that just looked as if they did not belong there. Photographs and detailed diagrams of supposed alien spaceships that some U.F.O. spotters included with their letters were found. There are government briefing papers; details of a House of Lords debate about U.F.O.’s in 1979; American documents prepared in the 1950s; and a copy of a report produced in 1951 by the Flying Saucer Working Party, a Defense Ministry group convened to brief Prime Minister Winston Churchill on flying saucers.

Grenada’s Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy flying saucers campaign destroyed his government. He successfully persuaded the United Nations to hold a debate on the subject in 1979. Eric flew to New York to take part in the debate. However, when he did, his enemies back home staged a coup and overthrew him.

Just across the sea from Grenada lies Puerto Rico with its history of sightings. Their sightings began in 1492 and still goes on to this day. We will devote a full blog to their sightings in a future issue.