In other parts of the world such as the ancient Mayan Empire, how can they know about stars that we just discovered in the past 30 years? How can they know about other people in Africa when they had no way of seeing these people? How can they create a calendar that is more perfect than what we use today? Did these ancient people who educators say lived in the Stone and Bronze Age have help or did they have a higher education than us that was lost in time?
B.C. 3113 Current beginning of the Mayan long count calendar
B.C. 2000 – Farming started in Maya (now Mexico, Guatemala and Yucatán. Mesopotamian cities were created. The creation of Chaldee. This is the country of which Babylon was the capital. This is the time of Abraham.
B.C. 1800 – 900 Early pre-classic Maya, Greek culture develops the creation of Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, Kings David and Solomon.
B.C. 900 – 300 The Maya Middle pre-classic period, Roman Empire begins, in 750 1st Olympic Games began, in 221 the construction of the Great Wall of China started. In BC 722 we had the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
B.C. 300 – 250 Late pre-classic Maya, BC 333 starts the time of Alexander the Great, we had the Intertestamental period, the O.T. Apocrypha was written, in BC 4 we had the Birth of Jesus Christ and Early Christianity started.
The destruction of the Pre-Classic Period
B.C. 70 – A.D. 150 A.D. 70 Jerusalem taken and Temple destroyed, Mount Vesuvius erupts, Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!” New Testament is written.CLASSIC PERIODS: Early – A.D. 250 – 600; Late – A.D. 600 – 900
A.D. 250 – 600 Early Classic Period AD 433 Chichén Itzá. A.D. 476 fall Roman Empire A.D. 313 Constantine converts to Christianity, Buddhism founded, A.D. 325 Council of Nicea.
A.D. 600 – 900 Late Classic Period, Building of Mayan cities, AD 640 Alexandria Library destroyed-300,000 mms, AD 622 Muslim period Began by Mohammed, AD 900 Masoretic Hebrew. Bible completed.A.D. 987 Kulkulkan becomes god & ruler of Mayans. A.D. 988 Vladimir brings Christianity to Russia.
A.D. 1000 – 1100 Ball court, temples and Pyramid at Chichén Itzá, First Crusade, Inca Empire begins in Peru, A.D. 1054 East – West Church schism.EARLY POST CLASSIC PERIOD A.D. 1100 – 1250
A.D. 1194 Chichén Itzá is destroyed, China invents Gunpowder – fireworksLATE POST CLASSIC PERIOD A.D. 1250 – 1521
A.D. 1263 The Itzá builds the city of Mayapán.
A.D. 1283 Mayapán becomes the Capital of the Yucatán The destruction of the Late Post Classic PeriodA.D. 1441 – 1461 Mayapán in rebellion, and destroyed. Yucatán divides into Many small groups, A.D. 1456 Guttenburg Bible printed (Latin Vulgate).
A.D. 1460 Itzá Mayans settle at Lake Petén
A.D. 1492 Christopher Columbus and the beginning of chattel slavery in the West.
A.D. 1521 Spaniard Cortés begins Mayan extermination, A.D. 1517 priest Martin Luther revolts against Abuses/Catholic church, 1534 Jesuits founded, A.D. 1536 King Henry VIII breaks with the Church of Rome and forms the “Church of England.”
A.D. 1695 - The Spanish Priest, Father Andrés de Avedaño and his party, lost in the jungle of the Petén, discover the ruins of Tikal.A.D. 1697 - The Spanish conquer the Itzá Mayans at the city of Tayasal at Lake Petén, thinking that this is the end of the Mayans. The revolt continues until today in Chiapas, Mexico, and in northern Guatemala.
A.D. 1767 - The Catholic Jesuits are expelled from Mexico.
A.D. 1847 - The Mayans of the Yucatán rebel against the Mexican government. The rebellion is almost a success. It is known as the “War of the Castes”A.D. 1952 - King Pacal’s tomb is discovered at Palenque. This was the first Mayan tomb found in a pyramid (temple). Until this find, it was not known that the pyramids contained burial chambers. It was thought that they were used only for rituals.
A.D. 1992 - A Quiché Mayan named Rigoberta Menchú went public in protest against the Guatemalan Army’s “Death Squad”, which seemed to be bent on wiping out numerous villages of indigenous people. She won the Nobel Peace Prize.
A.D. 1994 - The Mayans of Chiapas, Mexico begin a rebellion against the Mexican government.A.D. 2000 - The struggle of the Mayans against violation of their human rights continue in Mexico and Guatemala. Other indigenous groups have similar problems with the government of Honduras. For many years, the Honduran government has promised them land, and as of yet, have done nothing for the indigenous people of their country.
3501 – 3790 -- The Reptilian and Grays will secretly back a world leader who will have the same type of influence with the people as Hitler had with Germany in the 20th Century. This Hitler type leader will take control of the 10 common markets controlling Earth’s resources, trade, and commerce. He will politically take over the world and make a pack with the Reptilians and Grays. The humans will have 4 good years under this leader then everyone’s lives will go from bad to terrible. This leader will start to threaten the Star Alien Nation and its space travel monopoly.
7101 – 7136 -- The Galactic Army will again come to Earth and defeat the “evil ones” but this time occupy Earth indefinitely.